Can I post about traps here? Traps are weapons. Traps are not gay. Fur trapping is a tradition.
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go on, fren.
traps have been a Western tradition since yonder
Call me a numale but those types of traps seem incredibly cruel. I oppose them.
not many people post about trapping or hunting but plenty about guns.we need to raise trap awareness. trapping techniques are useful tools for survival in general.
not those kinda traps, faggot
Me too, desu. Live traps and traps that kill decently quickly are ok, but leg-holds and such seem pretty fucked and inhumane.
It's a tough one honestly. I suppose most of it comes to how brutal you believe nature is at a background level.
on a serious note, I should get into trapping. I used to make small traps for squirrels and shit when I was young. I still occasionally trap hogs when too lazy to shoot.
I should get more into it. what do you suggest as a manual or encyclopedia for different types? as prolonged hunting is unrealistic in case of an electric boogaloo.
look at this here cruel kitty. would rake the eyes right out of your numale head
I've always wondered what lynx taste like.
Survival trapping is one thing, and it has a place and time. Fur trapping is retarded, modern materials outmoded fur ages ago and they're easier to maintain. Fur is gay too.
Literally wouldn't unless it was actually starving, ostensibly due to human over-reach into its territory. Even mountain lions have a head count of like 10 people and most of them were elderly or children, with like one jogger and two women tossed in out of chance. NA big cats are babies.
exactly. active hunting is labor intensive and uses ammo that needs to be used for defense. >muh encroaching civilization.
But user, there's literally nothing wrong with that trap, kills the animal nice and quick.
you're thinking all wrong. that one is just better at trapping beavers. they swim ya dingus
hunt like a man
cruelty does not equal balls
do you hunt just to prove you have balls? sounds like a cope to me
>but leg-holds and such seem pretty fucked and inhumane.
Why do you think so?
>Break animals leg and leave it there to suffer for days on end before you finally come around to shoot it
Kind of a shitty way to die, I can get it in desperate no holds bar situations but when there's no need for it at least kill the damn thing as soon as you can.
they have empathy for animals. conservationism is fine. but they use their feelings instead of their brian.
its pretty much the same reason we have so many mexican immigrants
Leg hold traps have padded jaws or a gap specifically so they don't break bones.
Most locations also have maximum legal times between checking of traps. Something like 24 hours in my area.
>Break animals leg and leave it there to suffer for days on end
Oh, so you haven't looked into trapping at all. I guess I should have figured since you acted like leg-holds and live traps were mutually exclusive.
Foothold and Cable Device traps are listed under Live-Hold Traps in my state's hunter's ed/license books. They typically don't break bones. Also, you're supposed to check your traps daily.
>i know all about traps because i've seen a bunch of shitty horror movies
fuck off
I recently learnt about collar cables, anyone used them for foxes? Required by law to have a stop ring here.
That's literally what biologist (certified people in the field directly studying these things in detail) attribute it to. Loss of habitat, use of pesticides that percolate into the wild and kill small prey animals that NA cats eat.
Go stick your leg in one and wait 24 hours, see how you like it. Even better do it with predators around. Shit I've even heard of animals gnawing off their own limbs to escape from a fucking trapper, give that a shot, too.
Just admit it's nowhere near as humane as putting 30-06 through the chest.
Agriculture is wayyy more responsible for moss of habitats. Monoculture and agroniggers ruining groves don't help.
I've seen them.
Always seem to find the fucked up ones where the fox died slow and was just left.
So you know sweet fuck all about trapping and just want to feel superior.
Got it, now fuck off.
They don't look that effective and I'm wondering how people trap around the world. Btw how's the regulation at your place?
>Shit I've even heard of animals gnawing off their own limbs to escape from a fucking trapper,
You've heard about that from PETA and Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade. The latter of which lists their webpage as the source for studies they quote on their webpage.
The other parts of your statement aren't arguments. They're irrelevant feels.
Trapping seasons by species, lists of approved traps by species, snares only for some species and only certain kinds allowed, registered traplines
Been a very long time since I've done any trapping and my family has mostly stopped entirely.
Nah nigger I heard about that from a wildlife warden. It was a fox and he was busy telling me about how retarded they were, and that all the mangy coyotes he had to put down were smarter. Degenerate, illiterate fuck.
