Will the mayflower rig work with AK mags? If not what are some other options? I want an ak rig but none of the ones I look at have the extra space I want. Quality recommendations would be nice. Not trynna LARP in chinesium/ combloc surp garbage.
AK chest rigs
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Haley Strategic D3CRX fits AK mags pretty well, only four pouches though and they are fixed which is kinda lame but it's great quality, love mine
noted, thanks bro!
For reference, stuck some AK Pmags in mine for a pic, the bungee retention is pretty tight on AK mags but you can replace the bungees with metal inserts that ‘click’ the mag and lock it in place, overall really comfy rig and it easily attaches to a ton of Plate Carriers through swiftclips
Like that patch, like those pistol mag extensions, like that you got it in ranger green. I'm sold and I'll probably order a little dangley pouch for it too.
Might get this one instead. Don't really need 4 pistol mags on my chest.
the heavy is designed for battle rifles but I don't see why it wouldn't do well with AK mags, good luck
>Ranger green best color
random links, but have fun looking.
ur my hero and a true chad
>193 dollars
Get a chicom rig for fucks sake.
>SOE gear
they make nice stuff but the owner is a huge blowhard.
i never liked those bamboo tab things for the chicoms, but i can see that they can be easily modified. not sure if the op wants to go through all that trouble
I'd rather buy a 15-30 dollar chicom rig than a 200 dollar rig for larping in the basement or whatever else. It does the same thing. Hell its probably lighter.
You can always Velcro or just shove the mag in and use friction.
I like the Jaeger chest rig, saw it on greyshop, I'm hoping to find a used one somewhere
I went with sposn smersh because I don't like shit on my chest so proning out isn't cumbersome. I love mine
np, these look interesting: kommandostore.com
i think hes funny
how do they fit 7.62x39 mags? i know they're designed for the 5.45, yeah?
I will never understand why you would pay nearly $200 for a fucking chestrig, at that point just get a quality plate carrier.
>B-but, plates are heavy
Then use it without plates, but you'll have the option to use plates plus can mount all your shit on them in any position you want.
Like the other user said, if you just want something to hold your mags save some money and get a chicom, if you're gonna spend real money than at least use it for something worth the price.
Thoughts on the LV119 Covert? Seem to hear good things about them.
post setup
Because Jow Forums will mock them for being the guy at the range wearing a plate carrier and then mock them some more for being the guy wearing a plate carrier without plates.
What plate carrier would you recommend? I cant afford a London bridge but I can afford better than condor/ 5.11/ whatever the fuck. Also; most modern (expensive) rigs attach to a plate carrier.
Running a plate carrier with an AK just feels wrong.
You're supposed to wear a slick carrier under your gorka.
Either buy a SADF Pattern 83 rig (pic related) or simply buy molle pouches and attach them to your own rig. I have a couple 5.11 AK molle pouches and they work great. Paying over $150 for an AK chest rig is retarded.
>Caring this much about what random people think
>Paying over $150 for an AK chest rig is retarded.
Jow Forums will mock them for wearing a chest rig to the range too, and at the same time mock them for just shoving their magazines in their pockets.
The only way to avoid Jow Forums's mockery is to wear nothing but a hawaiian shirt and tail buttplug to the range.
because there are a ton of AK chest rigs for cheap that are great quality
What if we velcro the bottom of a mag to the tail and reload by whipping it between our legs into the magwell?
What is the best vintage rig (70s or earlier) for quality and style while larping?
Sometimes a higher price doesn't always mean a better product, it does up until a certain extent but this shit works more like a bell chart than just a steady increase, once you get to a certain point the price only goes up for nothing but the prestige.
makes sense
i like the belt mag pouches from the iron curtain
I got the Beez Combat Systems AK rig. It's Awesome, inexpensive, and built well.
Tasmanian Tiger mk2 is really good. I love mine.