Are acid attacks Jow Forums?

Are acid attacks Jow Forums?

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no they're /islam/

350,000 people drown worldwide each year. Water is Jow Forums.
What's your favorite water?

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No, they're hilarious. Imagine throwing a coffee cup full of 97% pure sulfuric acid at this guy's face.
And the meat would start sizzling and smoking. Whoa I almost made myself pass out from laughing.

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big jug of liquid volcano power

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sulfuric acid squirt guns are gonna make the news in the future arent they?

I like big water

When I was watching Volvic YTPs when I was younger, I had to turn it off, because I thought the volcano was squeezing a lemon into his cockhole or asshole.

still the best water. you're just mad cuz you have to pay extra for it


Sorry sir you were attacked my acid and had your face and eyelids melted off.

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No, they are /russiantheater/

Friendly reminder that over half of the nitrogen that makes up your body was blessed by this man!

What the fuck how. Not drowning is so easy.

Meh, id fuck him

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I'm gonna say edge because it makes these people seethe and scream leddit


...look at the address on there.

not as easy if you can't swim

What brand of life vest does Jow Forums recommend? Are there any that have velcro for patches?

Throwing acid is Jow Forums
Making it into a boobytrap is Jow Forums

Wew lad

The plastic that supersoaker uses for the fill chamber has a very light pvc coating.
You might get away using sulphuric acid if you change the o rings but definitely not hydrochloric acid

that would be muslims you fucker
get off my board

Heavy water

Edgy faggot