>you will never kill a Nazi sum bag paratrooper in mid air like this jew war hero guy
Why live?
>you will never kill a Nazi sum bag paratrooper in mid air like this jew war hero guy
Why live?
You'll never be able to send a freshly gassed rollercoaster into the oven doors like this Heinrich guy
Why live?
Dumb frog faggot kill yourself
choose one
>lele it's cool to hate jews
Go back to pol, losers.
dumb frogposter
It is.
>based kid mutilating scumbags who lie, steal and leech worldwide
Please kill yourself. I mean it. Fuck every jew.
You're just as capable of lying about it as he is.
I am absolutely SICK of Jow Forums trying to turn Jow Forums into Jow Forums lite.
Exact same shit that /b/ and Jow Forums did to /tv/.
t. Post 2011 nigger
Kill yourself kike sucking newfag. No one likes you jews
Fucking Jow Forums babies NEED TO LEAVE.
Fucking newfags like you who havent set a foot on this site pre Jow Forums need to leave. You dont belong here jew boy. Go get hung.
This argument has been going on continuously for as long as I've been on Jow Forums. I have been on Jow Forums for nine years now, and at no point has the argument between Jow Forumsfags and people who hate Jow Forums ever ceased.
FUCK Jow Forums.
You need to go back
Jow Forums hasnt even existed for 9 years.
It got deleted and then added back in 2011 because moot was a moralfag and felt bad about killing their community.
Before Jow Forums, the stormfags were on /new/, and /new/ infested Jow Forums even worse than Jow Forums does today.
Things were really nice on Jow Forums for a while when Jow Forums got deleted and there was a Nazi (rule nazi, not literal nazi) mod who banned anything even slightly off topic. Then Nazi mod left, Sandy Hook happened, and it was all downhill from there.
2011 ain't 9 years mate but yeah youre right.
IMO the mods and sticky etc ruin this board. Its basically a fucking subreddit.
I'm tired of newfags coming here and pretending this board was filled with nigger loving philosemites pre Jow Forums
Nogunz discord trannies
There here goes!
Preprogrammed Jow Forumstard response!
Like clockwork.
Trannies have more business being here then you Jow Forums fags.
I don't give a shit what people on this board think about politics. I just don't want to hear about it, no matter what it is.
Things were better when we had aggressive enough moderation to force people to stay on topic. That way the only people who stuck around on the board were people who actually cared about weapons, instead of politics, or video games, or shit like that.
Lmao thanks for proving me right yet again
Obligatory proof of guns so I don't have to hear about it
We already have aggressive moderation more than ever. Thats site wide. This site was better without fucking nigger mods deleting and controlling everything.
Weapons are intrinsically political in all civilian instances and the sticky on this board is for newfags
>its cool to use the derogatory word 'Nazi' (basically means the same as NIGGER when referring to Bavarian people {and was coined by a JEWISH communist}) and call German military personnel of WWII "scumbags..."
Kind of hard to dodge politics when lets be real, the United States is the only country that really matters on this board and half of our politicians have a vendetta against anyone who owns or thinks you should own a gun.
>Weapons are intrinsically political in all civilian instances and the sticky on this board is for newfags
Jow Forums is NOT Jow Forums.
Go fucking BACK.
>Wowee! Score! I was RIGHT on the INTERNET on an ANONYMOUS imageboard! This is going on my resume!
t. Sticky newfag
Kill yourself mod worshipping jew
Now i can see why you bully and spew racist slurs online, damn you look like a pathetic excuse of a man.
Body of a 12 year old boy.
No nigger, I actually own guns unlike you, you go the fuck back.
Seething discord tranny. I like being right because it proves I'm not the insane one, the level of gaslighting you fucks are capable of is impressive but I've met literally dozens of Jow Forums fags IRL and I've never met anyone further left than a Tucker Carlson conservative. Gas yourself you abomination.
why the fuck are your hands and fingers so swollen? disgusting. Being fat clearly runs in your family. Also watch goes on left wrist you queer.
Just when I thought I could go to bed I open up a whole can of asshurt. Guarantee you're gonna be joining the 40%.
>thinning hair
Yikes, no wonder you're so defensive and keep spouting how you own guns.
Fuck Jow Forums.
I'll revel on the day you all hang first.
>this thread
I love the smell of normalnigger booty blast in the morning, smells like victory
moot should have permanently axed Jow Forums
moot was a cucked faggot who backstabbed the entire userbase for shekels, i reckon you should go back.
