Buy the Hudson H9

>Buy the Hudson H9
>What do you mean you dont wanna spend $2000 dollars on a 1911
>It doesnt matter that I got mine for free that's not the point buy the gun what are you poor?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Theres nothing wrong with the MDR it could totally be sold to small militaries

>hangs out with satanist
>is antifa fag

That review was hilarious, you could see him struggling to take it apart and put it back together but he didnt want to say anything bad about the gun. He also failed to mention the feeding issues.

Why u mad tho

>dad is a literal hippie living in a commune
>is named Ian
>hates Rhodesia

Attached: FB_IMG_1545700226286.jpg (315x467, 12K)

Damn really? Fuck Ian. Btw where did he say all that so I can show others? Or even just strongly imply it?

>tfw ian never responded to my email

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I'm not, Ian is though.

If you're talking about the H9, his Future of The H9 project video. If you're talking about Rhodesia, he said it on reddit around the same time Vickers did. I dont have the screenshot but I'm sure some user on here does.

Being this obvious of a samefag. Could you at least try a little harder next time?

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Just pretend to be a communist tranny on reddit and he'll respond to you.

Attached: karl kasarda satanist.jpg (1455x2048, 280K)

>tfw got h9 for 600 dollars from grabagun

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Suck me. Unf

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>TFW I enjoy the design and look of the H9 but was waiting for them to establish a parts market to buy one

I think Karl has a tranny wife. I'm 58.63% sure of this.

OP here. The first two were me, the following weren't other than a few responses.

Sure thing buddy.

Go away Ian

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I saw those. He looked at the H9 he also looked at the g11 in the same way. I never felt I was being sold either. Nor did he endorse it explicitly without reservation.

OP didn't mention Rhodesia.


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>chick CEO
>goes bankrupt

Best Karl can do is woman (male) or Man (female).

He doesn't have alot to work with. If this were Texas hold em poker he'd have a 2 and a 4 off suit.

He specifically shilled both the H9 and the MDR and softballed the hell out of them


>firearm company makes an expensive gun that no one wants to buy
>goes out of business

Big fucking think.

Attached: shut the fuck up i'm trying to think.jpg (480x360, 34K)

You're just poor lol

Covering and reviewing emerging shot show products is what a ton of unsponsored gun channels do. But when Ian does it he's part of a secret cabal. Got it.

Still got more money than Hudson

Succ me, boi

No when he does it he doesnt mention any downsides of the product and pretends its perfect

Don't you see? If you run a gun channel you're not allowed to like a gun ever or you're a shill.

>softballed the hell out of them
Technically he did, but he also didn't. Ian had a recent video where he explained the causes of Hudson's bankruptcy process and went on to talk about how hard it is to bring something different to table in the firearms industry, something that isn't a Glock clone or just another AR-15, he also in the same video sang high praise of the H9, says he still likes it, think it's pretty cool and a unique new idea. Both Karl and Ian had a recent InRange video in which they discuss the fixes implemented by Desert Tech on the MDR, they go on to say that the rifle works fine now and is now very reliable.

Did you get your 7.5 BRNO already?

>glock, but all metal

I can see why it would appeal to guys looking to make gamer pistols. Kind of weird that Ian, who knows the history of the L85, didn't have more reservations about a project run by people who hadn't designed guns before and needed to do 4-5 actual physical iterations before they got something that could theoretically work. You get the feeling that they were messing around in the machine shop and not looking at an actual engineered schematic.

>Presents unique pros of brand new pistol and doesn't give equal weight to infinitesimal or subjective cons.
He's fucking shillary cliton

God forbid anyone try to make money

They don't feed. That's more than infinitesimal and it isn't subjective.

Honestly if I were in his or Larry Snickers's line of work, I'd probably be sick, too, of not being able to mention FALs without a million neckbeards chiming in about how great short shorts are and how Jimmy Carter is history's greatest monster for allowing the breadbasket of Africa to turn into a Soviet client state and so on and so on

Neither you nor the neckbeards are wrong about anything there.

His might've. My brand new Glock 21 had pretty regular malfs and ftf until I sanded down some burring i noticed on the feed ramp.
Even Glock doesn't get it 100% right. If the H9 has problems its closer to Glock frequency of occurrence than Taurus. I'll roll the dice on those odds.

Oh wowie what a big hardship having to read comments about where the weapon was used. Ian is totally a huge victim. Fuck off, faggot.

Fuck ian, he is a race traitor.


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Ian posted on his FB a few days ago about some company that approached him and wanted to ask if anyone would be interested in a modern Fedorov reproduction in 6.5 Creedmoor for $6,000. Not many people said yes.
That's kind of the problem Ian & Karl keep falling into. New versions of old guns (or somewhat unique new designs) sounds like a nice idea, but it always results in either crazy costs to offset the production costs and relatively low amount that will be made. Then with new productions in the style of old guns, there will be design changes that affect the overall look.

