Is there any easy way to convert an AK variant into full auto like how the armalite has a coat hanger DIAS? I’d imagine it would be as simple but there has to be some easy way
AK full auto?
Nice try, ATF.
Now fuck off.
/makes shushing motions
There was and then Trump cucked and banned it like a faggot.
Yes, Place a 7.62 real nato round in it. And the freedom will make it full auto.
>muh shit stock
holy hell shut the fuck up
Not getting my dog shot tonight, nice try faggot.
Unironically this besides drilling a third hole.
Apathy. This is why they got banned and more gun control will happen. YOU are the problem.
In 20 years it will be
>muh assault shit
>holy hell shut the fuck up
>Why do you NEED a bolt action? Single shot is just as good.
it pains me knowing that one day cali-cucks will be making this exact argument
Lol holy shit you're still here?
I bet nobody in this thread actually knows how to make an AK full auto.
That's correct, officer.
It's not illegal to know how to do it or tell someone how to do it. If I was going for the entrapment route, I'd tell people how to do it and then inspect their guns in a month or so.
Well, it should take you very long to figure it out then chief.
Try not to burn down another compound full of children this time, huh?
>It's not illegal to know how to do it or tell someone how to do it.
What the atf is doing here isn't technically illegal, but it is cause for patriotic concern. If there is a real gun problem and an actual reason for the continued existence for the atf, why are they spending so much time manufacturing criminals? Between gun running to our southern neighbors, making fake illegal gun stores cleverly hidden in smoke shops, and posting this same shit online every fucking day, one has to wonder what is gained by the department's continued existence.