Dems will win 2020

>dems will win 2020
>autistralian laws will become nationwide
When can Alaska just secede and establish itself as a gun owner paradise already?

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guess we just gotta show the pussies who dont own guns that they have no choice because we got the guns

I'm prepared to kill anyone that comes to infringe on my personal liberties. I already wanna die anyway, let them come.

I doubt the Dems will win. They're divided amongst themselves and keep shooting themselves in the foot

Yep, most of their people are really unlikable or, if they are, they're bowing down to the DNC and CNN people along with their billionaire donors.

"I swear to god I'll kill us all if you fuck with me.", The post.
I like it.

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You are flat retarded to think this actually happens

>b-b-b-bu-but we'll shoot dem libtards if they come for our guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Do you really think I won't do it?

>more like...
No guns here officer, I (sold them long ago, lost them in maritime accident, never had any ect...)

Maybe you'll get two or three but then get killed in return and all you'll have managed to do is further incentivize regular people to be against our ideas.

The only way violence works is if it's global, the only way it can be global fast is a collapse.

Alaska's the biggest welfare queen in the union, a fifth of the entire fucking GDP is federal gibs. They aren't going to be able to afford any guns or ammo if they go independent, they'll be cutting up the bodywork of their trucks (that they can no longer afford to run) to make spear points.

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>republicucks get in
>dont pass hpa
>pass gun control

Wow so based!

the concept of voluntarily disarming yourself is absolutely insane to me. it's inhuman and unnatural to place the complete responsibility of your safety in total strangers. knowledge of and access to weapons and tools to defend, provide for, and mend yourself is one of the most basic of human rights and absolutely can not be taken away or amended; every person should have a basic understanding of emergency medical care, and access to medical supplies and weaponry, as well as the mental fortitude and training to use them. anything less is less than human.

If it reach that point, then I'll pack up my stuff and go in the woods
If they're so determined to disarmed me that much then well...
Off my cold dead hands

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>If I bury my guns I can tell myself I technically still own them even though I can never touch them again

You spineless faggot

People only say that because they believe in the fallacy of nationwide door to door confiscation. The reality is mandatory buybacks if anything, in which case most will stash their gats away.

>19 right now in florida
>turn 18
>hyped to buy a rifle
>parkland happens
>can't buy guns until 21
>2020 election will happen before I turn 21
>won't be able to buy any guns then
Just fuck me, right

Tell that to the Muslims that can rape and kill their way in Europe and after repeated terrorist attacks everyone is so scared of them they won’t ever put them in check

2020 I still see the Zionald winning, but 2024 is much less sure a bet. I don't think Trump's successor candidate will be as much an edgelord (though even then, not really) as Trump was, but more like a shitty Jeb or Marco Rubio tier cuckservative.

you'll be fine. It's 2024 that will see red flag laws and such become national, and it'll won't be until 2028 that shit will really go down

We're not talking concepts here but facts. Your ideals of liberty and freedom are deemed obsolete by demographic changes. Whites don't make enough babies to self-sustain in the long term.
When boomers finally die in the next 20 years, we'll see a massive dip in White population everywhere in the West. It's too late to act now, both biologically and politically-speaking. Biologically because more and more intelligent white women refuse to have children due to employment and feministic propaganda. Politically because we no longer have any weight in the balance, our parents and grand parents did but they've done nothing out of fear of losing their comfort and wealth.
Trump was a fluke, a mere chance and even he can't do anything as a POTUS to reverse the situation. He failed to stop immigration, he failed to push back the leftist rethorics. But it won't happen again. From now on, demographics rule, and demographics indicate that left-leaning politicians will win rather than the contrary: non-whites want more free stuff, more healthcare, more state intervention, more control, etc.

The problem is this weird Status Quo and soft dictatorship we have right now, where people want change but fear to act.
Again, the only viable solution now is either God intervention or a global economic collapse that would bring us back in time where the intelligence of whites was actually beneficial to our system, where whites actually gathered together free of mental degeneracy put into our brains by kikes.