It’s possible to like a gun while still providing a nonbias’d review of it. Failing to point out any of the downsides makes him a shill.

That's not what a shill is, retard.

Nobody would want a fedorov. People want guns likes SVDs, FAMAS rifles and other cowadoody guns. Nobody wants some stupid ugly experimental russian gun. The only strange guns people want in numbers is German shit.

The Fedorov saw a jump in popularity because of Battlefield 1, which obviously doesn't show any flaws with the gun or how goddam insane the internals are. A reproduction would probably just be like an SKS in a special stock.
People like German guns like the StG-44 and FG-42 but those always run into the problems I mentioned of cost and changes. Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to make a faithful replica of something and at a cost that would attract more than the diehard collectors (who may be able to afford the real thing but can't get one due to scarcity.)

>company gives product
>review it
>act like it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread
>tell people they should pick them up
Could have fooled me

I mean fuck I want one but it's kind of like the reproduction fg-42 the cost is just high enough to make someone like me ask "is it worth saving up for a few months or more to grab this thing?". The other problem is once you get into that high of a cost I start to wonder if I should even shoot the gun. At least Brownells repro M16s (granted far easier to reproduce) stay below 2k.

Is there any possibility that widespread 3D metal printing could ameliorate this?
Surely being able to conjure parts out of thin air without needing to invest in specific tooling would drive costs down significantly.

Attached: Solid-Concepts-3D-printed-1911-618x412.jpg (618x412, 45K)

No because companies will still pretend they're worth the money they're charging. They're not worth what their charging now even if you factor in tooling and they still get away with it.

Holy fuck.
I would totally buy a fedora bob for 6k.
but it would have to be chrome plated stainlesss steel with the barrel being 17-4.
Threaded barrel too.
Also, I’d prefer 30-06 or 308.

Yall member when Isn shilled a $5000 dollar luger repro that's biggest selling point was "it takes 9mm" even though surplus lugers can also take 9mm?

yeah because he was doing the .45 test Luger you blithering retard.

>buying a 5000 dollar luger reproduction in an inferior cartridge.

did we ever figure out what this thing was yet?

Attached: The things you find laying around.webm (1920x1080, 1.18M)

Yeah a repro of a gun that only exists in a few museums and 1 rich guys house.

How much would the machines and the cost of material be?
It is durable and can it be given an accurate finish if it's based on something historical?
All questions for anyone considering that kind of business operation. Also the big issue of what is the template? Are there blue prints for the original gun and can all those parts be replicated, or are you going to do like HMG with their StG and try to save money/complexity by using a part or system from another gun that can fit inside of a somewhat accurate looking shell?

At the end of it you either need to have something cheap to produce and a way to get word out that they're good. Or you need to know from the start that you have a dedicated audience who will wait and pay once design, tooling, and production is complete.

That's also where HMG screwed themselves, hearing so much feedback about what people wanted and offering so many options that is complicates design and production. If someone is going to make a repro of an old gun then they should only have one or two models. Soldiers in the field didn't get those options and authenticity if what most of those interested in want in the first place. As fun as it is to see a tactical StG-44 styled rifle.

>>is antifa fag

A good guy who doesn't like the shitty status quo then. Nice.

fucking savage

>t. No guns
Theres 3 for sale at my lgs for $1,800

That's a white guy with a bad haircut, user. You can find them in most developed countries.


kill yourself commie. I'm completely serious. Please kill yourself.

Ah I see the Inrange Tranny Defense Force has finally arrived.


I'm a straight white male, you neoliberal shit. Get gulaged.

No, I'm kidding, guys. Gulags were pretty shitty and so was Stalin. Read the breadbook.

Hi Ian

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Sorry but I'm not Ian.

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and that is?

The Satanic Temple (the branch Karl is) is actually based

Gat Guns in Illinois

why did you post that commie on here? you've destroyed yet another thread with this e-celeb shit. fuck off and catch aids, faggot.

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Thats not fucking satan, its Baphomet you fucking retarded edgy retards. At least get your larp correctly if you are going to pretend to worship satan.

>reliable MDR
That singular example is reliable after being sent back to the manufacturer and having an assload of parts replaced and new parts cobbled into it. Most MDR's are still either sort of functional or little more than immense paperweights, they just had enough publicity that DTI got off their ass and fixed it.

i'm sorry user, but i doubt your LGS has three examples of whatever prototype/heavily modified rifle that thing is.

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Oh you're talking about the prototype, my bad. Still I dont see why you would pay $5000 for a gun that never made it into production because it was deemed inferior.

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What the fuck is up with his hair? Most retarded style, at least for his head/face.