Let's talk about larping without the larp...

Let's talk about larping without the larp, it is my right as an American to bear arms and gear and it is my duty as a young Male to both be part of the national militia as well as the selective service. So how can we as civilians, train to be decent infantrymen without joining the military or joining an extremist group?

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join the military and receive formal training faggot

Not in the cards for me, was going to join about 10 years ago but a burned vet and my parents convinced me otherwise.

>enlist in infantry
>waste 4 years doing nothing
>regret it
>do some pog shit
>get decent skills and benefits
>dont learn combat skills
Doesn't seem like a great idea unless you're just starting your life.

then you'll be fucking useless, infantry in a formal sense only work with hierarchy, best you can hope for is to be a guerilla

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Which still requires infantry training...

I would also like to know this

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Russkies can't into photoshop
Also OP is a faghot

That's fine I don't mind being compared to a decent atgm

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So join the National Guard and do it part time

>hardly part time
>they can call you to a small war at any time
> you never truly retire from it
I've been looking into it but seems irresponsible when starting a family

>Camping and hiking
>precision shooting
>two gun
>frequent exercise
>basic medical classes

If a war breaks out, then join the Army and get your training. The chance of a Red Dawn scenario happening in the US is near zero, so unless you volunteer to go fight somewhere, you'll never need combat skills.

>The chance of a Red Dawn scenario
funny that you jump to that even though that is not what the OP is talking about. In the event of a large conventional war draftees and impromptu militias will get shorted lower quality training.

I'll help you out, OP

If you're looking for something "formal" there's the One Shepherd Leadership Institute. A fair bit of hooah/uniform autism and former milfags trying to re-live their "glory years" but they teach pretty good stuff and there's a three-day, force-on-force FTX at the end using blank-firing AR's with MILES gear and PVS-14s. Bring your own gun or they'll let you borrow a basic one.


Hour+ vid showcasing part of what they do on the teaching side of things. This guy is one of their instructors now.


They've got other videos up on YT of some of the action during the FTX.

It's implied, when else would an American militia ever fight unless US territory was attacked? If we went to war with Russia or China they aren't just gonna go grab civilians and send them overseas with no training.

no training and good training are separate things user and we have seen this happen in WWII you prepare for the worst so that the best is possible.

thank you user!

There needs to be these everywhere

A militia in a national sense would likely be formed as a reserve stock of troops

Does national guard actually teach combat tactics? I always assumed they just play a support role


They're doing them in two locations now. One in MO, the other in WV.

Thats the reserves, guard has combat arms roles. You only get real training though if you are combat MOS and go through pre-deployment training

So its definitely not a viable option

Yeah it'll fuck you up in the civilian world if you think you are doing a 6 month deployment. The training adds another two months at least and employers will hate tou for it.

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I'm assuming employers will hate you either way

>Which still requires infantry training...
Fully that the Taliban or the PIRA never had that. It may be that everything you think you know is wrong

Sure larp away. Go and spaz out larping in a group. Sure you have the right to larp. Sure you have the right to wear a chickensuit and hold up a sign saying you like butt sex.

>Fully that the Taliban or the PIRA never had that
If you believe that then you are not very smart

Why are you such and angry little man? Does civilian training hurt you so much?

The guard has two special forces groups and tons of infantry. They used to have LERPs too, which were auxiliaries of the 75th ranger regiment.

Oh, and they also have Tanks, attack helicopters, and the Air guard has f-16s and A-10s.

Know how to make & stockpile explosives, IEDs, Sarin/mustard gas/tear gas & improvised explosives/ammunition

>I don't want to LARP, I just want to train, as a lone civilian, to stay 500-1000m away from my target and call into a dead walkie talkie for air support
What do you think "Infantryman" means? Master bushcraft survivalist and expert gunfighter?
Jew memes aside, Infantryman are literally the pawns of an army. If you are not in an army, what the fuck is the point of pursuing the path of an infantryman?

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>Fully that the Taliban or the PIRA never had that.

I think you might just be absolutely retarded

Join the national guard or a reserve unit

>implying being combat capable is a bad thing

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Do Americans not have some kind of Army Reserve? That seems like it would be the best option as they're part time.

we have the national guard and the army reserve but both uproot your life.

Ask the king of LARP on Jow Forums... the Garand Thumb.

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He is busy rescuing anime love pillows

>joining an extremist group
First day in the group, look to the guy on your left and right and the guy leading the group.
They'll be glowing.

>without joining military or an extremist group
trying to find something that isn't glownigger infested user

You could easily train yourself. You can buy pretty much all the infantry field manuals and do PT and drills yourself.
90% of military service is bullshit grunt work.
Doing it yourself doesn't give you the caché of actual service but you can focus on what's actually relevant to combat instead of menial gruntwork.

where can I find modern field manuals?

I bought some on BUDK when they were less mallninja but IDK now.
I found the rangers manuals, some sniping manuals, and the LRRP manual For free from just combing the net.

I guess ill look around, I just want a level of preparedness but this board REEEEs larp any time I talk about it.

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And yet 90% of Jow Forums secretly does it


hey man just because I run around wearing slavshit chest rig gas mask and helmet with my $2000 AR that I don't shoot ever doesn't mean that I am a larper! Those guys that do gun drills and workout are super cringy though

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Capable and efficient are two different things with two different outcomes.

You know what he meant.

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This looks cool has anyone here tried it?

The irony is that Garand Thumb has been saying the answer to OP's question for years now - get a gun that works for you and then spend money on training on how to use it. Sure you won't learn how to call in an airstrike but owning and being comfortable with a gun is literally what membership in a militia requires

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true and he names some companies that train which I will have to look into.

He probably slayed thots prior to the airforce

>it is my duty as a young Male to both be part of the national militia as well as the selective service

Why wouldn't it be?

fat phucc

>what is GI bill

Stupid fucking ad covering the capcha and post box destroyed my reply.

Harden up, princess. You won't find military training outside of Army/Marines. Police and civilian trainers are larpers who don't know about hardship outside a hypothetical single nights operation, much less waging war without a supply line. Stay out of the military you big girls blouse.