Why are these conversion kits popular

These Glock conversion kits have been becoming more and more space age faggotry, why would you do this instead of just getting something else that has a rifle stock?

Attached: ck.jpg (1345x686, 78K)

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I kind of dig it

Does all that extra mass added to the barrel not affect its reliability?

>Tons of useless plastic shit that will break immediately if abused
>Rails are badly molded and low production quality is awful
>Expensive at 500$

Not to mention the cycling issues that this thing has.

Do they make one of these in 10mm?


Attached: RONI-G2-10-2T.jpg (250x250, 43K)

Mech tech does, and it's way less stupid than the Roni.

Not OP, but why do this instead of just building a AR PCC? Aside the fact that you might already have a glawk, I don't see why someone would buy into this gimmick.

My thoughts exactly, why fuck around with all this glock nonsense when there are far superior options?

9mm AR suck because of the retarded recoil for what it is. Pure pcc master race.