If dems win the election, the civil war starts that night.
This but unironically.

...Do you really believe that? Come on man. I hate the dems as much as the next guy but there's not going to be an immediate civil war.

>bernie is the most popular politician in the country
>ocasio cortez has the biggest twitter following of any politician
The unlikeable ones are centrist like Pelosi and Schumer. The progressives and Berniecrats are pretty popular.

Yes, I believe it. Because I'm going to do my part.

>old dirty jew or airhead bimbo


I fucking hate politics. I fucking hate traitors even worse. Won't vote for trump

At this point anyone against jews gets my vote. If theyre against jews and circumcision I'll vote for them. FUCK EVERYTHING

What does "civil war" mean to you? Because to me it means a divide so great that huge swathes of people in each side fighting, ala the US civil war. It's not just a few armed citizens fighting for their rights.

I am also anti Israel (though not really anti jew) and I vote for progressives like Bernie. They are the only ones taking a stand against Israel, the corporate shills on both sides worship them.

>imagine voting for anteater dick

I agree there's a societal shift happening that's causing this. It just blows my mind that enough of anyone, blacks, immigrants, whomever, is stupid and far-removed enough from instinct for that shift to happen. I guess people are just far too deep in the bubble of a comfortable society to remember where that society came from, let alone to understand that violence, injury, "bad things" can and will happen to them and that they need to be prepared for it.

Are you daft? What serious candidates do the Dems have? None man. All of them are socialist or worse. Normies got a taste of that during Obama's reign and weren't impressed. Trump's approval is fine and on par with Obama's at similar time. The Democrats are eating themselves alive and for once the Republicans are letting them do it. It'd take a political shit storm for trump not to be reelected. Especially after the report coming back clean

Also Aussie laws aren't coming to America any time soon. Shits actually looking good on a broad scale. Several states are passing constitutional carry, Missouri voided federal firearms law, several other key Victories are bound to happen as well.

Imagine shilling for mutilating little kids and removing the most sensitive parts of their genitals. Stupid coping mutilated faggot. Fuck you.

I'll probably just vote third party.

Practice build an 80 lower dude.

Rubio would be a terrifying alternative, but, I've heard nothing but shit on him from local conservatives. So that's good

Obama was a centrist, he's way to the right of Bernie (the democratic frontrunner right now). You can hate Bernie or the other socialists (total misuse of the term by the say) as much as you want, the reality is Bernie is very popular, even more so than Trump.

Sure, some states may be going in the right freedom direction, but the largest and most populated ones (California, New York, Washington, etc.) passed more laws mandating things like universal background checks and magazine capacity limits. It's just states getting more polarized as opposed to a sweep of freedom across the US.

Fuck the Zionald, but one good thing I hope he'll get to do in his next year (and hopefully 5 years) in office, is replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a hardline pro-gun Supreme Court justice. We need a 6-3 advantage if we want the court to start striking down stuff like mag limits and may-issue conceal carry permits as unconstitutional.

He lost his ass last election and is geriatric. He went to the hospital for falling recently. That's shit optics for any chance of future election.

I know its bait, but Obama wasn't a centrist

Your second paragraph is what I'm really touching on here. Small strategic victories and even like what happened in California a week or two ago with the magazines. These keep the grabbers at Bay. I see lots of doom, easy to understand, but optimism is the most proactive response to have.

Foreskins are the same as the fake suppressor/barrel shrouds on the .22lr Uzi carbines

>the people advocating for reperations are going to win the election
Telling spice that they need to give thier money to a bunch of freeloading niggers is one of the few ways to get them to vote Republican. Democrats are morons

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I dont know what the hell you mean by that but mutilating infants isnt a joke or funny in the slightest.

Bernie might have some support but I don't see him getting in, the issue is the dnc is such a cluster fuck with the superdelegates that you need to get something like 80% of the regular delegates to win, I would expect either a full blown commie or someone like hillary would get pushed through.


Muslims mutilate kids too you fucking dumb ignorant faggot. Typical US boomer retard that doesnt have a clue.

