So these are on the train tracks next to my house?
So these are on the train tracks next to my house?
it's Jade Helm time; Obama's gonna round up all the gun owners into FEMA camps
The military moves shit around by rail all the time. These are probably just being transfered to some army/guard depot in bumfuck nowhere. I dont know why people act like tanks/IFV's on trains is a big deal.
The Stryker is my favorite 8x8 though, so thanks for sharing anyways.
confirmed. the railroad just flew over my house
>a bunch of fucking LAVs that aren't even weapons platforms
who gives a shit
Can confirm. Often moved for training operations with other units as well.
t. train engineer
What we're all missing here is the fact that OP lives next to the tracks. And is therefore a poor fag.
I now look down on poor fags.
Check and see if the hatches are locked.
Jump on and fill one of them entirely with mayonnaise
those aren't LAVs user
They are and GPS tracked.
>GPS tracked
you say that like you can't buy a gps jammer off of ching chong amazon for $20
except those are highly illegal
Yeah but the trackers are literally just zip tied to the outside.
Most of them aren't even locked either - you need to be able to drive them off the train at the other end. If they are locked it's with 5$ padlocks or combos that you can crack with bolt cutters. They're also chained to the rail cars with some easily undone rail tie downs.
The real trick to stealing one would be finding one that isn't broken like 75% of all military equipment. That, and somehow driving it off with 3 feet of room to the front and rear without flipping it off the side. Good luck.
>talking about taking a military light armored vehicle for a joy ride
>worried about fcc getting you for a gps jammer
the purpose of the GPS jammer is to cover your tracks of the theft of a armored vehicle while the possession and purchase of a GPS jammer is illegal itself.
when you go to rob a bank you better be damn sure your getaway car's not parked illegally otherwise you'll run out and find it's been booted.
don't even bother with the jammer, just snip the gps tracker off the vehicle with a pair of safety scissors and tie it to the rail car. by the time it gets where it's going it'll be too late, assuming you can even get the vehicle off in the first place.
Do you guys have to do any special shit when you're hauling military equipment or is it just business as usual?
I live in Israel and once they put a SRBM TEL in the field by my backyard. Not a scud launcher vehicle but some sort of similar looking thing. It drove off like 2 hours later with a truck with missiles on it and I have no idea wtf it was doing there. They literally told me to not even TELL anyone in happened
Its years later so I now quietly laugh about it
>Armored vehicles on a train= A-ok
>Armored vehicles with supporting infantry coming down your street= Not-ok
>Some Strykers are on a train near me
wow OP it's fucking happening a Stryker just flew over my house
Hop the train and see where they go
>I live in Israel
Please gas yourself
and don't tell anyone about it for hundreds of years to come ffs
Back to leftypol you retard
Jade Helm was in Feb - march this year. It's called a unit movement to a NTC/JRTC via railhead