Ok Jow Forums prove to me that a civil war/societal collapse is coming

Ok Jow Forums prove to me that a civil war/societal collapse is coming.

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It's not, people who think it is are schizos or LARPers.

Global warming will cause the seas to rise, drowning many of the worlds most populous and wealthy cities, as well as destroying vast tracts of arable land, leading to widespread starvation and mass emigration, leading to a massive refugee crisis and wars for arable land in the north, especially that which Canadia, Scandinavia, and Russia holds.

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In the US? its not. other countries around the world probably

It’s not but global conflict is inevitable. Will most likely pop off between Pakistan/India, China/India, China/Taiwan/Korea/Japan, Russia/Eastern Europe. Asia is basically a powder keg right now.

Political tension is reaching peak levels and what happens in 2020 election will probably be the final nail in the coffin.

>Democrats hell bent on passing gun reform and some have even stated on forced confiscation ideas
>Republicans will now begin to impeach a democrat president if they feel nothing is going their way as demonstrated by the left during the trump administration
>The “Russian collusion” effect will now leave everything and one constantly playing the “whose is the traitor game.”
>States are increasingly leaning towards their independent territory formation; Texas and California and even cities have begun to threaten such notions
>Some states and cities are favoring non citizens and even giving non citizens positions of power which increases separatism by 60 fold
>Migrant caravans are going to be a norm which is drive a 2000 mile wedge between Americans who support and are against it
>Leftists forcing leftist beliefs on the public though social media and having the platform and followers to create small armies as demonstrated
>Racial tensions and segregation is making a comeback as demonstrated in many colleges
>People like AOC and ilhan Omar are going to increase tension in the house by 500 fold
>Rallies are becoming more and more hostile to the point dialogue is no longer an option
>Doxxing people who are backed by significant personalities on social media which result in idol worship

Oh man the signs are all there. But Jow Forums is incredibly stupid they think everything is a “LARP.”

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Not Jow Forums's job to prove that it does, other boards are more sutable for this kind of task (and I'm not talking only about Jow Forums and /x/). Jow Forums's job is to assume that all this things, civil war, zombie apocalypse, nuclear apocalypse and any other major happening, are going to happen because reasons, and prepare for them accordingly.

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Things are going to get bad once whites become minorities in their own countries. Could just be a gradual decline into third world status tho rather than a sudden collapse

What are the best avenues for someone without military or police experience to develop combat skills?

Not really that point was the 2016 election. now the lunacy has made everyone calm down. aka china and Russia trying to play on American social tensions failed.

Lmao he thinks global warming is real.

Collapse is a meme. Whats actually happening is society withers away to 3rd world shithole levels.

And the US is the perfect, textbook example of this. Compare the US of the 90s to the US of today.

The greatest threat to societal unrest is 5g, and rapid technological advancement. Honestly mass job replacement will destroy the middle class and the economy. There will be uprisings around the world after machine learning and AI really start to take jobs away from people

I doubt it is, as many paths are present. However here is my worst case scenario that I think is feasible.

>Trump Wins with Popular vote
>A few states, including Cali has it's electoral votes go red due to the dumb ass law they passed
>Pissed Anarchists.jpg
>More Berkley/Ferguson shit
>Then Partisan Fighting between the two extremes with guns and shit
This is where it could stop on this path via government intervention, but lets say it goes nuttier
>Bad actors from Enemy states (China, Russia, NK, etc) start training insurgents
>2 Insurgent groups start fighting (Jow Forums and Antifa essentially) and those loyal to the US government start throwing shit in
>wham bam it's fucked man

If Civil War does happen in the USA it would not be like the first, I think it would be more like the Spanish Civil War and such. I could see more than 10 unique factions showing up and fighting each other for control.

Bro you are a stonecold retard. Under no circumstances are Calis electoral votes going to go red. Read a damn book


everybody states different reasons, shtf is baseless warmongering confirmed

>In the US? its not.
You literally have designated shitting streets at this point, you fucking retard.

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That article has literally nothing to do with the electoral college flipping and going res. That is not even remotely.possible for Cali to go red and therefore fully flip. Have you ever looked at a poll?

>national popular vote
What's your point? You realize this only benefits the Democrats do you?

I'm not saying if it's good or bad, but the salt would be palpable from areas if the state actually follows it's own law, which it states that the electoral votes go to the winner of the NATIONAL popular vote. If a republican wins that, and the blue states actually follow through which gives Donald Trump a victory I can see shit spiraling out of control. I said worst case scenario.

good pic.

