What is the wet dream of those who love guns????

1) Zombie apocalypse. Finally all your collection and training will serve one purpose.

2) Nuclear holocaust leading to Mad Max. Finally all your collection and training will serve one purpose.

3) Allien Invasion. Finally all your collection and training will serve one purpose.

Basically it all comes down to. "Heh, they will see, everybody who thought I'm just a weird guy who loves guns will need my help and they will bow to me. Oh yeah!"

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Always figured zombie apocalypse was a euphamism for race war

>this entire thread

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vid related
pic not

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for me? world electric grid gets btfo.

IRL gmod with infinite pharah NPCs to kill with my PSA carbine (suck it ARGfags oh wait you already do). In fact, I'm gonna generate infinite Milsurpdude/PhilOzzzzzzzifersstone/BGB NPC with shower 7inch dicks to form conga lines with so i can make some cool screenshots.

Think about that. You can't, because the country autism from mainstream gun media fried your brain lmao. MUH NFA MUH HUGHES honest men. You're not merely done, you're overdone. There's no hope *portamento to upper tone whistle*.

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Wet dream? That I can keep buying ammo in relative peace without worrying where my next meal will come from.

I never understood the almost wishfulness of some people for SHTF. Killing people isn't particularly difficult, but watching literally everything die around you will be a tough one.

Who am I to judge though. Most people like that will get knocked the fuck off within weeks while some homeless fucker becomes king and prophet of all.

Anti gunners who you know personally becoming the victim of violent crime by minorities.

Dab on them with that smug.


Yeah, my wet dream is enough money that I don't have to work and can have a cool vault in my basement with all the guns I could want.

Race aside, it's a euphemism for the war on obesity.

I just want a civil war to finally have some of the military surplus I bought become fashionable. I WANT TO WEAR MY FUCKING 6B23.

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All efforts to restrict and confiscate guns finally end and the only laws regulating firearms are the federal background check and pressure proofing guns at the factory before they're sold

I can be left alone and buy whatever I want and go and shoot it without communist fucking with me.

I just want a girl who is into the same things I'm into :\

The dream is for all gun laws to go away.

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Pretty much this and having more free time to shoot muh guns on muh property.

I was gonna ask for full auto legalization but damn that's a good one.

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Kill yourself OP

My fantasy is being able to claim all my guns and gun related hobbies as charitable tax deductions. Sounds much comfier than any of this apocalypse stuff.

OP, all of those suck. We as Americans just need to fight more wars. We should pick a fight with China.

>the only reason people like guns is power fantasies

Go away buzzfeed.

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It won’t. Because you’re still going to look like a tryhard slavaboo wearing expired soft panels.

Because that’s what you’ll be, just like now.

Yo nigga imma be real, ok?
I dream of getting a girlfriend.

>"Heh, they will see, everybody who thought I'm just a weird guy who loves guns will need my help and they will bow to me. Oh yeah!"
Why would I want normalfag strangers to handle my guns? I don't give a shit about them, if any of that stuff happened I'm hiding the guns and myself, you can fend for yourself.
The real wet dream is being able to use my shit for myself.
>exploring uncharted territory with muh guns to fend off the jabbering spear chucking natives and wild animals
>being employed as a merc in a huge war and getting to use my own toys
>day of the rope for grabbers and feds
>any of your scenarios but society has long since fallen apart and I can do whatever I want with my guns in my cabin far away from the ruins with my ayy wife

Man we must be related

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