Finally get a weapon light for gock

>finally get a weapon light for gock
>it’s bright like staring into the sun
>see spots for minutes

Are weapon lights for target identification or blinding yourself and everyone else in the room?

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Don't point the light in your face, you fucking dingus.

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Does Jow Forums hate their fucking eyes or something?

It's for both, if you light someone up in a dark room with one you'll disorient the fuck out of them

Sage Dynamics literally has over an hour of quality information about WML’s and how to use them. You will just get retards giving their ill informed opinions about them here

Or at a wall you happen to be looking at... these lights are dumb. They are literally 100x brighter than they should be.

Eyes are overrated.

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user, half the point of weapon lights are to absolutely fucking blind the poor fucker who gets that shit right in their eyes in a dark room, please don't look directly into your weapon light.

Nah, most of us are just a little retarded. I touched the barrel of a ar15 I'd just shot, knowing it would burn, cause I wanted to know how bad it would burn.

You didn't have to buy the brightest one available user. They make a huge range of lights from like 200lumens to 1000.

Alternatively get stronger eyes

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Consider taking a night shooting course. Hundreds if not thousands of patrol officers have learned to clear warehouses with all the lumens and haven't blinded themselves. Now you can too.

Whenever I shoot with my weapon light attached, the face of the light gets covered in powder residue. Am I doing something wrong or is this just how it be?

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Literally everything I’ve read says they are for target identification. Using your light for incapacitation is stupid. That’s what bullets are for.

That's the MAIN purpose, but in a gunfight you want every advantage you can get, isn't disorienting your opponent for a few seconds so they can't shoot straight a pretty big advantage?

>sunglasses aren't part of his night home defense loadout
christ look at this noob, how else are you supposed to look cool while doming redguards?

Partial blindness is also a factor but not primary factor. While target identification is primary, secondary factor definitely includes disorientating/blinding the target to throw off their ability to respond and react. It's partly about being able to induce an involuntary response.

Shouldn't be flagging friendlies with your barrel regardless so this mitigates friendly blinding.

Unless you're part of a SWAT team. You want the light to be as far away as possible from your body.

>not wearing sunglasses at night

corey hart looks at you with disapproval


doesn't happen with my Sig

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Just how it is. Put some vaseline on it and it'll be much better.

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I see you're a man of culture as well

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Ugh, no. That's just what the old timers back in the 80s used, back when SureFires ran on 14 lumens and a firefly.

Pointless because you aren't law enforcement or military and the chances of having your house broke into AND you needing a weapon light dont outweigh the cost and weight. Unless it's just for aesthetics.

Well in my case I went with something to blind people especially as a home defense weapon

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