Just bought my first Ak pattern rifle
>Gen 1 Yugo Pap with 1.5mm receiver
paid $800 got it with 10 polish waffle mags and some wolf ammo. How did I do?
AK novice
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The rifle should be good to go, those mags are straight up trash though. I'd say you overpaid by $100.
Yea they weren't wanting to fully seat until they got part of the back shaved off
Pretty much this. You overpaid for what you got, but it's not something you should beat yourself up over. Keep what you got, and buy some decent mags. Hit up /akg/ and read their OP. You picked up a decent rifle, and AKs are just fun all around
What mags do you reccomend? I was looking at croation steel mags but I'm not trying to pay $35 each
Any surplus steel mag you can find for under $15, Pmags are ok and Xtech mags when they go on sale.
Thank you akfag. What are your thoughts on the picatinny dust cover? Should I not even attempt to keep a zero'd red dot or holo on there?
Not bad, I just bought one as well for $700. You overpaid a little but it's fine. I recommend getting a Wolff recoil spring and some legitimate Yugo mags
Ditch the railed cover. It’s not gonna hold zero.
You can put an optic on it just fine. You're gonna have to bend the bottom end piece of the cover towards the wood so it doesn't rattle when you shoot.