Are single stack 9's still worth consideration now that 1.5 stack guns like the P365 and 43X are out?
PSA has this on sale for $269 and a MP Shield for $249 but with only a 6 round clip is it worth it?
Are single stack 9's still worth consideration now that 1.5 stack guns like the P365 and 43X are out?
PSA has this on sale for $269 and a MP Shield for $249 but with only a 6 round clip is it worth it?
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>1.5 stack
what did he mean by this?
the p365 is a double stack and the 43X is an extended grip version of the 43. You can add base plate extensions to pretty much anything. The PPS is good. If you think you're underprepared with a 6+1 and an extra magazine get a double stack.
43x is as tall as a g19 but the p365 might be a game changer. Sig has QC issues so you might run into a problem so if you are going to get one maybe you should already have a single stack carry option to fall back on if you need to send it in to get fixed. I really hope walther makes something to compete with it. I almost wonder if they will announce something soon since the PPS M2 is going for really low prices right now.
Yes. These guns are smaller and thus easier to conceal.
The Shield is IMO the better option do to aftermarket and ergos, I own a PPS M2 I’m probably going to sell or trade for a Shield 2.0. But both are great guns with a proven track record.
Glock 43x seems cool but unnecessary. I would get a gun in that form factor to try out but Glocks don’t do it for me for admittedly autistic ergonomic reasons.
Don’t even think about the P365. It’s a known turd with horrible QC and IndoMIM parts that break on the reg.
Inb4 some guy claims he totally has 2k rounds through his P365 with totally no malfunctions, and he’s totally heard hundreds of totally true stories of the same from other owners, and then makes some kind of comment about how MIM’d parts are used in planes or some bullshit
Shield is 8+1 with the larger mags.
>Are single stack 9's still worth consideration now that 1.5 stack guns like the P365 and 43X are out?
I know that people here like to have fantasies about having a self-defense encounter that plays out like a shootout from a 70s cop show, but that's not what statistics tell us about citizen-involved self-defense shootings. Stats tell us that 2-3 rounds is average and more than five is basically unheard-of. Meaning that the 6-7 you'll get out of a single stack is plenty.
>P365. It’s a known turd
Classic case of things getting blown way out of proportion.
It's a popular gun with hundreds of thousands of people carrying them daily.
A good number of PPS M2 are under mandatory recall due to drop safe issue that are actually an issue. Shields also suffer from QC issues due to how much to were pumped out due to popularity.
Shit on the 365, or sig in general since it seems your issue is actually brand based, if you want, don't pretend that nothing else has issues either though.
I don't even own a 365, my carry guns are Beretta 85 and pps m2 as well.
Too many recalls. I'll stick to da or da/sa / revolvers. Pre cocked strikers are too iffy
Hundreds of thousands of people carry Taurus, this means nothing.
>Ruger LC9S
>7+1 capacity single stack
>9meme instead of less powerful, more expensive, and less available .380
>literally fits in your front pocket as long as your not wearing dick squeezer jeans.
>thin and light.
>trigger is like squishing a grilled cheese sandwich while wearing boxing gloves
>the 43X is an extended grip version of the 43
Why do ignorant people like you post your bullshit as if you knew what the fuck you were talking about? The magazine of the 43X is actually wider than the 43 magazine. It's not just an "extended grip version of the 43" as you so confidently and wrongly assert. It's essentially a "1.5 stack" magazine, like the S&W Shield magazine.
I have owned Sig "turds" like the P320, P938 and P238. I never had so much as a jam with any of them. That said, I no longer own them because of the propensity of negative reports, and I will not buy another new Sig handgun any time soon.
>Too many recalls. I'll stick to da or da/sa / revolvers. Pre cocked strikers are too iffy
You're too stupid to post on Jow Forums.
Not an argument
>6 round
Assuming you're talking about the 9mm version, it's 7 for the main mag and 8 for the backup. The .45 version is 6/7.
>* All PPS M2 Models chambered in 9mm come with 2 magazines. (1×6 round & 1×7 round)
>**The PPS M2 9mm LE Edition comes equipped with phosphoric sights and 3 magazines.
Its on AS serial guns, and it was an issue with the trigger tab.
Some FBI study said 5-7 rounds were the average for ending a gunfight.
Post literally anything factual and I'll respond more seriously.
I'm retarded, I thought he was talking about the shield.
The 43X isn't in the same category as the P365, it's a considerably larger handgun, and essentially a beefed up 43
Check out the Maguts +1 steel baseplate and spring. turns your 6 into a 7. I can't justify carrying a 6 shot semi auto pistol. Might as well carry a revolver.
Just like any new manufacture gun design the P365 had teething issues.
It looked like they solved them, and they were pretty minor to begin with desu, and now we have vids of people shooting P365's past 5k with minimal issues.
>Blatant "Nu-Sig is trash" poster
>I can't justify carrying a 6 shot semi auto pistol. Might as well carry a revolver.
I could if it was a 380 pocket gun, but the LCP2 and Bodyguard 380 have extended baseplates and the Mag guts option
Let's see recall on striker fired guns going off when dropped and they happen to have precocked nearing single action triggers? Some models have a fully precocked striker these days unlike glock even. The walther pps m2 is highly precocked.
What is so hard to understand here? Dont understand firearms? A da gun with hammer down and a firing pin block and other safeties doesnt have any energy in the hammer and is safer to carry and fire.
