
Britbong here, why is it that this rifle continues to carry the awful stigma that the first iteration was known for? I mean you may think I'm just prideful about my countries service rifle but at the same time it's absurd that people continue to mock it for it's unreliability when it stopped being a reality as soon as BAE systems hired HK to rework the weapon system.
>even the Germans couldn't fix it
They literally fucking could, and they did.

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Because people are idiots that enjoy parroting third hand hearsay

Why are we continuing the shitshow from the earlier thread? It was cancerous as fuck last round and you know it won't be any different in this thread

I didn't know of any earlier thread, I hardly go on Jow Forums nowadays.

because it is still trash

It literally isn't though, that's the best thing.
Unless you can list several problems/malfunctions the A2 and A3 have and actively face, then I'll listen, but if not, then you're probably just uninformed.

the SA80 was designed to have a manufacturing cost of around 50 pounds way back when. It was literally the sten gun equivalent of rifles.

It sucks. It has dead weight ballast pot metal in it. You can't shoot it left handed. The serious british units, and even the police, all use other rifles.

It's a fine rifle for a conscript army where your average soldier isn't going to see much combat and you need to arm them with a 200+ yard infantry rifle but anyone with skill or facing serious combat has literally 100 better choices. And in today's world, you pick one of those other choices because having good and efficient equipment matters.

It isn't bad and I wish the UK would surplus them over to the US for us to diddle but it isn't exactly high quality either. Your average skrubmaster from like 20 years ago is probably a better choice as an infantry fighting rifle.

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*laughs in M16*

Reputation is a bitch

There's a reason most if not all British special forces groups use AR platforms instead of the SA80. The rifle is functional now, but the money spent making it work would've been better spent buying already functional rifles. The only reason it got upgraded instead of replaced was a misplaced sense of British pride.

Just replace it with colt canada like other sane countries