Gun stock repair

I'm gonna be posting 4 images. I have a Spanish Maurer but it's not in super good condition and I'm wondering what needs to be epoxy-d. I know that the external crack defi Italy needs some, but there are a couple smaller ones inside the stock I've circled. What epoxy should I use?

Attached: Snapchat-1980181871.jpg (1080x1920, 681K)

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run some nails through it too, and sand em down.


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Go get some wood glue and force it down into the cracks. Just pour some on and use your finger to move it around. Then take a clamp or something to smash the crack back together and let it sit for a while for the drying period.

4. This one is in front of the magazine. Also the final pic. Thoughts? I have no clue how to fix a stock

Attached: Snapchat-861124483.jpg (1836x3264, 1.53M)

I've read using epoxy is more appropriate than wood glue. Wood glue kinda sounds flimsy. Also how can I clamp it together without ruining the Wood? I only have a vise


sounds like you are completely under equipped to do this and whatever you do will make it worse.