Name a better bolt action rifle
pro-tip: you cant
Name a better bolt action rifle
pro-tip: you cant
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Oh look it's that fag from the awful youtube channel
What is a Type-99 Arisaka.
Lol. The german bolt actions were known for being inaccurate, and their sight picture was shit. The Lee Enfield and the 1903 springfield were both better rifles. At least it's better than the mosin
I just did
>1903 springfield
Is literally a Mauser with the design licensed from Mauser by the US government. Try again nogunz.
>proceeds to praise an amerimutt copy of a Mauser 98 that is liable to explode because they literally eyeballed the heat treating
Savage Axis is superior
This thread finished unusually quickly.
> it's a mauser
Yeah, a mauser with better sights and a better caliber. the Lee Enfield is still superior to both bolt actions but the m1 garand is king
Weird, last I checked those aren't still in active service with just about every military on the planet.
And the M14 is objectively better than that. We aren't talking about semi-autos, retard. >1903 springfield
Hey look, another retard.
You said bolt action, not semi-auto you goober.
what the fuck are you talking about
Tikka T3X Arctic
Daily reminder that the M1917 Enfield is still in active service and the K98 isn't.
I'm sorry you had no idea what the best bolt gun was until now.
Where's it still being used?
The vast majority of modern bolt action rifles used by militarys are Mauser derivatives.
Including the L96 which replaced the L42 (Enfield derivative) as the primary sniper rifle for the brits.
Using it to actively service your boipucci doesn't count as active service user.
The M1917 Enfield is a better Mauser than the K98, sweaty.
Nobody outside of middle eastern guerillas actually use mausers. Even rifles often referred to as "mauser based" are not really mauser based.
Sand-people seem to like them and still make shitty copies. Infighting among the Nepalese has seem them pop up as well because they still have shitloads of them in caves back from the British days.
The K98 is still in service with the sand people, too. The Lebanese have old stocks of them and Yugoslavian M48s.
A bunch of them have popped up in Syria following the discovery of old Nazi caches. The K98 has also been used in Ukraine following the raid of old Soviet stashes of captured rifles they had laying around. By that standard, the STG-44 is still well in service.
Literally any modern bolt action rifle.
You mean modernized Mauser? That's what you're talking about when you say that.
Both the Lee Metford and Gew 88 or Swiss Vetterli or manlicher 95 are more accurate with handloads than a mauser 98 or Lee Enfield.
No they were not particularly known for being innacurate. The Lee Enfield depends on the model, the Springfield is basically the mauser. Stop trying to be jingoistic.
You can buy new mausers, as any CZ bolt action is basically a mauser as are many other modern hunting and sporting riles
And what type of action does the M1917 Enfield rifle use?
Idiot. The M1917 used the Mauser action.
The Mosin always had better sights than any German Mauser.
They didn't "eye ball" the heat treatment. There is no way a worker could "eye ball" the heat treatment as they were inside of clay pots for several hours. The "eye balling" was the forging temperatures.
And speaking of heat treatment. A K98k even made in 1942 was made almost the same as it was in 1898. They just case hardened it.
The fuck is this disgusting modification on the stock, why would you paint the markings white?
Fuck you.
So no one is going to talk about modern bolt action rifles or competition rifles
Nvm Is also not an idiot
I have a 1903 in fuddlore splodey rifle serial number range.
I have several empty 30-06 spam cans sitting around holding my junk.
Aint fucking dead yet!
1903 springfield sights are dogshit, unless you mean the 03a3
He'll yeah brother!
Also, it isn't all of them. It's enough of them that it's cause for concern and there isn't any way to tell if yours is one of the affected rifles. The CMP has a good explanation of this. Just because yours has lasted this long doesn't mean the next rifle off the assembly line is safe.
>They didn't "eye ball" the heat treatment. There is no way a worker could "eye ball" the heat treatment as they were inside of clay pots for several hours. The "eye balling" was the forging temperatures.
No, it was the heat treatment. By "eye-ball" they mean Springfield was wildly inconsistent as far as ensuring each rifle received adequate treatment during their single. What the fuck is with you guys and petty semantics?
Blaser R8 mit Lochschaft.
Phone posting
This, the M1917 borrowed the cock on opening from the Mauser, fucking Mutt thieves.
M1917 is cock on close
The K98 is the superior version of the Mauser rifle for HISTORICAL RIFLES, but today Mauser makes better civilian stuff than old milsurp that was made by military contract for cheap.
>superior mauser
>not the swedish M38
It's a G.33/40, a carbine only carried by gebirgsjager. Very collectible and I imagine very harsh on the shoulder with full house 198gr loads. The metal on the stock is there so soldiers could use the rifle like a rung on a ladder to hoist up another of their own.
Oh look, another thread where OP insists that every variant and evolution of the Mauser action is literally a Mauser 98. This type of trolling is all so tiresome.
Do any of you actually own the guns you're claiming are best?
Yes, My arisaka is amazing.
What is wrong about the Lochschaft ?
Read Hatcher's Notebook.
>One fact that this staff quickly developed was that the FORGING temperature was not being sufficiently controlled….These men thought that they could tell when a piece had the right heat just by looking into the furnace.” “…it was quickly found that the “right heat” as judged by the skillful eye of the old timers was up to 300 degrees hotter on a bright sunny day than it was on a dark cloudy one.
That's straight out of Hatcher's Notebook.
You can also redo heat treating, and trust me, Springfield tried that. You're confusing the fact that they changed heat method treatments at the same time. That was mostly because of Springfield's damage control trying to find something that will work before they know what the problem actually was.
>The fuck is this disgusting modification on the stock, why would you paint the markings white?
Collectors (something you clearly know nothing out, you disgusting poorfag) put a type of white oil crayon in the markings so you can read the roll marks at gun shows, etc. The gun is completely as issued original. You stupid fucking worthless nigger subhuman.
Wow look! Someone who's not a fucking retard!
The K31 is overly complex and really expensive to make for something as mundane and simple as a bolt action rifle. It has huge downsides, while having no upside.
I just did