how do I stop squeezing my grip right before I pull the trigger all the way back. My shots keep hitting low and im sure its that. I have had my handgun / CC permit and every time I go (almost every week) I feel like I never improve at all. the only thing I havent tried is going to a smaller caliber, which I dont want to do because 9mm is what I carry.
How do I stop squeezing my grip right before I pull the trigger all the way back...
lose the fear of recoil.
how through? people keep saying this, but they never explain how I have had it for almost a year now and I still do this from day 1
dry firing. also, by realizing that nothing bad will happen to you once the round goes off. you can lose the flinch and fear by constant dry firing practice... do it every day for a week or two and it will go away.
Dry fire
If the cartridge case falls off, then you are doing it wrong.
Come back after 3000 repetitions
Glock? that's a classic thing with them. Dry fire the proper technique and research what it is, lots of info out there on different grip methods. That being said, what personally helped me a lot to stop throwing shots low(particularly with glocks) was making sure that i had a tight grip with the lower 3 fingers(bottom two particularly) of my shooting hand. When pulling the trigger i was reflexively tightening my grip in preparation for recoil which in part due to the glock grip angle was causing my muzzle to dip down and throw my shots low. Give it a try, might help.
mix some blanks into your mags and shuffle them so you don't know when they will occur. and dryfire as recommended
Pull the trigger extremely slowly while staying on target. So slowly that you don't know exactly when it's going to go off. You'll see your accuracy improve. Then increase the speed little by little.
Give your grip the death grip. You're moving your thumb as your squeeze with your index finger. That needs to stop, because its causing your to rotate your gun.
Alternative to a death grip, bring yo
finger isolation exercises help. I thought I was flinching but it was lack of finger isolation like you are describing.
I had this article bookmarked but I looked farther into it and eventually got into dryfire, eyes closed, with visualization..
good luck user
this is one of the videos I found helpful, there are others that may work for you with a little digging:
im pretty sure its my three other fingers when im shooting. I can do it without a gun in my hand and my middle,ring, and pinky move when i do the motion of pulling the tigger.
does anyone actually practice like this? seriously.
>mix some blanks into your mags and shuffle them so you don't know when they will occur.
I can see where this would help you confirm a flinch but I can't see where this will help correct one, what am I missing here?
exactly. So the idea is with some training you can learn to isolate your trigger finger. I believe that by learning to isolate all 5 fingers it will help isolate your pointer when shooting.
also when I do dry fire and put a spent round on top of my gun it doesnt fall off at all. So I have no idea what im doing wrong. besides my fingers tightening when I pull the trigger
yeah, that drill is a waste of time.
you will get more info from focusing on your front sight. Even better, if you have a red dot you can see movement much easier.
For dryfire practice this drill is the best one I know of:
just like focus on not doing the thing you're doing man and the more you dry fire the better you'll get at it
You should really buy a revolver and do this though. Mix dumbies and a couple live fires. Keep pulling the trigger with perfect form until it goes off twice. Correct as needed.
@ 4:20 he explains how by doing the bump drill quickly you will see if you are disturbing the sights and at that point you can start to iron out that movement, getting those sights to stay still as you manipulate the trigger.
Just stop being a pussy. Not being mean but get out of your head. Stop thinking "oh fuck oh fuck this is gonna jump" and just shoot. Relax your ass. Relax your grip. Slow down. Tell yourself not to flinch, and don't.
Stop being a pussy and shoot more.
Shout mya nee! When you fire
how do I do this with sao?
>anime girl poster
>scared of gun recoil
Stop being a pussy you faggot
Balance a coin on your slide and practice dry firing the gun, you want to be able to consistently pull the trigger without the coin falling off.
except when I dry fire my gun the coin, spent bullet whatever never falls off. although when I focus on the sights my sight does move a bit either down or to the left.