Ima have to keep it 100 with you rn chief,
>I share a state with people like this
god damn florida can not kill me fast enough
mirin' that tiger stripe, tho
No he should've embraced oldfag pedos and the like so you normalfag nigger jews would stay well away from this site. Kill yourself
why does he have a free willy necklace?
If you had any guns you would have shot yourself already
omegalul mods will delete posts that have the N WORD
Eat shit.
Jow Forums is and will always be the scourge of this site.
>pic related
And yes, I'm very proud of my firearms ownership because it shows I have a reason to be here, not because I'm getting 30 cents a post from Soros.
Here's a monumentally large think: its gonna be really hard to hang armed poltards when you don't have any guns, now isn't it?
You get to sit at the front of the gas chamber for being a tiger stripe patrician, well done
WTF I'm for tranny gun rights now
>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, RACISM, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
Nigger jews like you are the scourge of the entire world.
Fucking ROFLMAO at the obvious discord/demon posters.
>too scared to post guns
>can only result in name calling and making delusional observations
please just leave
>send "free skydiving lesson" vouchers to local neo nazi leader
That's you, sweetheart.
Fuck Jow Forums.
Kys faggot
even if this was ironic, kill yourself
What a faggot, it's obvious the only thing going for you in life is your guns. When you finally go to end it make sure you stream it so i can watch and laugh.
.t jew
>literally a "no u" response
/soc/ along with /lgbt/ we're one of the few worst things that happened to this site apart from cuckit and normalnigger invasion, and moot being a backstabbing fuck. Now you can't even say nigger with out some janny or mod banning you.
Truly a sad fate of the place that once was considered the shitpit of the internet. Soon, infintechan will suffer the same fate.
If you don't accept or follow rules, then you're inherently not-Jow Forums.
Might as well be spitting on the Constitution before attempting to tear it up, Jow Forumsbabies.
See >implying you didn't do it first
Goddamn Jow Forumstards are fucking dumb as shit.
8cuck already did . removed hebe and censored loads
The internet being so popularized has killed so much. Even on pedo boards you get nigger cuck spammers like the faggots on /gif/ and loads of newfag fucks and more.
I fucking hate everything and all of these shitskins and kikes ruining everything. Fuck them all
Its really phenomenal isn't it? I used to get paranoid that Jow Forums actually was politically split but ask any lefty poster on here to post guns and you get screeching and shit slinging. Nice white pill honestly.
ITT discord niggers SEETHING
Make your own goddamned site then, fuckface.
Been on Jow Forums since 2007 and even then Jow Forums was never welcome here... kids these days trying to act cool by being racist.
>instead of a "no u" its a "Yeah! What he said!" response.
If you're going to shill at least try putting effort in it.
>oh yes based rules I love the nfa please crush me daddy mods
Please hang yourself
Wasnt even me. More than one person can tell you newfag kikes are organized shitposting.
So government bootlickers can suicide me when I dont let feds access it and they start planting shit on me? Naive dumb fuck.
If you don't accept and follow gun control, you're inherently not-Jow Forums.
Pretty rich hearing about the constitution from you, at least the poltards are actually using it by owning guns.
Seething over free speech, many such cases!
>So government bootlickers can suicide me when I dont let feds access it and they start planting shit on me? Naive dumb fuck.
Holy fuck your Jow Forumstards are lazy shits.
Kys fagtron.
Post RWDS with guns to make trannies seeth
I was going to tell you faggots to post guns, but here I am shitposting at 1am while I should be improving my shit life. Atleast im not a no-guns homo/part time parking garage diver.
This site has had feds on it since probably 08 or 09 you retarded sperging newfag. Thanks to soccer mom dumb fucks like you who support cp criminalization and more the government can delete or force sites they dont like to change using that excuse every single time. Alternatively just kill, blackmail or plant whatever they want on someone.
Die you newfag rat. You killed the internet.
Cry me a fucking ocean, Jow Forums bitch.
>tries to be a badass by being racist
>posts his guns thinking it will get him upvotes
>covers his face
Lol bitch
Your newfag is showing
Fuck man, i feels ya.
Just look what happened to Jow Forums.
Fucking normalnigger filth and trapfag threads everywhere.
I dare say this is being done on purpose by the (((mods))) and japjew to replace the original users.
