Post your top three planes you think are cool.
Wholesome plane thread here.
Post your top three planes you think are cool
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I like the Vulcan's shape. Triangles are cool.
This guy has a nice rounded nose. He makes me think of a friend.
Agree with you on that buddy, those little training jets are cute as hell
It must be super comfy sitting side by side with your bros in that.
Whoa man, those digits.
Yeah, they're cute. Hell, look at the Phantom! This guy's pretty nice. He's the type of plane that'd invite you over for a movie.
It's basically a flying roadtrip of war
This guys looks pretty adorable.
Look at those wings! Its called a "light attacker", ain't that cute?
Reading 'Stealth Fighter' about the 99 bosnia confilct. These guys go from thinking they're invisible to narrowly avoiding missiles pretty quick. There's one mission where the author isnt sure if his payload bay door is open or closed and in that moment says his radar signature might as well be that of a B-52, he has SA-6 missiles head right towards his aircraft several times, with other pilots witnessing the barage of near misses as they fall out of altitude range. I've always liked the F-117, but the more you read, the more you know their stealth was either hit or miss.
There's another mission where he describes the serbs using frequency jamming, and it would sound like music or static, and in one case, the louder the static became, the more missiles were being fired at him (coincidence) he didnt know exactly what was going on, but describes his experiences as being Vietnam like with the amount of tracers and SAMs shot at him.