What would it take for a ballistic shield to be able to reliably stop a rifle bullets?

What would it take for a ballistic shield to be able to reliably stop a rifle bullets?

Attached: NIJ-IV-shield[1].png (1656x1106, 1.52M)

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I've always loved the idea of soldiers/operators using ballistic shields, gives me the feel of a modern day phalanx

I believe the shield you posted on the right is claimed to be the first level 4 armor shield this is a vid about what it protects against and how heavy it is, 38lbs.

there's a company called Boydd that makes them for law enforcement, they have small level 3 shields (around 2/3 the size of the one in your pic) that is listed as 9 lbs. I also remember GIGN having a 7.62 resistant shield that took something like 8 shots point blank by an AKM when they stormed the Paris shitskin attackers.


Attached: CD2C0E41-B048-4D16-9823-7FCE7B160DA3.jpg (532x800, 322K)

That would be nothing new

Attached: yv5RWQ6KdT0.jpg (1920x1080, 572K)

Attached: D4UQfAZt6jw.jpg (1920x1080, 408K)

Be motorized

Attached: 94519D24-678F-4065-9D92-02E7A7413DE3.jpg (813x477, 130K)

Have any US LEAs bought the MRAPS IV XL? I think the idea of the exo skeleton is pretty damn smart assuming it works well and is durable. 38lbs but you probably only feel 10lbs or so when you move it around under that tension system

unironically this, wheels are the way to go

Why is Russian armor so aesthetic, fuck

How about the magnetic field shield from Metal Gear Solid 2? Seems like a lot more fun.

Feel like this would be a better solution than sticking your fucking arm out to fire.

Attached: images (27).jpg (685x353, 43K)

Attached: Dmwqb0qXoAESTku.jpg (800x945, 156K)


if the glock explodes outside of the vehicle, the operator only loses a hand. if it explodes inside the vehicle, the operator loses their life.



can i own one as a civilian in the usa? seems like the solution against random nig trajectory

But what do you do if the tires are shot out?

do you see those two men with rifles? they will shoot back at the person shooting the tires

there are usually other men with even more rifles somewhere nearby. they will shoot back too.


life isn't a fucking videogame, no one has the time to think about shit like 'oh hey lets target the weakpoints on this mobile armor cart' when they're actively being shot at.

Aluminum oxynitride

I think you meant to reply to the person I was replying to

I agree with your post btw

>why don't they just shoot at their knees
think about how unfeasible it is to deliberately aim at the tires instead of the actual target lmao

Just order one from russia, probably set you back like 2k tho