Thoughts? Comments?
What would you choose for your own state?
Thoughts? Comments?
What would you choose for your own state?
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>All of this wonderful, historic firearms
>Barrett M82
>In March 2011, Utah adopted the M1911 pistol as its state firearm. This gun was designed by Ogden, Utah native John Browning. The adoption was supported by Republican Utah State Representative Carl Wimmer, who said, "It does capture a portion of Utah's history" and "even bigger than that, it captures a portion of American history."[1] The adoption was opposed by Democratic Utah State Representative Brian King who said, "When we are talking about a state symbol we would do well to come up with one that is more unifying than divisive and this is a very divisive symbol for obvious reasons. This is just a poor choice for a state symbol".
>Long Rifle
>KENTUCKY Long Rifle
God, it's a shame Connecticut is such a bitch state now. Lots of firearm history here; plenty to choose from.
God bless.
>alaska actually specifies the Model 70 as pre-1964
goddamn do I love that state. here's to you and your 40% injun neighbors boys, sharing frozen heaven with the mosquitoes.
>A state actually has the goddamn Barret M82 as its state firearm
Literally never heard of it.
>No state firearm
This is horrible.
Neighbors like the drilling company? I know a guy who worked for them, but he's whitey.
What should it be, Nevadanon?
I dunno if Alabama ever made anything of historical note. Guess they could go with the Brooke rifled cannon if that counts.
Arizona is the colt single action army
California’s should be the AR-15, since Armalite was based out of Hollywood/Costa Mesa.
Hilariously, the AR-15 would be the best choice as it was designed and prototyped in Hollywood, even though today you can’t own one here without mutilating it somehow.
The irony...
>it's all flyover states
I don't want to choose for everyone in my state, but guns in general are a part of Nevada (well I could say that for every us state). I was just shocked that there isn't a state gun.
If I was to choose though maybe an Winchester 1873, or a popular mobster gun.
Too be fair 1950s era Costa Mesa was a completely different place compared to today.
>Texas doesn't have one
The fuck.
Well yeah. Those are the only states where people have rights, and the ones people from your shithole state keep moving to
I think 1873 would be a good choice
States that aren't "flyover" tend to be highly cosmopolitan and anti-gun.
>CA and WA have yellow fever
Escape while you can before the Elliot Rodger mutt hellspawns kill you all.
literally no one is moving to those states any more than the are any other ones. why the fuck would someone want to be in Kentucky or Alaska?
They wouldn't. Stay the fuck out.
To get away from the shithole your state is, obviously. Go be proud of being an enlightened liberal cosmopolitan asshuffer somewhere else.
the south is the shit hole, my guy.
I actually would move to Alaska, and Tennessee doesn't seem half bad.
I'd rather live in the south than whatever communist occupied territory you're from.
excuse me what the fuck kentucky
>It's a misnomer.
It is also known as the Pennsylvania rifle, since the majority of the original makers were German immigrants who settled in southern PA.
Michigan here
Culturally we could pick from many, Savage 170 in .35 Remington gets my vote.
But historically; an M1A1 carbine, we made 3.5 million or so during WWII.
>he'd rather live in Alabama, a state that the UN investigated for its treatment of poverty, than the economic powerhouse that is NY
This is bull.
Nevada somehow looks for someone unknown and all visits last from 10-12 minutes?
Utah? They are shaded yet somehow there is no top search term?
I'm not even surprised.
Correct. Having been to both, there's no question in my mind I'd rather live in Alabama than ever set foot in New York ever again in my entire life.
Thankfully I don't have to do either since I'm on the complete other side of the country. Not so thankfully we have our own version of New York spreading like the cancerous tumor it is.
That's so strangely aesthetic, I kind of want one.
NY has five star restaurants while Alabama's idea of cuisine is boiled peanuts.
Or you can cook your own food and not rely on shitty overpriced beaner food
Why would you not want to live in Alaska or Kentucky?
You literally could not pay me to move to California or New York, which is unfortunate because geographically and even culturally the northern parts of both states would be acceptable, if it wasn't for the political hegemony of the liberal south/population centers.
I don't care. I'd rather have an AR in my safe and a pistol on my belt and have to cook my own dinner. I think you're on the wrong board.
>you have to live in a cultural backwater to be a REAL gun owner
No, you don't. But 'real' gun owners don't drone on calling superior states flyovers. I'm not even from one of those places, I just find that attitude sickening here of all places. You have nothing to feel superior about.
>5 star restaurants
Anyone who pays that much for a meal should be ashamed.
Boiled peanuts suck, yes, but thankfully homemade BBQ, catfish, crawdads, cornbread, fried green tomatoes and pecan pie do not.
>fried tomatoes
You're not helping your case.
I mean, my state didn't throw a fit over not being able to own people, so.
So what? My state wasn't even a state yet. Think I care what some people 150 years ago did? I care a lot more about the rights they deny people now.
Have you never had fried green tomatoes?
Fresh out of the garden? They're delicious.
