The ship bears the same name, and almost the same size in length, as aircraft carrier Kaga...

>The ship bears the same name, and almost the same size in length, as aircraft carrier Kaga, which served in the Imperial Japanese navy in WWII and led the attack on Pearl Harbor

What did Japan mean by this?
Also, how long do you think until Japan has her first actual aircraft carrier?

Attached: JS_Kaga(DDH-184)_right_front_view_at_Port_of_Kanazawa_July_15,_2017.jpg (6000x3376, 3.45M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>No ramp
Well, it's a start.

Depends if they decide to go ahead with the F-35B purchase

Attached: syx90ktyzg121.jpg (960x618, 81K)

Countries recycle ship names all the time. Plus, the Imperial Jap Navy was the least warcrimes of their military so it's all good.

Trips are true, but only relatively. The IJN had no problem with pulling Allied survivors from the water, interrogating them, then dropping them back into the drink.
Mush Morton did nothing wrong.

Based and banzaipilled

Kaga is the best girl! (Screw ya Akagi!)

Attached: ed39de8fa7d1906bffdb473ea51286b32ca92e3f.jpg (1827x1246, 421K)


I'd be fine if they named it after Yamamoto. He was their answer to Rommel -- the good guy who was on the other side.

I don't think Japan has ever been in the habit of naming ships after individuals. They name them after poetic concepts, natural features, or provinces.

>imply Phil knows anything about Japan besides its shota porn

>CIWS in the middle of the forward flight deck

>Azur Lame...


Attached: d9fdfxa-49114a48-dc16-44e6-afbe-cffa463ff9c4.jpg (800x808, 464K)

Idgaf, Japan has been bro tier since the occupation, they can name it whatever they want

>how long do you think until Japan has her first actual aircraft carrier?
I doubt they will get into the supercarrier game if that is what you are referring to, maybe something similar in weight to the Queen Elizabeth or maybe De Gaulle

Attached: The true reich.jpg (640x630, 218K)

>captcha is all boats

>how long do you think until Japan has her first actual aircraft carrier?
Don't know, but it should be named the 'SS Nanking'

China's strongest Type 055 cruiser is named Nanjing.

Fuck off child rapist.

>The ship bears the same name
It does not.

This one is かが [kaGA]. The other one is 加賀 [KAga].
They are not even spelled the same, dekinai-kun.

Attached: 1534364545988.jpg (1600x1920, 2.07M)

>a fucking ramp

Japan did nothing wrong.
That sneak attack was a completely legitimate gambit to create an advantage against our fucking powerhouse nation and military.
What they actually did wrong was fuck it up.
Was testing two nukes on them wrong? Not really. Trying to find the superior moral ground is stupid in that war because the whole world lost.

you've got a fucking point. huh.

Where is the version with the loop de loop?

>he doesn't know about Portland

I think Jow Forums might be brainwashed to the point that they think ramps are bad

Based and Wahoopilled

They are in fact bad.

Shows your country is poor and shit. France and USA--->ALL

Plus, it'll probably piss off the Chinese, so I'm happy.

India might be buying a QE class, Japan should get in on that while the shipyards are still running.

>he doesn't have a skateboard ramp on his carrier to impress girls with his rad tricks

Attached: 1513190126863.jpg (1024x683, 186K)

Attached: IJN warships leave port in early morning for R&R cruise to Hawaii - November 1941 [Colorized].we (640x360, 2.72M)


Attached: djt_2.jpg (1024x1280, 512K)

CdG is garbage but generally:

CATOBAR > Ramp > Flat top

The ship itself is fine, it's just that the French only have one, and Nuclear carriers need long downtime for repairs.

Ramps aren't inherently bad, but generally aren't necessarily the ideal of what you're going for.

Obviously, CATOBAR is the gold standard. Everyone wants to be them. However, they're expensive, traditionally maintenance intensive, and take up a lot of internal space. That being said, the advantages they provide are usually worth it- namely the ability to launch heavy aircraft. This is especially noted not in fighters, but in heavier strike aircraft and support aircraft: AEW-C, EW, tankers, and the like. If you're going to be building a purpose built carrier that is intended for much of anything but providing fleet air defense with its fighters, you should be attempting to use CATOBAR.

Just a straight flat top is obviously the easiest and cheapest, and leaves the deck space available for helicopters, something which is a big consideration for the US with their LHDs and LHAs and (currently) Japan with their DDHs. Their primary role is not as small aircraft carriers, but rather as platforms for helicopters to take off from either to land Marines elsewhere or as ASW platforms, respectively. They can be used to launch STOVL aircraft, but aren't ideal for it. Fixed wing support assets can't take off from these.

Ramps, on the other hand, allow for aircraft to launch with a higher weight than just a flat top normally would, however most fixed wing support assets can't use them. They don't take up any internal room, and so, if necessary, could easily be retrofitted onto an existing flat top to make it more suitable for flying STOVL aircraft off of. However, it's losing out on deckspace for helicopters.

So, with that out of the way, if Japan were to decide that it wanted a ramp on some of its DDHs, it wouldn't really be a bad idea. I'd disagree with it, though, as I perceive their greatest strategic threat to be submarines. Aircraft operating out of Japan itself can already support 99% of Japan's areas of interest, but there's never enough ASW to go around.

They're both named after the province you turdface. It's the exact same fucking thing. Also, there is no "kaGA" or "KAga" in Japanese you god damn moron.
>Also, how long do you think until Japan has her first actual aircraft carrier?
Depends on what you consider to be an "actual aircraft carrier". If you're talking about flat-top akin to US fleet carriers then probably not anytime soon. It's not really needed either.

Yeah, like I said, brainwashed

Based and /jp/pilled

They are.