Looking to buy a pic. I was thinking of a sub 2000 or a Ruger PC Carbine, but you Jow Forumsommandos might have better ideas. I already have a Glock 34 so preferably something in 9mm that takes glock mags, but anything else is cool too. I’m probably just gonna use it for plinking and for dealing with coyotes (I live in upstate NY where coyotes are kinda a problem here). And because I live in NY I can’t have anything that looks to spooky if I ever want to see the light of day again.
Pistol Caliber Carbines
Love my sub 2000 takes glock mags cheep to run lots of fun and most are suppreser ready
Get a .357 magnum lever action from either Winchester, Marlin, or Henry.
Been looking to build a .45 ACP AR carbine. Anyone got good places for parts? Cuz every AR carbine user and their mother is about 9mm, but can't find .45.
The sub2k is a solid buy. I've out a few thousand rounds through mine with no problems other than like one or two light primer strikes on some shitty leo surp. The only bad thing is how shitty the sights are but there's an aftermarket for this.
p s a
>pull trigger
>blow own head off
what is this, some kind of april fools gun?
I highly recommend the Beretta Cx4. Everything about it is great.
after i get a handgun, i might go with this but in 40.
>my goal is to have guns in different calibers
Everything is except BCGs is temporarily out of stock. Welp...