I think the P365 is a great little gun. Mine has become the only CCW I carry and has even taken over the night stand, everything else stays locked away except for range time.
I'm inclined to agree with PH that the 5-7 comes from LE switching to semi-autos. You're more likely to fire more rounds than necessary at an attacker when equipped with a 15-17 shot semi than with a 6 shot revolver. You've got rounds out the ass, so why not make sure his bad day turns into a really bad day? Rounds needed to kill a guy? Probably closer to 2-3 average.
Not the same you can reload a pistol way faster.
what the fuck do you have against Taurus'?
I think you are just an asshole who desperately needs his choice in a ccw to be wholly adequate and you just aren't sure if thats the case.
Do you not understand what a "stack" is, dipshit? Making the dimensions a little wider so you have to buy different magazines does not magically make the magazine stack twice 50% of the time. The grip is .79" longer, that's it. The pistol is *.04"* wider. It's not some fucking magic trick that Glock and Sig figured out. The Shield is a single stack too. It's sad that you actually believe the shitty marketing.
>tons of returns
>tons of broken strikers
>tons of broken springs
Should I get one of these or the PPS M2?
so amenable... poor you
>shitting on Taurus
They're an easy target. It's really hit or miss as far as their guns. Most of their revolvers, 92 series copies and 1911s are fine, but many of the in house designs leave a bit to be desired. With the internet, if you buy a shitty Taurus it's your own damn fault. Buying any gun from any company without researching it first is just retarded.
never fired a shield but pps has a really nice trigger and nice options for different capacity magazines with grip extensions and stuff. i prefer the pps m1 for the paddle mag release though.
It should be a personal choice, check them both out for yourself. handle them in the store, rent and shoot them both if you can.
I shot a buddy's Shield 2.0 a while back and really liked it. Good trigger, sights, and grip. Try to shoot both before buying if you have the opportunity.
I've shot them both and love them both which makes the decision that much harder lol. I already have a 2.0 compact so I'm slightly leaning towards the walther just for variety.
Uhhhhh user? The G43X mag is wider than the G43 mag. The rounds in it are slightly staggered, not a like a full double stack G19 mag, but sort of halfway there. The rounds don’t sit right on top of each other like in a true single stack.
Two of them are 1911 clones and one is a kiked Steyr design. The last thing Sig made that wasn't shit was the 2022 and they hide it for Monster Energy Edition P226 that would never pass through inspection in pre Cohen Sig.
Out of time revolvers and squeeze fire automatics.
Only their PT92 is worth a shit.
Question, opinion, and thread discarded
And Taurus makes the best value CCW pistol on the market these days. A few stories about lemons don’t really amount to much these days
Dude the PT111/G2C has been a pretty solid pistol with a lot of great reviews. The trigger leaves a bit to be desired but they’re fantastic carry guns, especially for the price tag
They have their place. They work good in areas where deep concealment is needed or for people who want to carry a gun but don't want to feel like they are carrying a gun.
I have a Glock 43 that I carry at work because concealment is very important there. Outside of work I carry a Glock 19 year round. I looked at the 43x and honestly I would just go with a Glock 19 at that point. Once you start getting into similar height as the double stack compacts it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to stick with single stack mag. Yeah it's not as wide but I've found the height of the gun is a much larger factor for concealability than the width. Your experience my be different though.
No they don't and it's shit. You just own shitty ass Taurus and are justifying you poorfag taste.
Shield and PPS are best value handguns.
Hey guys, this piece of dog shit is a good value that you can pickup beside the sidewalk.
Read about how they handle lifetime warranties
The Walther PPS M2 is awesome, if the deal is right there is no justification not to buy it.
That's gonna be a Yikes from me dog
But dude, Taurus is good despite the horrible QC, Brazilian engineering, and fucking over Brazilian gun owners.
You can also get a +2 mag guts kit that will bring it to 9 or 10+1 and it only adds 1/4"
>mag guts makes a kit for the LCP II
>7+1 pocket .380
Fuck that's another item for my to-do list
Forget the P365. The P938 is where it's at.
Fuck your statistics faggot, you argue like a Jew. Statistically you won't ever need to shoot someone. But if and when you do, you obviously want to have all the goddamn ammo you can get.
>fuck statistics
I have the gen 1. Thing is great, accurate, reliable, thin. Gen 2 supposedly has a better trigger among other upgrades so is probably a robust option.
gen 1 on sale on for like 250
There are three kinds of lies. Lies, damned lies, and statistics.
>The rounds in it are slightly staggered
So its just a (really shitty) double stack ...?
>t. other user
It's selling for as low as $249 right now. Makes me wonder what Walther's going to cook up in the near future.
The grip texture on the PPS M2 is shit. It would be nice to see something more aggressive, like the M&P 2.0 sand texture.
>broken springs
Can confirm
There's no way they are at hundreds of thousands in production numbers, this early in the game.
>tfw no one even considered the MC1SC
At least I like it.
Are you thinking of the original LC9? The LC9s/EC9s trigger is generally regarded as very good for an out of the box striker trigger.
Anyone have input on the whole trigger peening the barrel/chamber deal on the PPS? People are saying its a big issue Walther is ignoring.
that coupled with the recall makes me wonder if its worth the buy or not.
>wants his ccw to be wholly adequate...
Not him but... yes? Absolutely? I don't understand what you're trying to say.
It's just too much of an unknown right now.
>exposed hammer
>external safety
>single stack mag