The majority of circumcised men on earth are Muslim.

He got fucked by the dnc last election. You should know this. And are you really saying that Obama is not significantly to the right of Bernie? You can call them both extreme, and they both may be further left than you. But if you have even the slightest modicum of political awareness you would know that Bernie is left of Obama.


>voting for a gun-grabbing party to spite another gun-grabbing party
You'd better be kidding, boy.

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The only thing I could find about this fall is cutting his head on a glass shower wall, getting some stitches and being fine. That's not very damning, voters probably won't care.

>dems even having a slight chance of winning
Fuck off nigger loving kike shareblue faggot

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Actually being proud of being a clueless dumb fuck. You cant disappear soon enough.

Try learning something for once in your miserable life. Sorrells study, Eric cloppers presentation, american circumcision documentary. Stop perpetuating evil because youre too dumb and delusional to care like you should.

>and all you'll have managed to do is further incentivize regular people to be against our ideas
Absolutely false. He would embolden others.
People are sheep, and gun owners might be less so, but they’re still people. When one stands up, a few others who wanted to stand up do as well. A domino effect occurs. The smart ones will make bombs and target feds. You genuinely underestimate how much violence there will be.
Please don’t do this. For your sake.

Back to plebbit shlomo

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No no, user. You’re all wrong.
There’s no reason you should be able to feed yourself let alone defend yourself. The state should police you, prepare your processed meals, give you water with “non-lethal” amounts of poison, and give you pills to calm you down.
You think you should have rights but this is the 21st century sweetie. You’re just lucky oxygen is still free.

>t. Discord tranny looking for other fucked up cocks

The way you post is so fucking blatantly post 2016. Die you child mutilating piece of filth.

Parade on May 9 on the Kotelny island. Translation: “Alaska, ask the Crimea how to get home”

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I enjoy reading leftist media to get an idea of what the evil people who are destroying my nation think, since they make their opinions so ubiquitous anyway.
It seems they think people like Mitch McConnel will “get the GOP back on track.”
They really need the GOP to be Dems in the 80s. Gotta keep trying to wag the dog.

We already have the courts. Dems can't do jack shit until Thomas and Alito die

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No, I'll shoot people who come for my guns

RBG will live to be 120

Bernie wasn’t interested in gun control. Was only interested in implementing socialism, like a regular old-school American Guthrie type socialist, basically. There’s a reason the oligarchs and deranged leftists favored a corrupt neolib in a pantsuit.
Bernie winning a major chunk of the working white male vote in states like Indiana must have really scared them.

He is interested in gun control though. Not even just recently, but especially recently.

They nay not win 2020, but it will be the last Republican win for a presidential election.

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>discord tranny calling others discord trannies
Pottery, kill yourself nigger loving kike monkey.

>Bernie wasn’t interested in gun control.
Sanders fucking tweeted and said in speeches he is running to push anti gun laws
>Was only interested in implementing socialism
AKA throwing people into death camps.

this thread is shit. kill yourselves shareblue kikes.

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Bernie is a cuck dude, a spineless coward with no principles. He just wants to stay rich and in power.

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Yeah I get that he’s since joined The Program (probably because he was threatened and/or bribed), but initially he was just interested in socialism. Gun control wasn’t a priority.
But I agree he proved himself spineless. It’s probably best that he didn’t win and he’s very easily coerced by the same oligarchs he’d complain about.

You have to do both. Preferably the former before the latter.

Just be the guy that starts little fires everywhere. Work your way up, become Trash Can Man.

Unlike the rest of the country, who the fuck from DC is going to bother going all the way out there to make sure you comply?

State law says they are to be arrested as soon as they land

Do this, start spreading highly invasive plants in the city, especially ghettos. It's not like buying seeds is going to get you on a watchlist. I don't like the idea of using poisonous plants since it's likely children will play in them. These is to grow as many weeds and plants in cities as possible, meaning tghe city either has to use more resources to cut them down or will ignore them and the ghettos will return to nature. Right wing gardening squads assemble!

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