How do you obtain one? Do samples even exist in the US? Are there any builders who could build one? How much would it cost?
AS Val
>how do you obtain one?
Be part of the Russian armed forces, or one of their very close allies' armed forces
>do samples even exist in the US?
No/not outside of the government
>are there any builders who could build one?
Literally thousands of them, yes
>how much would it cost?
Enough that nobody's gonna fucking bother building them since they'd have to fab 95% of the parts from scratch.
Gonna ignore that shortening of fabricate.
To put it simply it looks like an sks upper with an ak lower, in which case, the hard part is the finding a way to make the barrel the silincer, the handguard can be put together from a pistol, and everything else is what you want to put on it, given the money.
>sks upper with an ak lower
'no' in every meaning of the word
quite literally the only interchangeable parts of the AS VAL platform between AKs or SKSs are the likely the irons, and the fucking sling swivel.
To describe the operational parts, think SVD but made to look like something not like a SVD.
I guess you could ""politely"" ask for blueprints as Tula has given the blueprints for everything but the suppressor to Molot from what I can tell.
*technical data package
It's the basic standard AK action with a very robust, milled instead of stamped, dust cover. Which is a net boon for small production since it reduces the number of bending jigs you need.
do plans even exist?
would $15k be enough to build one?
>the hard part is the finding a way to make the barrel the silincer
No that is almost the easiest part. It just has a tiny ported barrel with baffles screwed on to the end and a body that fits over the entire structure. You could honestly make one quieter than the Russian ones because their baffles are shit compared to newer Western ones.
russians know how to make good silencers. issue is weight and diminishing returns. if you could make Val 10% quieter but with 10% increase in weight, that would be a shit compromise.
> the hard part is the finding a way to make the barrel the silincer
Okay so you clearly have no fucking idea what you're talking about, so maybe try not pretending you do.