Why do people actually like this gun? The trigger is trash and it's overpriced. Why not just buy a glock?

Why do people actually like this gun? The trigger is trash and it's overpriced. Why not just buy a glock?

Attached: rs=w_600,h_600.jpg (600x398, 41K)

>The trigger is trash and it's overpriced.
Just like a Glock

Oh look, this thread again.

Don't give him (you)'s. It's obvious bait you fucking retard. Don't even respond to me and bump the thread.

Don't tell me what to do, fag

Fuck you

They like a high bore-axis and Sig's very law-abiding CEO.

Only stupid niggers like yourself like Glock.

Attached: 1549232341031.jpg (612x602, 73K)

fuck you I know how to sage

Getting adopted by the Army is a big draw. There are a lot of retards out there who believe .mil only gives our boys the best of the best. When in fact selection usually comes down to who can meet the bare min specs at the cheapest price. And no doubt favoritism, bribery, and backroom deals so some general can get a cushy job consulting job when they retire from .mil

By a CZ if you want a good trigger and reliability