This thread is for writing Jow Forums related stuff and the recommendation of books that are Jow Forums related
>It's been unscientifically proven that a lack of (you)s for writers can lead depression, alcoholism, story abandonment, and an hero.
>But it's so easy to make a difference in a writer's life. Just one (you) a day can make the difference between a happy writer and a writer on permanent hiatus.
>Please, post now. Help make a writer's day.
featured authors:
Doilooklikewritefag Touching Feelinng Jow Forums edition: user gets a scarred gun healing ensues [WAFFENGEIST][FEELS][HEALING][CUTE]
Barret Sempai Panni: The story of a sheriff and a feisty irish gun [WAFFENGEIST][HUMOR][SLICE OF LIFE]
PKM GF >"I may be a tall girl but I am light as a feather!" >"You know you want you to pick me up and carry me all day long!" >"It's OK to be rough with me, I love it!" >"That's right! slam my cover down hard!" >"Why don't you ask your friend to join us? There's plenty of me for two!" >"A 250 round box? Oh my!"
Lucas Johnson
(random repost, to follow in the next post)
Brayden Rodriguez
>It's the end of yet another day at the range, and once again your owner just leaves you in the small room in the basement that seems to be in the process of being turned into a bunker & in the meantime acts as a storage for guns, milsurp and ammo. No cleaning, no nothing. You can hear the muffled voices from upstairs where the other guns seem to be preparing for the customary movie night. >You were happy when he bought you from the family of your last owner who were debating whether or not to turn you over to the police to be scrapped right until the moment user bought you. Had you known how things would turn out you might have refused to go with him, at least by being scrapped you wouldn't have to tolerate this. >When he first bought you he took you straight to the range and went through a box of cheap Russian ammo he bought at the range. The pain from the steel cases grinding against your chamber every time you cycled didn't bother you at the time; you thought he'd be using brass-cased ammo in the future as he seemed like a decent guy. >After he brought you home he brought you down here and said he'd come back to clean you in a while, but then after two hours when you went up to see what all the noice was about you found him watching some movie with his other guns, as soon as he saw you he told you to go back to basement and not to come out until he tells you otherwise. >Feeling hurt you complied and in the month you have been here you haven't shown yourself to anyone, every weekend he takes you to the range and goes through three, four boxes of that fucking Wolf shit before taking you home and leaving you in the basement before joining the other guns for the movie night. >The only 'maintenance' he ever does is adjust your sights, and the only reason he does even that is because you make sure to undo the zeroing after every trip to the range as a petty revenge. >As you wallow you are interrupted by someone entering the room, it's one of user's rifles, an AR-15.
Nathan Wilson
>"So, the slavshit still won't honor us with her presence" she says, you can practically smell the venom dripping from her mouth. >You are getting pissed, first you are in no uncertain terms excluded from all of the activities, and now the little shit is talking as if it was you who made the decision? She's gravely mistaken if she thinks you are going to dignify her with a response. >"HEY! I am talking to you!" she shouts at you, it seems you'll have to respond after all, lest the rest will also come down here and then you'll have little chance of peace... >"Who are you calling slavshit you fucking Jam-16 -wannabe? After being perfectly happy to exclude me from everything that happens in this house for a month you have the nerve to blame *me* for that asshole's very clear order to stay here in my rifle form until he says otherwise?" you shout back as you come out. >"The fuck are you talking about, user would never do something like that!" she raises her voice even more. >"The day he brought me here he said he'd come down to clean me in a while, only to start watching movies with you & when I came to see what all the noice was about he said, and I quote: "Go wait in the basement and don't come out until I tell you otherwise!" Which reminds me, in the month I have been here, even after all that shitty Russki ammo he has put through me he hasn't cleaned me even once! Why he ever bothered buying me when he quite clearly couldn't give a flying fuck about me is beyond me!" you shout back, also raising your voice. >"What's going on here?" user shouts as he comes down to see what the shouting is about. >"The ungrateful little shit must have some important bits loose, claiming that you are somehow mistreating her even though you are taking her to the range every week!" the AR replies to user.
Jeremiah Anderson
>"He promised to clean me, went to watch movies with you guys, ordered me to return to the basement and stay out of sight until he says otherwise, keeps feeding me that shitty Russian ammo that hurts like hell and then he never cleans me, you try being in my position & I guarantee you'll turn into a danger to yourself and/or others within a week!" you retort, mentally preparing for a broadside from either user, the AR or the other guns who have also come down to see what's going on. Instead there's a stunned silence, until after some time user finally opens his mouth: >"...There seems to be a misunderstanding here, I only meant for you to wait for me to break down the news about you to the others before introducing you" user says before you interrupt him: >"You must like taking things real slow then, you haven't even done the cleaning you promised a month ago, left alone carried out this 'introduction' plan you supposedly had but failed to mention until just now! Then there's the shitty ammo you keep feeding me, do I look like a fucking $200 dollar beat-to-shit -stamped Norinco AK you found in a garage sale?" >"But you *are* an AK-47, you'll be just fine even with minimal cleaning, I mean maybe if your barrel wasn't chrome-lined, *then*-" user says before you interrupt him again, if you weren't mad before, now you most certainly are: >"I AM NOT A FUCKING AK-47! I am Valmet M71, built to tighter tolerances than any AK, I don't have a chrome-lined barrel meaning I *do* need cleaning, especially with the kind of shit you keep feeding me!" >"What? Why on Earth would anyone make an AK without a chrome-lined barrel?" he asks. >"I am essentially a civilian version of a weapon developed for the FDF, and since FDF came to the conclusion that manufacturing chrome-lined barrels that meet their accuracy requirements would have been way too expensive Valmet manufactured all of Rk -variants with naked steel barrels" you explain, starting to slowly calm down.
Juan Campbell
>"Then why didn't you say anything?" he asks, puzzled. >"Which part of "you told me not to come out until you specifically say otherwise" is too hard for you to understand?" you ask, now you are just irritated. >"But I didn't-" user says before being cut off by one of his guns: >"We all know it now, but as I have told you a hundred times before, you need to pay attention to what you say & especially *remember* what you have said, you made a promise and never kept it, now you have an angry woman in front of you and all that comes out of your mouth is a bunch of excuses, I thought you were raised better than that" she says to user, causing him to look down in shame. >"I'm sorry, I have neglected you even though I was supposed to make you feel at home, can we start over?" user says meekly, satisfied with his response the woman then turns towards you: >"And you, I understand why you are upset, but not showing yourself to anyone for a month & instead choosing to mess with user by undoing your zeroing after every range day is a bit excessive don't you think?" >"Wait, you mean she was doing it on purpose?" user asks, surprised, causing everyone else to laugh, including you. >"As you can see user is an idiot, he means well but really isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, please forgive him" the woman says. >"I'm sorry user, one of my previous owners was...a troubled man, I was afraid what you might do if I didn't follow your orders to the letter" you say to him. >"Wait, if you were so afraid of him, then why did you always undo the zeroing?" the AR asks. >"As I said I was afraid to go against his orders, user never ordered me *not to* undo my zeroing so..." you reply with a mischievous grin, getting a laugh out of all the guns around you. >"Looks like user really hit the jackpot this time, it will be a blast to have you around!" the AR says.