>which it states that the electoral votes go to the winner of the NATIONAL popular vote
Nothing but your own wishful thinking as that's not how the national popular vote works at all.


Really makes you think

>calling it the worst case scenario
>not wanting to die historic on the fury road

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America is already collapsing and Americans LOVE IT!

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What do you mean by "bad actors"? Like Emilia Clarke? Seen this bullshit term showing up out of nowhere and getting thrown all over the place in the past few months.

>now the lunacy has made everyone calm down.
Do you live under a rock? The left has doubled down on their rhetoric and isn't letting the Muller investigation go. The more radical leftists have media approval to go out and assault people because you could arbitrarily label them "nazis." States are passing gun laws left and right, although given new appointments in the courts we'll see how long that trend lasts. There is plenty of social tension and it has only gotten worse, 10+ players in the Dem's field for 2020 ranging from moderate, neo-liberal, and full blown socialist is a sign of this.

>nation is literally transitioning to a Latin American country
>average citizen will be as large net financial negative in less than 2 decades
>heh, nothing bad will come of this, silly LARPers, just tax whites and asians more lmao

>Trump Wins with Popular vote
How the fuck will he do that? He couldn't even manage it the first time around and if the midterms are anything to go by support for republicans has tanked since then.

Stay delusional third worlder

You don't understand midterm trends

It's not.

Here are some possibilities, pick any one or many of the following
>rapid degradation and degeneration of western society, bearing hallmarks of various prior collapses (e.g. Rome) leaves power vacuum for populist uprising, fascism resisted resulting in civil war
>climate change resulting in African continent becoming uninhabitable, colossal mass movement of refugees northwards into Europe (far far eclipsing today's migration patterns)
>enemy infiltrators becoming majority in western countries, seeking overthrow of common law and install of tyranny (e.g. sharia law, communism) results in civil war
>various rogue states are or will soon be nuclear powers, some with nutcase ideological leaders who may launch a nuke strike even knowing it results in MAD (e.g. north korea)
>proxy war somewhere escalating to third world war (e.g. china vs west over africa, india vs pakistan)
>unleash of WMDs in west by terrorists with or without support from nation states (consider AQ recruiting bio scientists to unleash biological weapons in the late 90s early 00s, narrowly stopped) resulting in breakdown of order
>climate change = food shortage, water shortage
>resistant bacteria outbreaks, uncurable disease etc.
>at any moment an asteroid might just obliterate a chunk of the earth out of nowhere anyway, like literally before you finish reading this sentence it might happen and we wouldn't necessarily see it coming
Plenty of chances.

You need to spend less time on the internet.

The karate dojo in your local strip mall between the nail salon and title loan places.

No dramatic collapse within our lifetime, but it is crumbling. We're like 4th century Romans.

>prior collapses (e.g. Rome)
it took Rome longer to collapse than the US has existed brainlet

>Ok Jow Forums prove to me that a civil war/societal collapse is coming.

Its not. Its doomerism driver by chronic anxiety fuelled by caffine addiction.

>It's not, people who think it is are schizos or LARPers.
This basically

True but they did have Constantine. But imperial/civilisation decline is a very slow process taking hundreds of years yes. It is happening gradually (look at millennial and zoomers) but its very incremental, each generation becoming more useless and moronic with occasional blips. For example this has become real


As did this


This is the truth anons. The worst thing youll have to prepare for is getting out of gour parents basement and making it in the real world on your own.

They can barter overpriced silver coins and .1 buttcoin for basements and then grow potatoes and defend against their landlord/bank with a used PSA AR. They can save electricity by installing an overprices 60W solar panel and using it to slowly recharge the batteries for their airsoft redots and they WILL hope civilisation is going to collapse when they marry and divorce and their kids become LGBT mime artists so they can strap on their armoured codpiece and rape the Stacey they had a crush on in 12th grade but it won't happen. At 60 working as burgerflippers they will still be thinking, next year, year year I will be king of the wasteland and hoarding silver coins and gas masks

Nothing lasts forever.

prove that that it isnt

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>at any moment an asteroid might just obliterate a chunk of the earth out of nowhere anyway, like literally before you finish reading this sentence it might happen and we wouldn't necessarily see it coming


not that much part of Jow Forums but look what's going on in some cities of europa
it might come, sooner or later

Why the fuck wasn't she arrested on the spot and deported?

>global warming
Hol up

If there is some manner of retreat in Western Civilization it won't be the sort of SHTF moment preppers wank over. It'll be a slow decline over many years/decades driven my demographic changes, economic stagnation and climate change.

