Visited the Brady Campaign website for the first time in my life

>visited the Brady Campaign website for the first time in my life
>literally couldn't stop audibly giggling

Here are some of the highlights:
-97% of Americans support "expanded" background checks
-155% more people are shot "where assault weapons or high capacity magazines are used" What?
-every 16 hours a woman is shot dead by her current or ex-boyfriend
-8 children or teens are shot every day by """""""family fire""""""""""

Holy fuck. So they make up literally everything now including words?

The gun control movement is on fucking life support.

Attached: 1554157780026.jpg (600x849, 102K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You’re just now getting this?

it's basically a regurgitating scary "facts" to be presented to people who don't know any better
basically if you can't win on logic, go for emotion
the unfortunate problem is that it's working that's a pretty poor reflection of the society we live in nowadays

Umm yeah it's pretty clear what they are on about.

>97% of Americans support "expanded" background checks
>155% more people are shot "where assault weapons or high capacity magazines are used" What?
>every 16 hours a woman is shot dead by her current or ex-boyfriend
>8 children or teens are shot every day by """""""family fire""""""""""

Attached: 1554974819046.jpg (207x253, 8K)

>97% of Americans support "expanded" background checks
i can't get their source link to open but i assume it's either an extremely vaguely worded question("do you support background checks for guns") or biased ("do you support expanded background checks for military style baby killing assault weapons that can shoot 6,000,000 rounds a minute), or they just polled soccer moms
>155% more people are shot "where assault weapons or high capacity magazines are used" What?
it's reasonable to assume that more rounds you have the more people you can shoot, though this is really avoiding the primary problem of why the dude is shooting people in the first place
>every 16 hours a woman is shot dead by her current or ex-boyfriend
>8 children or teens are shot every day by """""""family fire""""""""""
this is the result of having a country with lots of people in it, people are gonna die from lots of random shit because there's 300 million of us
we average like 85 dead every day from car accidents and nobody cares

Listen here you sonofabitch, my children or teen was shot by family fire so you better learn what that shit is.

It's even worse than that.

>155% more people are shot "where assault weapons or high capacity magazines are used"
"Where" assault weapons or high capacity magazines are "used". The key is the "where". Places like Arizona and Somalia are home to a lot of assault weapons and high capacity magazines.

have you tried not shooting your children?

>Make a pro-gun website
>use own skewed facts
>name Dittmeyer Campaign

You scared yet? I am.

Attached: Ooh-So-Scary.gif (1000x1000, 2.56M)

>white supremacists make fake pro-gun website
>we prove their statistics are lies
i can see it already they quote their own "facts" to debunk anything else they don't like.

What is that supposed to mean?

So there's allegedly a small percentage of bad gun dealers out there? Should I be panicking now?

>white supremacists

Yes, but the neighbor kids are small and fast.

Running out of real terms to push your agenda? Just make them up.

Attached: Family Fire.png (1467x735, 60K)

>X% of Y is doing Z% of the crime
Really makes you think.

to be fair, what else would you call it
retarded parent syndrome?

>Suicides are "family fire"
oh im laffin

Ah I see. They are unintentional deaths...and intentional deaths...and injuries...AND suicides. Of course.

It means Walmart, Cabela's, Academy, and Gander Mountain hold 5% of the FFLs in the US. Surprised it's that low honestly considering rapist Bill Clinton went after table tops hard.

it means whatever the closest gun store to chicago makes a killing selling saturday night specials to straw purchasers

No way hombre! Surely the ATF is on top of it, that's what they're for!

>Assault weapons, paired with high-capacity magazines, have long been the weapon of choice for mass shooters. An “assault weapon” refers to a semi-automatic gun designed for military use and quick, efficient killing. Assault weapons are uniquely lethal because of their rapid rate of fire and high muzzle velocity — coupled with high-capacity magazines, which attach to an assault weapon to allow dozens of gunshots without needing to reload. A high-capacity magazine is typically defined as any magazine or drum that is capable of holding more than either 10 or 15 rounds of ammunition.

>Military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines exist only to enact maximum destruction, and there’s simply no reason that everyday Americans need access to them.

this is exploitable

pretty sure the brady campaign is hte one that said there were over 100 "school shootings" by february of this year.
whoever did it loosely defined "school shooting" as basically any possible discharge of a firearm within earshot of a school.


>unintentional suicides

50% of crime is committed by 13% of people

to be fair, i'm not really sure what they could do unless the gun store knew they were straw purchases
and how would you even know

Crazy how nature do dat

There's a """"""""""""Family Fire"""""""""""""" video with open comments. That's unusual for the Brady folks.

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>how would you even know
All those legally purchased guns recovered at crime scenes on the corner of Grape St. might be a good start.

>whoops, I am accidentally putting my shotgun in my mouth again!
>UH OH, I sure hope I don't unintentionally pull the trigger!
>Oh boy, there it goes! Sure is a lot of take up on this thing. If I survive I should have a gunsmith look at it...
>Damn, I accidentally suicided myself again!
>If only there were laws to prevent this sort of thing!

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You poor thing. Donate to Dianne for justice.

If you think that's scary wait until you discover the sheer amount of people that believe it without any question

Yeah. They and Everytown were using the loosest criteria possible.
Anything that took place during school hours (an actual school shooting), anything that took place during out-of-school hours but on the property (Someone offing themselves in the parking lot at night), anytime a bullet possibly flew "close" to a school (Any shooting on a street in a city), and they included times a BB gun was shot at school. I think at one point they were even trying to label a student shooting another student a school shooting even if it took place outside of school.
They are horribly dishonest. As they are they say "The NRA wants EVERY teacher to have a gun!"

Believe what though? That 5% of the gun dealers supply 95% of the guns used in crimes? If that's true, what the fuck does that even mean? Their "statistics" make zero fucking sense. Family fire? Jeeezus m8.