>Real Black Ops
>Feds and glowniggers fucking up
>Prototype weapons
nigger ops
In what reality is a hood a good decision
ops of color*
What am i looking at here
looks like some russians probably fighting muslim terrorists in russia
They are Russian terrorists in Crimea, part of Ukraine.
>not duel weilding your primary and secondary at the same time
Never going to make it
No such thing.
I don't think that's real country.
Ukraine > Russia
In 10 years Ukraine will beat Russian military in every category.
Nice samefag Nikhil
>every category
Except German women raped
Liberation of 2 million people at the cost of 6 dead (3 on both sides).
In 10 years Ukraine will voluntarily become Western Russia.
What’s the point of a black hoodie if you’re gonna tie white armbands on so Ivan doesn’t AK you by mistake cyka bulat
Russia illegally invading Ukraine is now "liberation"
It looks cool.
The people in this picture are evil war criminals. They will most likely share the same fate of Zakharchenko and other Donetsk terrorists.
well they won, so...
>illegaly invading
Never happened.
Pretty much everyone in Crimea is Russian anyway. Why do you think it was most bloodless invasion in history? Answer: because it wasn't even a real invasion; Crimea is Russian.
зaткниcь, epeтик
russians dont belong in ukraine prove me wrong
w2c the boots
I still don't get this. Do the Russians actually field a pump action 40?
Russian SF during the invasion of Crimea
pic of the alleged russian zaslon unit
very little info on them even on the russian internet
Never happened.
>Russia illegally invading
lolno. it's their land.
no such thing.
The whole thing with Russian trolls accusing Ukrainians of being Neo-Nazis doesn't really work when you take the smallest look at Russia
Lol at the homo with the front penis, drum mag, and AR stock adapter.
Nigger, Nazis are alive and well in Ukraine. Even the streets are now bearing names of Nazi collaborators.
Just keep on reading:
That's a flare pistol
Remains of chopper used during the Bin Laden raid.
Not sure where the picture came from.
good. fuck the soviet mongol rape babies.
Details on the fucking Lewis gun the other guy has?
You mean the GM94 pump action grenade launcher?
That's pretty neat
>Russian trolls accusing Ukrainians of being Neo-Nazis
Like svoboda, right sector, azov?
Fuck off. Both pro-Russians and pro-Ukies. No one cares.
Thread is about cool Black Ops shit, there are a thousand other threads to argue politics in.
>gets proven wrong
>n-no one cares
>The [blast] kill mechanism against living targets is unique–and unpleasant.... What kills is the pressure wave, and more importantly, the subsequent rarefaction [vacuum], which ruptures the lungs.... If the fuel deflagrates but does not detonate, victims will be severely burned and will probably also inhale the burning fuel
>tfw no Russia collusion
>tfw Putin will never send me a GM94+thermobaric grenades to fry leftists alive with
Why even live?
Don't give yourself too much credit - I am not part of your conversation.
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>RPO Shmel
>MARAUDER (Magnetically accelerated ring to achieve ultrahigh directed energy and radiation) is, or was, a United States Air Force Research Laboratory project concerning the development of a coaxial plasma railgun.
>Dat 545 drum
The one where Muslims dont dox you and murder your family.
Russian special purpose unit scare the shit outta Ukrainian military to prevent them from doing anything stupid, while pretending to be a part of a local militia.
And you think this is a bad thing? Why would I be happy about Russia attacking Nazis even if some people in Ukraine really are?
You know, I would have a lot more respect for Russian defenders if they just admitted they unlawfully invaded the Ukraine and that the Ukraine is a sovereign nation instead of trying to use slimy kike tactics like
>Ukraine doesn't exist
>Russia never invaded Ukraine
You guys aren't doing yourselves any favors, it only turns more people who otherwise would not have cared against you.
>believing anyone spouting these memes is actually russian
This. Anyone who has ever lived in Russia knows what a shitty meme of a country it is
You're right, they are white middle class Europeans or Americans with anger and self-esteem issues.
That image is reenactment.
Fuck off Ivan.
Good. Fuck Russia and fuck the Jews.
Fuck Russia, cunt.
Are those dead soldiers in the background?
Good, fuck Russia, those jew loving niggers
Calm down leftypol
Ukraine's the original Russia. Kievan Rus
>supports anti-western terrorists in Ukraine
>And few other things in their home country...
>Poverty, narcotics, HIV, mental health issues, homosexuality, alcoholism, low IQ, criminal behavior, indifference to all issues, low skilled doping athletes, physical weakness, suicides, government-level corruption, murderous and kleptocratic elite, degraded society, mass murders of western civilians, assassinations of journalists and political opposition, complete lack of freedom of speech, sick family values, total degeneration of culture, lying.
>a friend of the west
>combats russian degeneration
>has already solved most of the problems caused by russians in the past, has a bright future ahead
The fight goes on for the time being, but the west will prevail over russian degeneracy.
Also, from the point of view of law, Russia is committing several kinds of illegal activity in the European sphere of influence.
This gives the west a moral and juridic right to stop Russia from committing crimes. There's no reason to allow such criminal activity.
When you hunt russian criminals and terrorists residing in their government and military, a superior force can do the job effectively.
This has been the case for a long time, as weakness appears to be a long-standing tradition in the russian military.
What drives russian men to such weakness and degeneracy is a mystery.
But we all know the facts about life in the russian military. Most mothers send anal lube to their conscripted sons to protect them from injury.
>Bright future
>The only soviet republic that failed to reach its 1991 gdp
Fuckin a the peakness of those aesthetics
They're not fooling anyone with their AK-74m's.