Hobo tier weaponry

I don't know why but it just has a somewhat aesthetic look and felt so fun to make.
Anyone else made something like that / has ideas ?

Attached: IMG_20190419_153850.jpg (2448x3264, 2.02M)

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Oh and also any ideas on how to improve this ?

First, you are an idiot. Second, you have to drive the nails THROUGH the bat otherwise they will fall out. Third, you will want to drill a hole SMALLER than the nail to drive it through or else you will be there all fucking day trying to hammer in nails to a nail embedded bat while potentially injuring yourself since you finally figured out that the pointy end of the nail is what you want.

kill yourself

Retard detected
You're not much better, but the other guy was right. You don't just wrap the end in shit for aesthetic shape, you wrap it so the wood doesn't splinter while you drive your nail all the way through the wood. It is not a durable weapon, and it might actually make it less effective, but the two or 3 hits you can get in before the nails start popping loose will hurt like motherfuck

You ruined a perfectly good bat

>Perfectly good bat capable of inflicting sufficient damage.
>Intentionally weakening the structural integrity in an effort to appear more edgy.

This is antifa tier.

spread shit over the nails.
literal shit.

about 22 dollars

shouldn't you hammer the nails completety in?
that way the sharp ends will stick out instead of you bashing people with the bat to finish hammering in the nails in the first place?

cut the nails to a third of their protruding length.
The more off-center a hit is, the more the bat will try to twist in your hands. Studs on clubs have always been short and stout for a reasons. is a good example.

Attached: bokoclub.jpg (342x147, 4K)

Fuck off retards.

>sharpen golf club
>cover shaft in duct tape for structural integrity
You now have a hobo polearm and shall dominate the local vagrant tribes.

Also I think a better idea would be to find some form of spiky plant and affix as much of it as possible to the bat using glue. The thorns will most likely break off on impact, meaning that they could cause infection if not properly removed, but also that you would have to replace much of it with each use.

Coating the bat in glue and rolling it in broken glass would also be an easier to maintain, but likely less painful alternative.

Affixing large shards of broken bottle to your trusty hobo trashcan shield would also not be a poor idea.

Coating any weapon capable of breaking skin in bodily fluids and poison ivy (or similarly toxic plant) before use is a must.

If you stumble upon roadkill of sufficient size, the tendons could be used to fashion a bow.

And of course, there's always the classic liquid poop filled syringe.

Actually drive them through the bat you fucking retard. What you have now is slightly better than an old 2x4.

>find beehive
>acquire queen bee
>become beehive

You now have a living beesuit of armor that will fuck up anyone who tries to attack you.

Actually YOU are the retard

Is that yours? Is this some antifa manlet thing? Do you understand how a bat is made and held together?

Post more hobo weapons instead of arguing pls

Make something like this. Will be way more effective.

Attached: mace.png (591x772, 678K)

>that thing
your taste and sense of practicality are utter shit. Do not post ever again.

Attached: easy.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Baseball bats are hollow. Put a steel rod through the middle and fix it with epoxy. Sharpen the rod for extra stabness.

Cut the heads of the nails off and possibly cut them back by half it's length. Keeping the heads on and the length will just make them bend easier.

>aluminum bat
>drill and tap holes
>put in bolts and loctite

Attached: baseball mace.jpg (720x960, 78K)

Or tank an aluminium bat drill a hole on the base handle end and fill it with concrete.

based snd kanobopilled

based and hobopilled

Oni ni kanabo

actual fucking caveman tool.

The unexpected AIDS needle is the 10mm of hobo weapons

Attached: it works on bears.jpg (474x266, 26K)

Nice bolt action user

Attached: 1552670884257.jpg (268x284, 10K)

buy an aluminum bat