Is a clone army actually militarily practical?
Why hasnt a nation invested into doing this rather than painstakingly R&Ding robots?
Is a clone army actually militarily practical?
Why hasnt a nation invested into doing this rather than painstakingly R&Ding robots?
Absolutely not.
Ethical issues aside, imagine a government institution raising hundreds of thousands of children through adulthood with all the education, healthcare, and other shit that entails, so they can become soldiers n shiet. The cost would be astronomic.
Also the Clone Army was a thing in the Star Wars universe due to the late Republic's laws against star systems raising armies. As much star systems could only have self defense forces. Building an army with no loyalty to any star system therefore enabled the Republic (Sheev) to circumvent that law.
The challenge would be to genetically program them to be obedient yet capable of improvising in order to be a good soldier. That sounds equally difficult as developing robots with AI and the latter is a lot less burdened with ethical concerns.
what if there was accelerated growth? Or grow em in tubes until they're adult sized and indoctrinate them through a typical boot camp
Capture clone DNA sample, find weakness in genetics, exploit
This. One targeted airborne virus is all you need.
Because Clones have all types of fucked up immune problems and are prone to a bunch of disorders and cancer because they are abominations and are an affront to god.
Just get a brother and sister from Arkansas and you got yourself the basic math of cloning an army aside from the smell and genetic mutations.
At least they aren't synths...
I know you're only pretending to be retarded so I'll just ignore you and say this: robots are better than clones for combat outside of science fiction.
I think an army of clones where they are all basically the same person would be able to cooperate very well, perhaps too well. They could organize against their leaders and demand better pay or conditions without too much infighting.
Then you just kill them Hillary style
well yeah.
how exactly would you make a virus that only kills one specific human?
Zyklon B
Liberals would fuck it up and wed just end up having even more mindless drones voting in our elections
Robots cant adapt
>Why hasnt a nation invested into doing this
They have, but keep it quiet.
Nations brag about "new missile and stealth tech" as distractions mostly.
Who said anything about it having to be specific? Drop some super Anthrax and boom, what enemy?
Yes they can.
>how exactly would you make a virus that only kills one specific human?
>Zyklon B
ZB is multi use nigga.
Is this new?
If you made it just for this thread you have some talent and work quickly.
No, it’s been around for a few weeks
>Is a clone army actually militarily practical?
No because you'd have to raise them yourself and that takes a shitload of time and energy. It'd unironically be more efficient to just straight 3D print them because the technology is advancing and you don't have to worry about growing them up. Having said that you'd still be shit out of luck unless we've figured out how to instill infant-level learning abilities in them or just direct information downloading into their brains because teaching them would still takea while.
>Why hasnt a nation invested into doing this rather than painstakingly R&Ding robots?
Sheer practicality, no nation really needs them and the research/process is difficult enough as is so why bother when you can get an acceptable quality soldier from the population for far cheaper.
its cheaper just to find the people in a population who have the traits you want instead of creating the soldiers you need
OP, it's literally
>feeding, housing, etc actual slaves for their entire lives on the slim chance that you might need them in a war during the eight year span of their lives where they are actually militarily useful
>paying random young people to do this voluntarily for a couple years
This was actually the plot of the first Republic Commando novel. Some separatist geneticist was attempting to develop a biological weapon that targeted only the clone forces. You'd think the aliens that made the clones would have been able to come up with a way of slowing their aging once they reached peak usefulness. Normally I'd say its sci-fi BS, but if it was possible (in that universe) to speed up the aging process, logically the reverse should have been somehow possible.
Doesn't need to be specific to a single genome.
Everyone is more or less susceptible to different diseases. Might be flu, anthrax, whatever. Just find one the clones are weak to and bomb that stuff. If the clone is somehow weak against common cold, that's enough to plague the war effort while a usual army would suffer insignificant losses from it.
Imagine a democratic socialist saying there is not more private healthcare....
You think there was a lot of gay clone buttsex in the clone army? or did they breed out their sex drives as part of the process to make them better soldiers?
Cause you end up with useless faggot like clone 99
Boba Fett in episode 6 was getting frisky with an alien chick
were they even that effective? the entire war was just a sham and the separatists lost on purpose.
you just described mexico
and if you want to know, yes our economy is fucking shit
>zoomers like that awful show
Yeah, but then you're giving the clones a LOT of time to devlop their own opinions and get bitter about their lot in life.
Not a fucking good idea, guaranteed uprising.
25:1 kill ratios
Seriously, there were a LOT of droids. If they weren't effective they'd have been attritioned out existence pretty much instantly.
>the separatists lost on purpose.
Not really. They were fighting to win, palpatine didn't fuck them until the very end.
>The entire war was just a sham and the separatists lost on purpose.
The war was a sham, however the Emperor wanted the strongest side to win. He wanted the strongest force to successfully conquer the galaxy
>25:1 kill ratios
Is that efficient tho?
>The war was a sham, however the Emperor wanted the strongest side to win.
He only wanted the republic to win. Ruling over the seperatist would have been too fracterous and in the first place Darth Plagueis planned to take over and rule from the senate.
Even if you had the tech it's completely immoral. If you overlook the immorality, you would have other difficulties. For one, to have a human fighter, he needs something to fight for, unless you make him so dim that he only follows orders, and cannot generate his own views that might make him contemplate the nature of his life, which he's likely to find undesirable. Since a major benefit of a clone over a robot is the ability to think creatively and be self-sufficient, you need them to be intelligent. Basically a clone army worth its salt would quickly go on strike once they concluded that they were slaves.
Strong indoctrination should be enough as long as they aren't exposed to an equally strong counter narrative, or something you tell them turns out to be demonstrably false. The clones in Star Wars mature in a few months, and since you have total control over them during that time you can pretty much completely shape their intellectual horizons. That won't work for everyone, but it will work for somebody, and not only do you already control the nurture 100%, by finding the right person to use as a template you have nearly 100% control over their nature too.
It is practical.
>Are slaves
>No wages
>Have intuition/gut feeling
>Can operate independently
>Knows only war and is proficient in it
>No need for extensive R&D to get a robot to perform the same as a human
I'd rather have an army of clones than robots.
Boba Fett wasn't altered if I'm not mistaken.
Capture a few clones, look at how their immune systems work and genetics. Tailor a biological to target them specifically. At the point you can clone millions the ability to make tailored biological weapons is also plausible.
However the idea of growing troops and training them from conception sounds very very expensive. I would suggest a general eugenics project in your general population would be cheaper. Stipend any veteran that has children. Bonus them when children enlist. Hero or exceptional soldiers? Make mandatory donations to sperm banks or again monetary bonuses for same. PR efforts to make service in military honorable and needed. Establish military traditions. Rise and repeat. Five or six generations later have a lot of capable military