What is the definition of Rules of Engagement

What is the definition of Rules of Engagement
Keep it to 20 words or less Jow Forumsommandos

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Ave nex alea.

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Kill em all and let god sort em out.

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>"Well, shoot back."

Waiting for more than two to respond

The simpler the answer the smarter you are

rule of enĀ·gageĀ·ment


plural noun:rules of engagement

a directive issued by a military authority specifying the circumstances and limitations under which forces will engage in combat with the enemy.

In other words a mandated handicap

Whatever your CO says it is.

Getting on your knees to fight a midget

Oh look a noncom

Next pop quiz at 11 hundred

Can I Shoot This Nigga? - A Primer

Depends on the ignorance

But I think the worst offense this delusion as opposed to ignorance

If it's hostile, you kill it.

Rules of Engagement


A series of regulations regarding hostilities that only apply in the presence of journalistic media.

Anyone who runs is VC.
Anyone who stands still is a well-trained VC.

Rules by which one is to engage threats in the presence of journalists

If its brown it's down.

the formalization of the dictum "no fun allowed"

Kill all sunzabitches. That's my official instructions.