>prove that that it isnt
Prove that you are not going to wake up tomorrow and given millions of dollars by a complete stranger and that Musk won't walk into your basement and offer you a special role on a secret spaceship so you can go and explore the universe ? Its about as likely as the doomer memes coming true. Do you believe their really are zombies btw? Have you ever considered that the mental calibre of people who make doomer youtube videos and theorise about economic collapse, environmental collapse, pole shift, emp etc? They are fucking retards. That's why they are you YouTube spazzing out (and to sell you silver coins). They know fuck all about economics or electromagnetics or anything.

But that's not ll. Drink too much caffeine? Anxiety. Brain needs to rationalise anxiety. Look at doomer crap! Aha I am anxious because of doomer crap. Better buy some pepper doomer crap. Dopamine rush from purchase. Drink more caffeine. Now confirmation bias because you can't be an idiot surely for buying prepper shit. Anxiety. Look at doomer crap to boost your confirmation bias. Buy more shit. Etc etc

tl;dr lol

Hi Eurofag here. The city I live in is far safer and nicer than it was in the 90s.

said "some" cities
not all
you know, no go zones, and such

>civil wars and collapse NEVER happen guise!!! Its all paranoia
Based retard

What cities have no go zones? I've lived and worked in quite a few places across Europe. There were no go zones in places like toxteth in the UK in the 80s and 90s after the rioting there in the 80s but those places all got rebuilt and are much better than they were.

london, berlin, malmö
basically every zone, which is the home of some arabic clan

So civilisation is collapsing because someone lied to you and told you European cities are turning into chaotic mad max world? Think about that. Most Euro cities thinking like Lodonon, Glasgow, East Germany were SHIT in the 90s. They are WAY better and safer now. Its just the truth

The US is in its late republic era. There wont be a civil war but it will come close. A low level insurgency combined with Ferguson-tier civil unrest in every major city that will give whomever is in charge the excuse to become a true autocrat, beginning America's imperial era.


Nah. There used be places like Brixton, Kilburn, the isle of dogs, the old docks. THe docts got completely yuppified and is way better and safer, Brixton and Kilburn were gentrified to and ar infinitely safer than they were. You don't know the city or what the fuck you are talking about.

East Germany was a stinking shithole in the 90s. Its infinitely better than it was. Berlin is surrounded by east Germany.
Have no clue never been there.

Seems to be you are listening to absolute bullshit though if you think these places are worse or nearer 'collapse' than in the 90s. London and Glasgow really had no go areas back then. Long gone.

I think it's funny when people like you die.

global warming is a stale meme like EMP or women being sentient.


>I think it's funny when people like you die

YOu HOPE he will die. You HOPE some one in a billion event will occur that means you get to be smug about owning a water filter. But it won't and in the end you are going to work and grow old and all that will be left is your storage unit full of obsolete surplus and a water filter

say what you want, but Islam is rising in that cities and countries in general, and yeah, I guess everyone can imagine what's happening

Its true, we are safer. Its happening in America too. People act like the 90s were our peak and our cities are warzones now but the opposite is true. Pic related, soon we will have Canada-tier safety.

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That's extremely unlikely to happen because it happened this morning and I just can't see it happening two days in a row.
I am writing this message at the dictation of user Y. Mous my new astronaut.

Holy shit go back to r*ddit already, Jow Forums is meant to discuss things like weapons and gear, and yes everyone hopes it will happen to they can ventilate your face or watch people like you starve

Your guesstimates are off by a few orders of magnitude and your assumptions are the opposite of reality.

>gallup poll
try harder faggot

bad actors is retard with 3rd grade education normiespeak for Agent provocateur/Saboteur

>>at any moment an asteroid might just obliterate a chunk of the earth out of nowhere anyway, like literally before you finish reading this sentence it might happen and we wouldn't necessarily see it coming
stop raising my hopes up


>already, Jow Forums is meant to discuss things like weapons and gear

/k is a weapons board. Its not fucking doomsday preppers the basement dweller. Sorry

>say what you want, but Islam is rising in that cities and countries in general

Islam is collapsing. Think about it. What you are witnessing are its death throes

Jow Forums has always been about milsurp somewhat and it just so happens that most preppers have milsurp.

>Islam is collapsing. Think about it. What you are witnessing are its death throes
well, if you think so...

Devils advocate: "Undocumented" is not per se illegal. It'd be like if someone asked to see your original birth certificate when it was lost in a house fire.
If you have other documents prove that you are american, they'll just have to do.
She went to school here, owns a business here, and pays taxes. That's more documentation than most documented americans had in the 30s.