Fried pickles too. If you try them and don't like them, well I feel sorry for you.
>today is 160 years ago
>My state
>Simplifying the cause of the Civil War
>Referring to succession as "throwing a fit"
You, sir, are egotistical, judgemental, and simple minded to the point of being assinine.
Alabama's idea of cuisine is gulf seafood and Cajun bleed over.
hello fellow alabamian! i pick marlin model 55
>than the economic powerhouse that is NY
Do you even own at least an acre of your economic powerhouse, or have a lawn?
Honestly though whats the point. Utah has had every state beat for firearms for over a hundred years
>you will never get to claim the Great Mormon Wizard of Bang Magic as one of your own
If I had to choose a state gun for Michigan though, it'd probably be a Hi-Point of some sorts for -obvious- reasons
Either a lever-action chambered in .357 or .44, pump shotgun with ventilated rib, or a bolt-action rifle in .243
New York is the same state where the most popular summer food is literally just tiny potatoes boiled in several pounds of salt (and they're fucking excellent, by the way). Can you NYC metro area shits all fuck off already so upstate can be free from Cuommunism? In an ideal world NY would be on that list in the OP with the Ithaca 37 loud and proud.
>When we are talking about a state symbol we would do well to come up with one that is more unifying than divisive and this is a very divisive symbol for obvious reasons.
Those reasons aren't obvious at all. In fact, all an M1911 symbolizes to most people are times we dawned a uniform, came together, and fought a common enemy. Just more nonsensical drivel from people who shouldn't be allowed to vote, much less be anywhere near a legislative chamber.
I can think of a chamber those people would occupy a lot better
Kentucky gets hellish with the seasons sometimes desu. Last week it was in the 80s and 90s, I think it was low 40s/high 30s this evening. This shit has been going on for a month now.
Nah that's badass
Some cowboy gun in my opinion. Probably a Winchester repeating rifle.
This is fake
I am praying that someday Ohio chooses the Hi-Point as our state weapon.
The only faults Alabama has in regards to food is that there's few Buffalo restaurants (have to drive to Tennessee or Georgia for the best meat on earth) and nobody even knows what a Kolache is.
I just want Kolaches with my fucking donuts again, is that too much to ask?
MA’s should be the S&W Sigma
If you live in NYC you are literally owned by the Jews. Manhattan has a string that encircles it that turns it into a Jewish "home." NYC isn't America, it's little Israel.
I'm finally getting out of CA and moving to fairbanks alaska next year.
>damnyankee detected
Beats Kimber for sure
>Florida hasn’t adopted a shitty Cold War 9mm smg yet
Bad list
Nothing wrong with the Yankees it's just the freedom hating tumors of NYC Albany and Buffalo that allow the pretense of a economic power house that spends more than it produces.
What about the economic powerhouses of Florida, Georgia, or Texas?
>New York
He was either a troll or not honest with himself see
>living in Jew York
Fuck you, your not wrong and the truth hurts......especially when its impossible to get that SAFE compliant
1 Digit from perfection and still appropriate...... and accurate.
I like the handguard
Louisiana user, vouching for the LeMat
Wyoming anons please explain
Always wondered, is this so bad? It does have a standard magazine.
t. No guns
don't remind me
Winchester, Colt, Mossberg, Ruger, Auto Ordnance off the top of my head, I know there's probably been dozens more smaller ones. Only Mossberg and Ruger remain and I think it's only their corporate offices still here.
So much for a state that used to be nicknamed the "arsenal of democracy"
Salt potatoes are so fucking good. Still not worth living in that God forsaken socialist enclave. Glad I escaped
>Florida considers a gator a weapon
>makes it the state weapon
Texas talks a big game, but they ain't shit. NH went blue for Hillary and we have better gun laws than shit hole tex-ass.
>also 603 would fall to the marketing monster of the sig p320
>none for Jow Forumsansas
Idk... CZ, maybe? CZ USA is in KCK.
>I live in a state that has no official state gun
An alligator with a Kel-Tec strapped to it.
There is literally nothing wrong with boiled peanuts. Besides no matter how many stars the restaurant has the food will be cooked by Mexicans.
>It's okay that I live in a shitbox I don't actually own that's smaller than Cleetus's double-wide because I live in the same city as some Jew businessmen that are making 7 figures.
Who's the real cuck?
it doesn't look standard to me
it's also a symbol of all that is retarded with grabbers
>not allowed to have various metals and plastics in certain shapes
it's just unamerican
they're not even energy-dense plastics or metals
it's retarded and unamerican
>imagine living in a state with "ebony"
creampie confirmed best fetish
>A historical firearm than served the US for 100 years and influenced many other designs around the world is divisive
What a fag
It's because Barrett has a based as fuck American Dream story and is boning an ex state rep. You can get a good synopsis on his Wikipedia page.
Is it this Kel-Tec?
Those are just the states with the largest redguard populations.
And hentai is the best
>caring about what the UN says
>Based Carolinas
>Ohio is it's own fetish