How many humans would you need to suck dry of lead are needed for a single bullet?

I want to know how many humans it would take to make a bullet with their total lead count in the body, It would be very useful info right here

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A blood lead level 5 micrograms/deciliter is cause for medical concern. At this level, 5 liters of blood would contain 250 micrograms of lead. You'd have to drain about 32,000 people to make one 124g 9mm bullet.

Pre industrial revolution, you'd need to drain about 10 million people.

This is correct.

The spiritual energy, and level of spookyness surrounding this single bullet would rival that of the african blooddiamond.

This is truly a special place. What about copper? I feel like 30k is a bit high. But maybe if we can get that number down into the 5k range, we can make a decent number of these unholy munitions.

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Hah, you could cut that number in half if you go to Cerro De Pasco in Peru, had some friends do some missionary work there and the lead levels in everything is insane. City was ruined by shitty mining practices.

or flint, michigan.

Why don't you settle for iron for the mass of your bullet?

Oh for fuck's sake, just kill a bunch of people with surgical screws in them and use those as shot.

>Cursed Blood Bullet crafted from the wretched remains of Peruvian souls driven mad by man’s greed and lust for riches
I’d CC that

but 95% of lead is in teeth and bones

if a person has on average 10 pints of blood (47.3 deciliters)
and five micrograms per deciliter is the average
then the blood contains 236.5 micrograms
if bones and teeth of adults contain more than 95% of total lead in the body
then a person on average has 4730 micrograms of lead (0.07299506 grains)
if M855 is 62 Grain then you would need the lead content of about 850 people.

there are more like 9-12 pints of blood in people, and there are probably rounding errors but there is a good guess.

>How many humans would you need to suck dry of lead are needed for a single bullet?

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well not actual m855, it's steel core.

How many people would I need in order to make three 1/2 inch balls?

>t. totally not a metal-bending mutant trying to escape a plastic prison

haha take that cuck Sun we will become immune to your cancer rays!

Time to go genociding in africa
>inb4 edgy

Can blood diamond reloads kill skinwalkers?

I did a quick Google search, and it says that the average human has about 4-3 grams of iron spread throughout the body. If you were able to extract 100% of the iron, then how many humans will you need to make a simple pipe shotgun?

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you take the penis

I think that there is a good chance that those bullets will turn animal into skinwalkers

That's some 40k shit


imagine subjugating a country's people, sending thousands off to the human lead processing facility, and then using the resulting bullets so oppress those people more

So to make a real big boi round we need roughly 60 thousand lead fueled Africans

>How many humans would you need to suck dry
for the OP, it's never enough.

The range won't let us use iron or steel because muh fire hazard

kek, apparently the private range I joined earlier this year catches fire every summer, but they still won't ban iron or steel ammo. The only thing banned is machine guns and that's only because the place is an old bauxite mine that's pretty much solid stone with a thin layer of crushed rocks over it. Bullets ricochet all the time and machine guns are hazardous to other shooters.

Canadian geese should not be allowed on Jow Forums

One from flint Michigan