I want to build a gun, for home defense purposes only, so ive been wondering if anyone could give me some instructions to build one. Im asking here because i think i would immediatly get onto an fbi watchlist after googling that...
Anyone can give me instructions to build a weapon?
Thats what i fucking mean yaknow?
You're probably on a watchlist for posting on Jow Forums at all, let alone Jow Forums in general.
bigger pipe
Unless you don't live in the US (in which case fuck you get off my board you don't deserve rights) you're not gonna get watchlisted for building a gun, its perfectly legal and very common.
Assuming you live in burgerland the skys the limit. 300AAC is a pretty lethal round out of a short barrel& I wouldn't mind firing it inside my home too much. Build a cheap AR with flashflight and a decent optic, probly scare the fuckers off before you actually have to ventilate them.
Any gun is better than no gun, and the best gun is the one you are accurate with. Pistols are a bitch to shoot if your an actual noguns.
you're already on a watchlist. to be legal your pipe gun should have a barrel over 18 inches long an overall be over 26 inches, that can include a folding stock measured in the open position. there are some ways to screw around with lengths but for a stupid first pipe gun easiest not to have to explain the legal minutia when the cops show up.
Thanks, very helpful. Well kinda... I cant buy a gun because im fucking poor. Yet still i want to defend myself. I was looking for a pipe gun kinda build. I just have no clue how. Im not an expert when it comes to that... Is it legal to buy ammunition? Im not american. Im from Europe... So that explains something i guess..
Just what i was looking for.. Thanks
All electronic communication is monitored at all times. you have been on list since 9/11/2001
>Is it legal to buy ammunition? Im not american. Im from Europe
Well heres an idea Mr Big Think, maybe tell us what part of your shithole continent you're from so someone can give you actual advice, how the fuck should be know whats legal when your area is "yurope". Go be stupid somewhere else.
Well if that's so i might as well can google how to dissolve a corpse...
op's picture made me wanna ask, where does one shoot themselves to maximize chance of death? is it barrel in mouth? angled in any particular direction? or is it barrel to side of the head? more towards the front or more towards the back?
Sorry... Well you don't have to answer if you dont have an answer.. Yes i shouldve told you where im from... But insulting someone because of that is not necessary. Im from Germany and i know that you have to have a gun licence to own a weapon... That is expensive and i dont have the money.
Buy a polymer80 glock even dumb gangbanger lolololoso aieieeieiiaieaie beanniggers can make them, as evidenced by the police busts of them with clearance Polymer80 frames that have .40ShitandWeak/.45GAYANDPOZZED police trade-in frames equipped with alpha wolf barrels and wish chink switches.
Either that, or buy a drill press, jig, and 80 percent AR lower. They'll be making taxi driver 2, with scenes of you milling out a lower to kill people with lmao sad piano music,
It was a random pic lol.. I guess into the mouth pointing to the brain. ;)
I cant follow...
Well, this is the general idea. Obviously you want your pipe to be thick enough to function as the barrel of a gun rather than the shrapnel of a glocknade. Then your firing pin is a nail at the end of the larger piece of pipe with the end cap.
Thanks being very helpful!
just buy some muratic acid at the hardware store, and a nice big plastic storage tub with the same code as the acid bottles. pay cash break up your orders between a few different stores, you're planning to clean your concrete patio if anyone asks.
common mistake when in the mouth is to aim too far forward and just blow their face off, similar when putting it to the temple and just managing to blind themselves. they should be aiming at the center of their brain optimally with some brain stem involvement.
Well thanks for the info now i can kill and dissolve someone... Great
if you're in yurop the barrel is the main controlled gun part, 80% builds don't apply to you. you can google if you can buy ammo, or go to a sporting good store and see if there is any on the shelves. if all they have is birdshot un crimp the rounds when you get them and pour molten wax in so that the become "wax slugs." if you can't buy shells you'd have to check on the availability of alternatives like percussion caps or ramset blanks then build a gun around that.
Slam fire shotgun is probably the only thing your normalfag ass is capable of.
No problem, ATF.
Why am i banned dafuq?
The trigger bones connected to the grip bone, the grip bones connected to the magazine bone
Jow Forums is an fbi honeypot so you played yourself there
building weapons is perfectly legal in just about all of the free world, so just go on youtube and look up slamfire shotgun.
You'll be grateful that you started preparing now when the Muslim hordes or your tyrannical goverment start to become a bit more direct.
I strongly advise that you start with a slam bang shotgun, hopefully you can acquire some buckshot shells.
Preparing incendiary weapons may prove useful depending on your living situation. A crate of simple molotovs or a flamethrower made from shop equipment could prove brutally effective in the right scenario.
Might not hurt to get a good baseball bat or something of the sort, maybe enhance it a bit with nails or something. A concealable but good sized knife might prove useful as well.
If you could get a pistol and ammo legally, you could build a luty SMG or a sten gun if you put your mind to it.
Reminder that Hitler legalized all long arms for German citizens, and that your current state wants you broke, disarmed, killed, your children brainwashed and raped, and they think its funny.
Also, look into HTMD and other explosive compounds.
grind the handle of your toothpick against the concrete until it becomes pointy, leave your soap in some water until it gets soggy, and then insert the toothbrush pointy end out, mold the soap into an ergonomic stabbin handle, and then let dry.