So this guy got killed by cops for doing what they told him to. He died for having a gun in his waistband...


So this guy got killed by cops for doing what they told him to. He died for having a gun in his waistband, in an oc non permit state

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Oh well don't care

Cared enough to post here bootlicker

already a thread about it and also i literally dont care


This is a board for weapons not feelings go to Jow Forums for your tears.

Women shouldn't be cops.

fuck niggers and the cops

they always seem to chimp out worse than the niggers they're supposedly trying to pacify
anyone who's ever been in a fender bender while a woman was driving knows damn well what happens with women in high stress situations

just retard cops not knowing how to give commands that make sense

>cop says dont do this or ill shoot
>is a retard cop, tells perp to do this
>perp complies, cop shoots him for doing what he ordered

such is urban policing

Should've put his hands in the air and told the officers to grab his gun instead. It's pathetic that these officers are too brain dead to think of a way to de-escalate the situation other than to scream "DROP DA WEPON" like fucking NPC's

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Women are evolutionarily wired to scream and wait for a man to come and help in any high stress situation. They literally do not have the cognitive capacity to make decisions under extreme stress.

>be pea brained LEO junked up on adrenaline because you're responding to a call about a guy with a gun
>see him and start yelling drop the gun because that's what you think people say in that situation based on your dozens of hours of training
>but the gun is in his waistband
>72 IQ urbanite takes a few seconds to process and consider his options while you grow ever more stressed out and trigger happy because he's just sitting there instead of "complying"
>he knows he shouldn't grab the gun but they told me to do it at gunpoint
>ok, ill grab the gun so i can drop it
>or maybe shoot them who knows
>gets ventilated
I mean the cop fucked up and should at least be fired, but it was probably an honest mistake on the part of an 85 IQ officer dealing with a 75 IQ perp. If a cop orders you to drop a gun at gunpoint then picking it up or grabbing it is a real bad idea even if you mean to drop it later. Just keep your hands up in plain sight and don't reach for anything is the right move. Cops might get pissed, but they really don't tend to shoot people(at least on camera) for sitting still with their hands in the air.


this, if either person had 20 more IQ points this wouldnt have happened. if the guy thought for a second and said "i dont want to touch my gun and scare you officer, but i want to comply with your orders on how to disarm, please tell me how to proceed"

and if the ignorant bitch kept shouting unintelligible babble he could have said "ok maam i can see you are afraid, i mean no harm, i am going to place my hands on my head in a non threatening manner, turn around with my back to you, and kneel down while you await for backup

>Cops might get pissed, but they really don't tend to shoot people(at least on camera) for sitting still with their hands in the air.
Yet it shows that when you do exactly what the cop tells you to do, you get shot anyway. Let's not pretend all parties are equal in this situation.

Intelligent people usually don't find themselves threatening people in a BK parking lot or applying for a job in a PD.

What's the story on this picture? Did the guy shoot himself or what? And how's he so chill about it? Shock? On drugs? What the fuck

>Jow Forums defending badgeniggers
kys reddit cancer

As opposed to Jow Forums defending dindus

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>defending dindus from other dindus
Nah its just people calling the woman and the police, niggers.

he was black so it's okay.

That was a shame. I echo that this required 30 more IQ points from all parties

>implying I don't despise both of these things

What if you do this and your nose itches

>He died for having a gun in his waistband, in an oc non permit state
no, he died for being a nigger that went to the work place of his babbymammas new boyfren and started waving a gun around threatening people.

Because the dindu is right in this case

I remember watching this on local news
I recall he was very mentally troubled
Fuck I really should get my CCW

Because the majority of women who join the police force are those that have been walked over their whole life and decided to change that. Then when they're put in a position of authority and control, they go totally berserk.

>if the cop was smart this wouldnt happen
No shit retatd. If they had a notable IQ they wouldnt be a police officer.
Next you're gonna tell me "if you're a good baker you make a good cake" or "good singers sing well"

I think he is in some kind of brown people skirmish. He got his face blown off but was still kicking so they gave him the gun to look like he was still combat ready for the camera. whack

I don't think that's true at all, there are plenty of intelligent people on the police force who join because that's what they actually want to do. Though they typically have aspirations for eventually obtaining a position higher than just serving their entire career as a patrol cop. Some of them just love what they do.


Fuck dindus

That's exactly the problem, those are the only types of people that would progress to higher positions than patrol officers and police forces across the US are experiencing a HUGE deficit in recruits possessing higher levels of education. Because, well, why wouldnt they?
I'm not denying there are educated cops or even cops with various degrees from undergrad law. I'm just saying those individuals are becoming RAPIDLY scarce, and the police force is turning into the go-to for high school burn outs, just as quickly.

If you had 20 more iq points you wouldn't have made this post.
>and if the ignorant bitch kept shouting unintelligible babble he could have said "ok maam i can see you are afraid, i mean no harm, i am going to place my hands on my
>head in a non threatening mann
>er, turn around with my back to you, and kneel
When nerves are like this and people are pointing guns generally you are not going to turn into the calmest coolest motherfucker in the room and just reason down the situation like it is a movie.

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I've thought about going into LE after I'm finished with my undergrad, it'd make going to grad school extremely difficult though. The biggest turnoff would be stuck in police academy and as a patrol officer for a few years with idiots tbqh.

What a couple of degenerates you are.

I’m NC born and raised and OC all the time. I CC in more urban areas to avoid interacting with retarded urban-female cops and shrill yankee faggots, but I thoroughly enjoy the right to OC.
Degenerates like you belong on a burning steak.
>inb4 he was a nigger
“We’re stobbin the niggers:D” is ALSO the identical argument they used back when they forced pistol purchase permits on us. They’re not even working. Please just fuck off and keep your shitty opinions in your shithole state and do NOT fucking come here. I would bet money this female cop isn’t even from NC. Y’all need to gtfo

You're right, we should kill all police so we can kill all the blacks ourselves with impunity.

God what a shit show

Or knowing that you could be making literally 1.5-2x the salary off the bat for far less physical work
I remember seeing a female officer on Cops or LivePD that went through grad school and had a few notable law degrees just for her job, and MAN did she look like she fuckin hated it. More power to her though.

>because, well, why wouldnt they?
Pretty much. Being a cop is a slowly dying profession. The job is ass, you're constantly dealing with uppity retards, the hours suck, the pay sucks, the benefits can be subpar, you're treated like dirt everywhere you go, people are seldom happy to see you, etc.
Who wants to go through college and debt just for that?