Did you not read where I said, with a very broad and general statement, "human over-reach"?
So hearsay and ad hominem is all you got? Got it, I'll close the thread instead of feeding you more.
so we are over reaching? how far should we humans be reaching?
I don't know man, it seems like having this slam down on your paw seems like it'll hurt.
Look at the teeth on this thing.
You do know that that's a decoration right? It's even advertised that way.
Yup "Fur Harvester's Trading Post" would sell replicas.
lemme get my illudium q-36 space modulator first
they could have used one of those in Jurassic park
traps are gay and if you can't kill an animal without trapping it leaving it virtually defenceless you should kill yourself instead for being such a pathetic faggot
Did you read their page?
>These Bear Traps are excellent decorative pieces for houses, offices, lodges, cabins and camps with a rustic theme. They also make great conversation pieces for stores, restaurants and other businesses.
The company making these repros even says not to use them.
traps are no more or less manly than guns
I don't see you offering any arguments other than "LOLPETA"
I dunno man, seems to me like we're full up. 7 billion and counting, most of them under-educated 3rd worlders. A lot of them are predisposed to burning so they can plant a crop and bailing since the fertilizing constituents of burning leech down after about a year meaning their crops won't grow as well.
1800's seems comfy, but with all the amenities we have like indoor plumbing so we don't have to tromp through horse shit every time we need to visit the grocer. All sources of pollution would be drastically limited. Too bad we didn't hit homeostasis then. Instead we're driving for a bleak period where we overshoot and a lot of people are going to die needlessly because resources run drastically short, it'll cause undulating until we reach a plateau. Hard to say when that happens or why given the number of imminent crises humanity faces.
Kind of an interesting topic, though considering impacts we have. There's so many artificial constructs we have built to maintain society. What happens when shit goes wrong? A handful of salmon ladders get fucked up and kills a quarter of the salmon population which has a cascade effect. Or all the frogs are gay and mosquitoes go out of control. Antibiotic resistant fungus and bacteria wiping out mammalian life with unprecedented swiftness. Oh man could you imagine a new plague, there's so many people concentrated in one area it's not even funny, death tolls literally off the charts. Could you even combat an incident like that in LA or NYC?
oh yea lemmie just wrestle 12 beavers to death with my bare hands lmao NO
The fuck am I doing to piss the thing off so much? Why am I trying to fuck with it? You are not going to get that close to a bobcat without making a conscious effort to do so.
I dunno, there's the part where a strong fucking clamp contraption chomps down on the animal's leg and holds it there for hours. It's a better fate than the animal could face in nature, but this isn't nature. We humans tend to be smarter than other animals and we have lots of tools at our disposal. We're way better at killing shit than nature. So if we're capable of doing so, why not strive to harvest our furs or fill our freezers in the most humane way possible?
>leave it there to suffer for days on end
That's not how trapping works, bubs.
>assuming that faggot's the same faggot that wrote the post that the poster he replied to replied to
Nah fucker, that was me.
>Foothold and Cable Device traps are listed under Live-Hold Traps in my state's hunter's ed/license books
Fucking lol, yeah lemme just walk up to this bigass fucking pissed off bear I caught and dick around with its leg for a few minutes to free it.
They straight up do, you huge niggerfaggot
If you can't demonstrate multiple ways to free bycatch, (catchpole, board) you don't get the lic. If you suggest using a catchpole on a bobcat, you don't pass the test.
Doubt bear trapping is legal in any state now.
I put my hands in various size legholds I use as a party trick for years, doesn't even hurt.
Springs coils on the wire tie downs are used to keep the animal from hurting itself by pulling even. All this shit comes from wildlife biologists' best practices playbook.
Traps are for people who cant shoot for shit.
Hey bro lemme break the law and hunt at night/outside shoot season lmao
Also yeah lemme have a trap being used for days while I'm needing it haha
the virgin "trap" user vs. the AP mine Chad.
>trapping is a tradition
Ayyy bruh furreal
Me and my goons been trapping since day one
Just tryna trap outchea you naw mean?
>or all the frogs are gay
Gave me a good chuckle
Maybe look at the cat's feet user. . .
Fuck this shit fuck you trappers you get the noose
>not trapping traps for a trap harem