First time gun owner, Mosin Nagant but it came with this weird bayonet...

First time gun owner, Mosin Nagant but it came with this weird bayonet. I'm just wondering why it's shaped like this and well anything and everything about it.

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because it creates a horrible wound

How so? Im trying to learn here.

It makes it really hard to stop bleeding

Why is that then?

The tip actually doubles as a screwdriver for most of the screws on the rifle.

Let me explain you

>(history user here)

Back in the beginning of the first world war and in the early production of the mosin nagant, it was common thing to have triangle or screwdriver type of bayonnets.

Those wound created can't be closed if it's large enough and deep enough (no need big hole tho)
Those wound bleed to hell and don't stop, it was horrible because if you hade those shit stuck into you, you would see yourself diying like poison. Even if the emergency take you at the moment you get stuck by this today, you would only half percent of chance to survive.

Those bayonnet are now illegal in war conflict. Because they are too efficient...

You english bad

>Those bayonnet are now illegal in war conflict
It's only illegal if you lose the war.

Thank you, all of you.

A cut along a straight line is relatively easy to realign and stich back together.
Now picture a stab wound; can't sew down into the person very easily.
But how do you make it even worse? Make it a triangular or blocky, ragged hole and the odds of a stressed out battlefield medic being able to stabilize that kind of wound is practically impossible. It's a deep, narrow, cavity wound that will just bleed into itself even if you manage to stich up the outside.

Nasty shit.