Are innawoods skills actually at all important or practical for a modern era SHTF scenario...

Are innawoods skills actually at all important or practical for a modern era SHTF scenario? I feel like a bow drill fire wouldn't help you under civil unrest and natural disasters.

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Not larping like most people here do, but actual bush craft stuff can be useful.
Just gotta escape the cities.

Yes, absolutely. The more primitive you get, though, the less return you get for the time and effort you invest in learning those skills. Using a bow drill and knowing how to make and use a sling as a weapon are great, but they're very difficult. Things like knowing how to start a fire with ferrocerium, how to build a fire properly in the first place, how to purify and collect water expediently, and how to build a shelter without having access to a tarp or a tent or any other shit like that are all pretty basic skills that don't take too much time to master, and you should know how to do them. If you don't want to put forth even that much effort, you should at least know how to pitch a tent, make a fire, and collect and purify water with minimal equipment.

Nah, bushcraft shit is for entertainment. In the 70s the survivalist movement made more sense because everything could crashing down in a few months. Now there is too much material surplus.

If your into camping and bushcraft in the first place yeah there is stuff you can put to use that parallels with your hobbies, but if you are just learning it for SHTF there is better stuff you can be wasting your time doing than learning how to whittle a straw to sustain yourself off sparrow tears.

I'm not sure why you would ever doubt the usefulness of the ability to survive without outside assistance.

That depends user, when SHTF will you be grabbing your Jansport and "bugging out" to the city park on 28th street? Or are you taking your full loadout X-country to get to your designated family acreage because the roads are congested/dangerous?

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The bushcraft meme is next to useless for modern preparedness. Unless you live in the unexplored wilds of Alaska (less than 1% of US pop) then you are wasting time learning how to build a bow and arrow. Picking mushrooms, making tea from pine needles, and eating dirt aren’t necessary when everyone lives near urban environments if not smack dab in a city. Learn how to use real medical supplies, how to perform vehicle maintenance, where to find resources, work out, and make friends. THAT’S being prepared.

Everyone should know the basics at the very least, fire, basic shelter, water purification. While i think those primitive skills are interesting and cool, like the other user said, there are diminishing returns.

>If you don't want to put forth even that much effort, you should at least know how to pitch a tent, make a fire, and collect and purify water with minimal equipment.
I sometimes forget that there are city folk out there who can't even do this. It's sad really.

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