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those are the kinds of idiots i won't thank for their service. that sentence is reserved for normal, decent people who served.

Honestly, I think it should be reserved for people who served combat roles and deployed, and that's it. Maybe surgeons that were basically pulling a MASH 4077 role of combat medicine.

I mean, I know people here hate the phrase, but I honestly do feel bad for draftees that were pulled from home and forced to serve, lost a leg, lost their minds, and are treated like shit.

only deployed yes, combat roles no. assymetrical warfare is dangerous for literally everyone who's deployed. and while "bullets don't fly without supply" is a hilarious tattoo, it's still true.

I only thank ICE/Border Patrol agents for their service.
All these Israeli Foreign Legion welfare queens can go fuck themselves.

Thanks for defending Israel!

Fuck that stop hero worshiping

I pretty sure the gym is not a battlefield.

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I reserve that for people who were drafted, not for people who signed up to fight for the 1%.



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You just know this motherfucker had the weirdest goddamn POG job.

>Honestly, I think it should be reserved for people who served combat roles and deployed, and that's it. Maybe surgeons that were basically pulling a MASH 4077 role of combat medicine.

Exactly what I was going to post. Someone made a video I forgot where it was on youtube with a Marine ranting about entitled veterans and how they think their service meant anything. An entrepreneur who found a buisiness and employs hundreds of Americans and gives those people the opportunity to live the American dream serves their country substantially more than some POG who worked in a warehouse, office or cooked on a ship. It’s arrogant as fuck to think the only way you could ever possibly serve your country is to join the military, fuck that. You can be a teacher that truly cares about children, teaching kids critical life skills and make a big impact in your community.

>stop hero worshiping
godless communist detected.


Shit bait mate

Forgot to add: I know of a Marine who faked a disability and gets $1,200 a month for the rest of his life and works as LE, probably has never seen shit and is an absolute tryhard douche. Fuck that guy and every faggot that fakes an injury or PTSD for money that can go to people who have really got torn up doing action. Shit gets me heated now that I think about it

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I have yet to meet one single guy who likes being "thanked for their service". It is always an extremely uncomfortable encounter, that you can't wait until it passes.

Followed shortly by, "I would have joined if not for X"

Please, for the love of God, don't thank us.

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I'm not a Jew, what service did the veterans do for me? The deserve nothing from me, not my tax dollars and certainly not my kinds words. ZOG parasites.

Soulless zogbot detected

I totally respect that opinion, and I'm right there with you.

I joined, painted rocks, policed cigarette butts, got yelled at frequently, and then got sent to Panama. I came home, and got a job, and moved the fuck on. Being a 12-Boomer was fun, but not a career for me.

I don't look to anyone other than myself for vindication, or justification of my life decisions.

Fuck, I don't even go to the VA, even though I take my dad there.

On the other hand, my neighbor did two tours in 'Nam, and he was drafted. He's got all kinds of health problems, and never asks for anything from anyone. That man deserves respect, definitely. He also hated his M-16, which he still swears was made by Mattel.

"i would have joined the military but i sprained my ankle in 5th grade"

post your guns, hero of the West. or your abs, since you've transcended the great kike conspiracy to make you fat, lazy and stupid

>Shared public meaning gives soldiers a context for their losses and their sacrifice that is acknowledged by most of the society. That helps keep at bay the sense of futility and rage that can develop among soldiers during a war that doesn’t seem to end. Such public meaning is probably not generated by the kinds of formulaic phrases, such as “Thank you for your service,” that many Americans now feel compelled to offer soldiers and vets. Neither is it generated by honoring vets at sporting events, allowing them to board planes first, or giving them minor discounts at stores. If anything, these token acts only deepen the chasm between the military and civilian populations by highlighting the fact that some people serve their country but the vast majority don’t. In Israel, where around half of the population serves in the military, reflexively thanking someone for their service makes as little sense as thanking them for paying their taxes. It doesn’t cross anyone’s mind.

I usually just say thank you for the support while my eyes glaze over from listening to their "I would of joined but..." or "my so and so joined."

Did that whole VA dance just for the Voc Rehab.
30% disabled? Time to get med school payed by uncle sam.

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I was talking shit with a Muh-reen vet (Im Army) recently. He put it pretty well yeah its a bit awkward but both of us knew guys that went down and he said that thank you is for those guys and you are just the face the public sees. It doesn't make it less awkward but it certainly adds some emotion.

No. It's a job for more than half of you fags. Every one knew what they signed up for, doesn't need a thank you.

Never claimed to be a hero you kikesucking boot