Syrupnigger reporting in. Pls no bulli
>This site has had feds on it since probably 08 or 09
Yet you still use it and argue that a new site would also be monitored by the feds.
You're a fucking dumbshit.
>t. nigger
cause 'straya cunt
Probably. People like us aren't welcome on the internet anymore. You either become another braindead cog in the machine or you get continually pushed away until you tire of resisting.
Yes? All sites are being ruined by people like you. There isnt even anywhere else to go anymore. What point do you think youre making retard?
>lmao just dox urself
Can't believe you guys weren't clever enough to win an election or even to successfully lie about having guns on the internet.
Better an armed syrup cuck than a slave.
All jews must die.
They're being ruined by people LIKE YOU who keep trying to use them as a front for your shit activism.
Nothing but a bunch of fat and skinnyfat racist shits that seek to divide, not conquer, and advocate for government overreach when convenient.
Very strange how you recognize that phrase
>Muhhhhh raayyyciism
Maybe we'd treat people equally if they acted like they deserved it.
>people that were hear before me and filled the places like Jow Forums before are ruining them
No retard. we were the original, you're a fucking shitskin stupid ass little copy that comes in later and spills your shit everywhere. Kill yourself dumb fuck.
>government overreach
says the faggot who likely whines about racist speech supports cp criminalization and more. Your little nigger friends dont care about liberty and neither do jews. The founders and white men at one time understood this. Youre worth fucking dirt.
Yeah, and if we make another site, the viscous cycle repeats again and again
Damned right
You have to go back, you penta nigger
>Let's give the government the power to take the gunz away from the niggers and mentally ill trannies!~ XDDD
>Let's give them the power to decide who gets gunz who doesn't because fuck brown people!!! xDDD
Eat shit and die, Jow Forums.
Yep. the cycle repeated with 8ch and various boards ive went on after hebes death too. People never get it. Even if the site doesnt get forced down from legality dumb fuck nigger lovers roll in and kill it.
No. It's called dont have fucking shitty brown people fill your nation. Then you dont need any government overreach you dumb fucking kike.
How about you read some of the old documents ? The founding fathers wouldnt like you, they never did like people like you. This country was for white men. Not your nigger pets Schlomo.
>Brown people
Is an oxymoron.
Who said it was going to be the government?
Jow Forums is a containment zone. American jews are unanimously gun grabbing bastards so if you love guns you should have some hatred towards them on that factor alone. Moot only brought back Jow Forums because he knew if he didn't this whole site would become infested with Jow Forums people.
t. bunch of fucking Constitution hating commies
You'll be first.
>>Let's give the government the power to take the gunz away from the niggers and mentally ill trannies!~ XDDD
Trannies 100% deserve guns, I want them to have the quickest and best way to join the 40% (or maybe we can even get it higher!)
>>Let's give them the power to decide who gets gunz who doesn't because fuck brown people!!! xDDD
Yes, fuck em, see >Eat shit and die, Jow Forums.
Wow not a single counter argument
Funny coming from someone who has read none of the actual documents from the time.
No one liked you people back then, how does it feel to be proud of a nation where you wouldve been kicked out by its inhabitants given the chance? The founders didnt like you cuck. This nation wasnt intended for you.
Shut the fuck up about the constitution, nogunz
This poster is 100% historically accurate, the founders founded America for white men of good character, they knew women and niggers were too dumb for the vote and look when the biggest declines in our country happened, when they got the vote.
>thinking I'm going to read a dumb infograph that you made
You will face the wrath of true patriots if you ever step out of line, Jow Forums.
I will not, Jow Forumstard.
Both of you have a high school understanding of American history. You revere the founders who cared for personal gain and not of those who believed in the fulfillment of liberty
The founding fathers were not perfect people and they certainly weren't above the consitution.
>no one posts that delicious gore itt do deter the newfagniggers
Truly this place is lost
>thinking I'm going to read a dumb infograph that you made
"Fuck you and fuck facts" Maybe you wouldn't hate Jow Forums so much if you sat and listened to us for 30 seconds.
>You will face the wrath of true patriots if you ever step out of line, Jow Forums.
Find me a founding father who wanted rights for niggers
It's not Jow Forums per say but it's the silicon valley hipster douchbags censoring, banning, and shutting down far right accounts/websites thus causing those people to migrate to other platforms. You deplatform stormfront all those former users are going to go somewhere.