Muh shtf is a power fantasy tailored to bitter and nihilistic young men who feel they have been left behind and desire to see their more successful peers fall from grace. Prove me wrong.
>inb4 shtf IZ REEL it could happen to anyone
Preparing for disasters like storms/blackouts/epidemics etc is different than preparing for total societal collapse and muh habbenin.

start by punching babies, and work up to toddlers and then when you get enough experiance, you take on the bigger badasses, 2nd graders. you work up from there till you are this guy.

or join a gang.

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Doubting SHTF is a coping mechanism for "fat and happy" plebeians who are not confident in their ability to survive a challenging environment.
As long as they have their bread and circuses they'll advocate for their own slavery.
They lack the vision and confidence to create a better world so they settle for whatever they're born into, thinking that being average is fulfilling enough. Prove me wrong.

You're a lame dork with a completely unwarranted superiority complex and delusions of grandeur. Prove me wrong.

islam is dying. It exports illiterates from warzones. Its culture from women in bags, forced marrages, stoning, eternal fratricidal war is dying hard in the face of he modern world and it has no real religious content like its theistic rivals. It was never a religion, it was a form of statist theocratic ideology with medieval rules and punishments. It once had a few big countries that were semi advanced like Syria and Iraq and they are collapsed shitholes, so's afghan, pakiland and banglasdesh etc. Oil money (which is running out) meant a load of fat morons in Saudi could promulgate a pointless useless fundamentalism zero appeal that has terrorism is basically rage quitting literally . The fundamentalists are murdering their own kids for using makeup. It could never complete as it was always second rate and has been for most of its history since the ottoman decline. Its going nowhere. Do you think the populations of the world (including second generation muslim bongs who fap to porn on iphones) are going to suddenly decide to join a totalitarian cult where women wear bags on their heads, they are all busy selling weed on streetcorners ? Its dying. War and its own rancid nature, the internet and a myriad of other factors like the internet are killing it. Islam lost the civilisation battle and its ragequitting is death rattling not triumph

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>Doubting SHTF is a coping mechanism for "fat and happy" plebeians who are not confident in their ability to survive a challenging environment.

You're full of shit, The average farmer was always more 'prepped' than you. You're hope for some magical collapse says more about your personal apocalypse than it does about anyone elses

> It exports illiterates from warzones.
who go to european welfare states, and suck the state-money dry

>Do you think the populations of the world (including second generation muslim bongs who fap to porn on iphones) are going to suddenly decide to join a totalitarian cult where women wear bags on their heads
doesn't matter for them, they just take some infidel women instead (willing or unwilling)

>global warming
take your meds schizo cuck

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>Islam lost the civilisation battle and its ragequitting is death rattling not triumph

Complete utter bullshit post where do you cucks come up with this

Thise things go hand in hand and Jow Forums has always talked about gear and happenings r*ddit tourist

so, according to you, I should accept that ragequit of Islam going on?

Become a vigilante in Chicago or Detroit.

It's not. Don't bother prepping, everything is fine. I'm not prepping either. I don't even own a gun.

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Someone said something a while back that sort of hit me weird. The Cold War was terrifying, but it gave people a sense of unity and direction. Society had a driving factor and guidelines. There was something going on, and the implications of what were going on could mean something seriously bad, but all in all society was still chugging along just fine.

Now it's completely opposite. There's no real major problem in the world, such as a single big bad the world, just uncontrolled bushfires all other the place. NK was the last major threat to the world collectively, and even they were hard to take seriously. Society has no direction or motivation, and on top of that the guidelines are being torn apart at the seams by the people in charge. Things that should frankly be taboo in the interest of preserving a wholesome society are being forced upon the masses under the guise of "acceptance."

The problem is no one specifically seems to be lighting these fires. There's no one single catalyst. No one problem to focus on.. It's like society is a deteriorating building left alone. It has become its own predator and without significant change it's only a matter of time before the one cinderblock falls out that takes the rest of the building with it.

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I wait for the day roof Koreans and whites team up in the race war

Yellow people are OK in my book

There's no proof.
Only signs.
You have to choose whether or not you will pay attention.

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>San Fransisco
>The US
Pick one.

that google is monitoring our behavior through search history? yes it does

The west is being flooded with low IQ shitskins that reproduce on a higher level than the native population. The native population also reproduces below the replacement rate, to the point of being unsustainable. Eventually the native population will need to drive them away for any chance of survival. Much likely after the shitskins chimpout for sharia law when they hold enough of the population. Same thing will happen to America but with Mexicans.