Any suggestions for good Jow Forums related fiction?
Just finished pic related and was extremely disappointed since everyone said it was like starship troopers but focusing on the actual power armor stuff.
Any suggestions for good Jow Forums related fiction?
Just finished pic related and was extremely disappointed since everyone said it was like starship troopers but focusing on the actual power armor stuff.
Other urls found in this thread:
Skipping all the "common" suggestions check out ...
by Jack Campbell – 2006
The Warrior’s Apprentice
by Lois McMaster Bujold – 1986
A Small Colonial War
by Robert Frezza - 1990
Fire on the Border (1990)
by Kevin O'Donnell Jr
Uller Uprising
by H. Beam Piper - 1952
A common suggestion is
Terms of Enlistment
by Marko Kloos – 2014
To continue not specifically "military" SF
The Rosinante Series
by Alexis A. Gilliland
A space habitat attempts to survive in turbulent political times.
Features AI, Space Ships, 100 km long laser weapons and a
construction manager that has to fight a space war.
so what was it actually about OP? I've been thnking about reading it.
also you should read pic related, there are like 20 books in the series.
Red Storm Rising
or just Clancy in general, but only the ones written by the man himself
There's power armor combat, but the author doesn't go into much detail and cops out with time skips and so forth, even ignoring details about setting. Majority of the book is basically about a space pirate named Jack crow infiltrating a science outpost. Would be okay but I detest the writing style.
Read the Underworld USA trilogy by James Ellroy. Read any James Ellory. Do it. Do it now.
Bolo-Keith Laumer
The Draka Anthology-S M Stirling
Red storm rising is basically a communist piece of shit.
It's sci-fi combat through the eyes of a vietnam vet
I don't remember the commies winning
Hammer’s Slammers - space mercenaries, tanks, and decent combat. Written by a Vietnam vet. It’s a series of short stories but it’s incredibly satisfying.
Gaunt’s Ghosts series as well.
I think you might be retarded
OP wat.
This book is amazing, just as good as starship troopers.
Basically it's about two guys. One is a pirate staying low key on a planet at the research facility helping scientists decode the video memory playback of the man who wore a suit of armor. The other guy is obviously the mythical man who wore the thing.
Government docs show that the average life span of marines making drops was something like 2 or 3. This man, due to a paperwork malfunction ends up making almost 300 back to back. He's never promoted bc his drop total always reads zero.
To survive he mentally steps back and allows what he calls "The machine" to take over for him, killing friend and for alike to close with and destroy the enemy and gtfo alive.
This book is tense, dark, and really interesting.
Jow Forums the book.
Especially when you find out who the pirate is at the end.
>Hammer’s Slammers
There’s multiple Slammers full length books, as well as a few collections of short stories.
Check out /wfg/
>Master and Commander
I've only read the first few, but genuinely enjoy them. Fun and Britishly humorous. Recommended to OP.
>Clancy in general
I found him boring. His characters are cardboard cutouts whose only purpose is to provide expository dialog and the opportunity for Clancy to jerk himself off over military hardware.
I'll grant you Red Storm Rising is supposed to be his best work, although I haven't read it.
Pic unrelated
super under rated book
The Forever War - Joe Haldeman
Death's Head - David Gunn
What's the most Jow Forums halo book?
I read the comic. the whole "everyone's a gay clone" ending just kinda seemed dumb.
12-book Horatio Hornblower series by C S Forester
The Happy Return AKA Beat to Quarters in the US
A Ship of the Line
Flying Colours
The Ramage Series by Dudley Pope
18 books - a good Napoleonic war naval series.
The first two are:
Ramage (1965)
Ramage and the Drumbeat (1967)
Pope had been encouraged to write by C S Forester and both authors had written in comments that showed the main characters knew of each other. C S Forester also suggested to Roald Dahl to write of his experiences as a pilot. That apparently got him started in writing. Courtesy of Dahl the concept of Gremlins inhabiting aircraft or other machinery and causing trouble was made popular.
Jow Forums HELP PLZ
does anyone have the name of the author for that book about demons invading earth during gulf war 2? humans repel the attack and invade hell to free the damned because god has forsaken us, then we invade heaven because god welched on his end of the deal. lots of detail about systems and platforms, the author was a logs guy i think.
it's called either apocolypse or armegeddon and both of those words are so overused that pinpointing this obscure book is impossible.
it's full of typos but it's so much fun. i want to read it again.
thems all nautical books?
yous got any books on the scrimshaw?
I dont mind the real fiction but fiction too is good.
i second this. American Tabloid is one of my favorite books.
>mfw j edgar was shield against degeneracy this whole time
The Dog Stars by Peter Heller
if you're Jow Forums or /doggo/ it will be your favorite novel. read it nao. i read ~30 books a year and it remains in my top 5 of all time.
oh forgot the funniest /lit/ of all time for those who haven't seen it
Second for Draka. Does a solid job of explaining tactics and weaponry. The technological development gets a little redonk, but its fantastic regardless.
i'll vouch for the draka. stirling writes great villians.
>the lady of pain
Any strong feelings on Monster Hunters International series?
Sounds like The Salvation War.
What the fuck was up with that ending where he's a space samurai emperor with amnesia?
he didn't have amnesia, he straight up remembered and refused to be space emprah because his people let the love of his life die.
ty based user
Clip your fucking fingernails
not my hand nigger
MHI, not Monster Hunters the JRPG
Still do it
good suggestion.
>hand nigger
Is that a sock puppet made with a dress sock?
no it's a political office on black game of thrones
Yeah, it's The Salvation War.
Here you go, user
I tried, but good god was that was the worst author insert shit ever.
Why read fiction when you can just read military history? Currently reading The War Lovers, about the political buildup to the Spanish-American War. Pretty good, except the author is sadly normie so I'm having to unpack some of his retarded shit. talking about how Roosevelt was a big believer in discredited theories of Anglo-Saxon superiority and I'm just like "yeah sure, 'discredited'".
I'm surprised I never see anyone mention the Casca series in these threads. Written by Barry Sadler, the Viet-Nam Vet Green Beret that wrote The Ballad of the Green Beret. Premise is that the Roman who speared Jesus on the cross was cursed to walk the Earth forever as a soldier/mercenary until the Second Coming of Christ.
>pirate at the end
Are you sure youre thinking of the right character?
I enjoyed this book as well
Gaunts Ghosts is good but I really feel like Abnett needs to end the series. It's gotten to the point where I've started playing bingo with recycled plot points from earlier books. Especially with the 10 year time skip in the most recent one it feels like Abnett is trying to wrap up the whole crusade the books are supposed to be part of at very high speed.
Master and commander series
The hornblower series
The moon is a harsh mistress
Collateral, Malak, and any other short stories by Peter Watts (00s-10s)
War in 2020
-Ralph Peters (written in the 1980s)
The Subterrene War series
-T.C. McCarthy (like war in 2020, the setting is military SF, but the writing is heavily characterization-driven)
I read the one that starts out with him as a soldier in Vietnam being brought into a field hospital with shrapnel wounds to his head and then launches into his "origin story". The ending was kinda of ironic seeing as how he had been persecuting the Jews as a Legionar.
Has anyone ever read the Descent?
Can't remember if I finished. I think I did.
I read Starship Troopers, Armour and The Forever War in less than a week.
The forever war is absolutely amazing.
Anything by Terry Pratchett