Buying things in the military

I'm from a small Army in a country which is not the USA. In my 4+ year army career I have not ever needed to buy any item of gear or uniform. Even notebooks and pens or cleaning supplies for my accommodation on the base are given at no cost to myself.

Friends from foreign armies near me have said they need to buy uniforms, the platoon puts their money together to buy specific gear, and in one case they had to buy bullets so they could train with pistols.

How is it like in the armies of Jow Forums

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with the us military you really don't have to buy much. uniforms are "covered" by a yearly allowance for the enlisted ranks. and while deployed, you get a monthly allowance for ordering basic issue stuff you need downrange. the thing is, a lot of issued gear is shitty when compared to something you can buy aftermarket. so if leadership approves it, there's no reason not to get those high speed combat pants. otherwise, you really don't have to buy anything.
t. medic who had a fancy aidbag.

In the British Army private purchases were found at all levels, pretty much everywhere. That's gone down a lot in recent years because the issued kit is. broadly speaking, very good.

My first private purchase was from a USMC rifleman on R+R in Hong Kong. I bought a pair of jungle boots from him. After that, quite a few things. Civilian hiking equipment was decades ahead of what the Army had available, so it was Meindl boots for temperate weather and La Sportiva for winter courses. For Oman I had some very lightweight Adidas trainers which I wore for the duration. These were great for cutting about in, especially compared to the boots we were issued at the time.

Never bought any weaponry or ammunition. Firstly because it wasn't necessary, secondly because it wasn't allowed (even in my time). The WIS (weapons intelligence) section did, but they had funding from the Treasury. Lots of stuff was privately procured by units I served with, but always from central funds and benefactors. The only things I remember clubbing together for were leaving presents and memorabilia items.

Not true in all branches. The Marine Corps makes you purchase all of your uniforms the uniform allowance is too small to cover anything except your updated ribbons every year or so.

hence the quotations

I am a veteran of the ground forces of one of the biggest militaries in a very big country (not USA or India) and I would say that there is much that they do not give you, and you do not get what you are missing (unless it is ammunition or uniforms or gun parts) because you cannot afford it yourself. I did not even have internet from 2007-2015 because it is too expensive

Not a soldier. But Andy Mcnab said that you should do with standard issued stuff, because nobody is going to parachute you a new pair of Crispi boots when yours are destroyed after months in the jungle.
What is your opinion about this?

Our Army says the same. If an essential piece of your issued gear breaks you can have more brought out to you (snapped pack frame or broken magazine for example) but if you are wearing privately purchased boots and the soles tear off then you're shit out of luck.

I might die for it, but I won't buy for it. Everything that I need is provided, if it isn't provided I don't need it.

fucking welfare queen

I don't know why you guys are being vague about what country you're from.

Canadian Infantry. Been Reg/Reserves. Personal kit depends on what side of the country you're on, Western army it's liberal and East it's a mixed bag but mostly pretty conservative to you cant wear anything that's not from the queen. Light infantry battalions tend to get the most leeway, I've seen Recce with the only thing issued being their combat pants.

In Canada we were issued pretty terrible boots, so a majority of people bought their own. Within the past year they've started to cover that purchase, and it's pretty fucking good. Guys are getting Lowas, Hanwags and Meindls covered.

Both units I've been in have been good with field kit, recently to the point of unissued rain jackets as along as they're OD/brown since the issued ones are better as a winter jacket.

I've personally spent around 3K on kit over a decade including boots, small pack, ruck, jackets, sleeping bags. It seems like a lot but the less I suffer in inclement weather the more I can focus on the job. Also cutting weight, my ruck has been halved compared to using issued stuff which I think has prevented some injuries.

TL;DR we get issued garbage, but because of that they look th other way if we use our own kit.

in British army, during phase 1 we have to use issued kit only so you can use it but in phase 2 and field army I've used my own kit pretty much, own webbing, daysacks, boots .etc

The Brazilian army gives you every month a small amount of money to buy boots, uniforms, etc, but it's not enough to cover it so you pay with your salary.

Not to mention once you become an NCO, you're expected to have a rite-in-the-rain on you. The Corps issued me a decent starting kit, but I still needed some things. Not to mention that the uniform bonus is only like $100 and a pair of utilities and boots is like $200, and forget about maintaining your dress uniforms with that money.

Are you a Chinese?

>die for the ZOG
>have to pay for it

The shitty issue boots are like 80

Post your guns faggot lover.

quick quick user post your guns

Un issued kit is usually better quality, and the issued stuff can still be used as a backup in case my good shit is destroyed/lost. So I dont get the argument.

Thats not the proper response you stupid fucking zog-bot, looks like those female programmers didn't pay off

Fuck off newfag

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Don't get used to having nice things would be a better argument. "shrugs"

You guys probably have the best kit, next to the Aussies whose infantry seem to be issued normally what SOF get. I'm glad my army tends to have the same attitude in regards to kit as yours or I'd probably be out by now.

We can get rite-in-the-rain notebooks issued to us for free because they're expensive, but I use a paper book for everything including trips to the field. The RITR gets used only if it's wet.

I'm in the Australian Army.
We only have 7 battalions of infantry in the whole Army so they give us nice things, except the tech is 2nd hand US stuff like NVGs or radios. I think most of the gear we are issued is the same or better than the stuff you can buy, and depending on your unit, unissued gear is not permitted.


Train hard>fight easy
Or at least train the same as you fight.

How come I always hear this from pog's or vehicle based combat trades. You dont have to carry your own heavy shit and you get to sleep in a vehicle or a tent.

With that sort of logic we should all be using equipment from the 40's "because it'll make us better soldiers". There's a point where you're needlessly suffering, and youre no longer fighting smart.

In the Canadian army you have to beg for new uniforms and hope the QM has your size everytime you go. I spent half the year looking like a bag of shit because half the army wears the same size clothing as me. They should do the same thing with uniforms they do with our boot allowance.

I'm out East now and lots of people use not issued kit, like stealth suits and neo's. Usually you are seen as a rookie who hasn't suffered if you don't fish out for this stuff. On the other hand I have seen guys try the same with chest rigs and get told to get their issues stuff. It can be stupid.

Does anyone know if buying gear while in the Norwegian army is possible? Or buying some surplus to keep