Thoughts on this one?
I don't want an ak but I like the caliber and it's cost.
I already have 300meme but getting tired of reloading for it and looking for something more practical to stockpile some ammo for.
PSA KS-47 gen2
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Lol, go buy a fucking mutant for 1500 bucks then, chump.
Just get an ak desu
You dont want to end up having all ars do you?
I heard they had issues feeding from anything but magpul ak mags. Their pistol length uppers had issues with reliability and there's some videos on the subject.
IMO OP, I'd do a little more digging, but I'm inclined to say if you're willing to tweak with the thing it would be bonerific if you could have a 10.5" upper with brace that fed from a romanian drum mag.
700 dollars for the modern one with the slim m-lok handguard, 600 for the basic. Gun runs good, is accurate to 450 yds (16in barrel) and has more railz for you to hang your bullshit on.
>Or you could get an ak desu
Not to mention
>dat 10.5" model
my gripe is how they name the gun. its just an ar bro
Using a standard size AR bolt for 7.62x39 isn't the best idea, leaves very little material around the lugs. CMMG did it right, PSA and most others do it wrong.
your mother in my bed is the only mutant around here champ
see You are a chump for buying the PSA, enjoy your sheared bolt lugs.
Based Honey Badger master class
Right, tier one operator?
This is a bait thread
Show me malfunctions, not just speculative horseshit. Also more metal doesn't mean necessarily stronger. T. Goldsmith/Metallurgist
>Also more metal doesn't mean necessarily stronger.
In this case, it does. t. someone who isn't a coping poorfag retard
Show me malfunctions, boy and quit letting your feelings get the best of you. Fucking male estrogen I swear.
For a metallurgist you sure don't understand some basic properties of metal.
PSA makes a consistently good product, and generally sets the standard for value in whatever product type it makes. When they do have problems they support it and make corrected iterations at an incredibly fast rate. Compare the progression of PSA's PSAK series to Century's history; PSA went from gen 1 to gen 3 in less than 2 year and passed AKOUs testing by gen 2, meanwhile 20 years later century can't stop building grenades; the VSKA is shaping up to be the only AK they've built to ever pass testing without losing headspace.
Keep living under a rock.
Having more material doesn't mean something works better. CMMG elected to go an AR-10 route with their bolt/upper system but that doesn't mean the move was necessary. Unless you can prove the upgrades serve a functional purpose then it's just more weight and cost for no reason.
Why can’t you just listen the amount of lugs and increase the thickness?
Colt did a bunch of R&D and went with an AR-10 sized bolt for the CK901.
OK giddy
I want to build one of these into an M16A1 with wood furniture and use Bakelite mags
>posting examples from 2013
Are those goalposts heavy? You asked for proof of malfunctions, he gave you it.
I like your style user
They have their own now? Huh. They're expanding hard.
>cant build an AK
>cant build an AR
>fuck it we should do both
>ARs run fine
>Fixed the AKs in half the time it took century to put out another version that still grenades
Why do memes always win out over actual discussion
I agree the bolt in this is probably weak though. You go with an AR10 bolt for this, full stop.
Eww no thanks. I dont want to have to use the AR charging handle every time i load in a new mag. I dont mind doing it on my AK tho
>fixed the AKs
>Gen 2's still had a myriad of problems
>Gen 3's cracking trunnions somehow faster than the Gen 2's
Yeah bro totally fixed if you're the type to take it out once every 3 years
thats like bringing up the vietnam war everytime someone brings up the m16
Weird and ugly
Full stop? The LMT bolt has been great, too. Granted from my research the LMT and AR10 seem to be the only bolts that don't break after 5,000 rounds, but don't act like the AR10 based ones like the Mutant are the only choice.