I'm from a small Army in a country which is not the USA. In my 4+ year army career I have not ever needed to buy any item of gear or uniform. Even notebooks and pens or cleaning supplies for my accommodation on the base are given at no cost to myself.
Friends from foreign armies near me have said they need to buy uniforms, the platoon puts their money together to buy specific gear, and in one case they had to buy bullets so they could train with pistols.
with the us military you really don't have to buy much. uniforms are "covered" by a yearly allowance for the enlisted ranks. and while deployed, you get a monthly allowance for ordering basic issue stuff you need downrange. the thing is, a lot of issued gear is shitty when compared to something you can buy aftermarket. so if leadership approves it, there's no reason not to get those high speed combat pants. otherwise, you really don't have to buy anything. t. medic who had a fancy aidbag.
Logan Rivera
In the British Army private purchases were found at all levels, pretty much everywhere. That's gone down a lot in recent years because the issued kit is. broadly speaking, very good.
My first private purchase was from a USMC rifleman on R+R in Hong Kong. I bought a pair of jungle boots from him. After that, quite a few things. Civilian hiking equipment was decades ahead of what the Army had available, so it was Meindl boots for temperate weather and La Sportiva for winter courses. For Oman I had some very lightweight Adidas trainers which I wore for the duration. These were great for cutting about in, especially compared to the boots we were issued at the time.
Never bought any weaponry or ammunition. Firstly because it wasn't necessary, secondly because it wasn't allowed (even in my time). The WIS (weapons intelligence) section did, but they had funding from the Treasury. Lots of stuff was privately procured by units I served with, but always from central funds and benefactors. The only things I remember clubbing together for were leaving presents and memorabilia items.
Luis Jones
Not true in all branches. The Marine Corps makes you purchase all of your uniforms the uniform allowance is too small to cover anything except your updated ribbons every year or so.
Anthony Brooks
hence the quotations
Christian Edwards
I am a veteran of the ground forces of one of the biggest militaries in a very big country (not USA or India) and I would say that there is much that they do not give you, and you do not get what you are missing (unless it is ammunition or uniforms or gun parts) because you cannot afford it yourself. I did not even have internet from 2007-2015 because it is too expensive
Brody Hall
Not a soldier. But Andy Mcnab said that you should do with standard issued stuff, because nobody is going to parachute you a new pair of Crispi boots when yours are destroyed after months in the jungle. What is your opinion about this?
Hunter Garcia
Our Army says the same. If an essential piece of your issued gear breaks you can have more brought out to you (snapped pack frame or broken magazine for example) but if you are wearing privately purchased boots and the soles tear off then you're shit out of luck.
Leo Campbell
I might die for it, but I won't buy for it. Everything that I need is provided, if it isn't provided I don't need it.