Here’s that free Krag I got. Thank you based boomer!
Here’s that free Krag I got. Thank you based boomer!
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Don’t even lie lmao she will be though once I restore her
A bonnie, a beauty, and a joy forever. I actually don't mind sporterized rifles as long as they were an older job and not recently done.
I looked up the serial number and mine was produced in late 1903
Nice, mine is the same timeframe
I remember this thread last week
fuck I need better ways to waste my time
Nice nice
I love originals, I also love sporters that were done back in the day.
If the metal is unaltered, restore it. If it's been ground on or something, carve an ebony gripcap and forend cap and then engrave a blued steel buttplate for it.
Sportered milsurp was at one time the working mans rifle. It's still worth appreciating.
The metal is 100% unmolested albeit in the white so I’m in contact with a company to get a custom reproduction stock made
How is the bore?
I had one once, its worthy of a greentext story
I was a little worried due to the condition of the metal, but surprisingly the rifling is very strong and there’s no putting from what I can tell.
>pls greentext
This. Vintage sporters are pretty cool, too.
>If the metal is unaltered, restore it.
With what? Where do you think such parts to "restore" this rifle would come from? Oh right, other rifles. Destroying another rifle to "save" another is wrong, especially when the donor rifle is almost always in better condition.
>Be me, circa 2000
>Regular at Potomac Arms, Alexandria VA (RIP)
>Always have nifty old stuff coming through
>See Krag rifle, Model 1898, un-bubbaed
>Wood is very worn, metal a nice chocolate but not rusted
>Only $195
>"Whats wrong with it? They say its condition and selling it as-is
>shut up and take my money (and C&R)
>Now in Club Krag
>Swing by Buddy's house, to show it off
>breaks out his .303 British Headspeace gauges
>Closes on Go Gauge
>Closes on No Go Gauge
>SWALLOWS a Field gauge
>Lets try British Army field reject gauge
>swallows that too
>Be careful shooting that user
>Vent to another buddy who reloads
>"Bring it to the range next Sunday, lets try something..."
>Show up with the Krag, he has made up some rounds for me to try, cast bullets
>.308 bullet, keyholes at 25 yards
>.311 bullet, keyholes at 25 yards
>.318 bullet "I made this as a goof"
>*almost* doesn't keyhole
>hey, could you try .323 next week?
>Uhm, I think that bore is gone user
>Vent about it on mailing list
>Get offline email, someone offers a trade for it
>Mossberg 42M(b) Lend-Lease
>Still have it
>he ended up selling off the wood and furniture, installed on a turned-down M1903 barrel, and put it in a sporter stock.
Dang, glad there was a decently happy ending at least
>user was actually telling the truth about the kindly old boomer
How wholesome!
He’s gonna be my new shooting buddy too.
On a side note this model is an 1898 but it has an 1896 rear sight, is this normal?
Bullshit nigger, it was real?
Yes it was real, nigger. I befriended a boomer.
I have another story
>Be me
>visiting my Fudd Brother-in-law and my bro nephews
>he gets a package, super excited
>its the rifle he sent off "for work" years back
>pulls it out
>In a past life it was an M1892 Krag
>bluing so deep you can get lost it
>bolt handle mirror finish, bolt body jeweled
>Stock looks like furniture
>has a big honkin scope on it
>Brother-in-law grinning ear-to-ear
>"Hurr durr its a thousand-dollar gun now'
>pulls nephews aside, take them to a computer
>go to Gunbroker, search on "Sporterized Krag"
>Most of them top at $400
>search on Krag
>unmolested Krags going for double that
>Brother-in-law still grinning, nephews are now redpilled
"Customizing is when you spend twice the value of something to make it worth half as much"
I wish you never posted that
Didn't believe you desu but glad to see it was real
Looking good, fren!
We Krag gang outchea
Nice doggo
Krags had a shitton of different mix and match sights, 5 or 6. This video explains it, somewhere around the 1 hour mark:
>OP delivered
Needs a timestamp though
Here ya go sport
>tfw found out how expensive it’ll be to restore
Kill me Pete
Good idea.
That stock , what is left of it , appears to be in decent shape.
Grip and fore end caps and a nice checkered butt plate and a linseed oil finish polished out would look good.
Send the action out for polishing and re-blueing.
Norweigians really sporterise them to the max for Stangskyting. Sauer 200 STR is replacing them but there are some holdouts that stick with the Krag..
agreed keep this to yourself its too depressing man
Stuff pops up on eBay all the time for not that much usually. With some patience you can probably restore it for less than it would cost to buy a complete one seeming as it was free
That's why I’m not too bothered by it, honestly. I’ve sourced everything and it’ll be 325 for a repro stock and 250 for the handguard.
I feel like I've heard this before.
It’s been posted a few times
Put a scope on it