Reminder to all mutts that the F-22 is absolute shit.
Reminder to all mutts that the F-22 is absolute shit
>inb4 muttshart COPE
why does that plane have three engines?
>build really expensive F-15
>put the wings on backwards
hon hon hon
Can't read froganese
Because you have eyesight problems
>F-22 could fuck Rafale with little difficulty on at least two occasions.
Additionally, French a french commander that participated in the exercise OP thinks proves the EuroHonHon's superiority has said that the F-22 came out on top overall.
In general, taking singular data points on 1v1 BFM exercises is a poor way to deduce the effectiveness of modern fighters. pic related
>absolute shit
correction: it's antiquated shit
So on that engagement the blame rest mostly on the pilod being retarded? and wasn't the USAF having problems with getting flight hours for their pilots?
t. Armatard