>ywn experience the thrill of mass hand to hand combat
gunpowder was a mistake
Ywn experience the thrill of mass hand to hand combat
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Just go to a rock concert and mosh for 10 minutes you'll get tired pretty easily
Alternatively, join your local Armored Combat League chapter
I wonder how common PTSD was in ancient times. On the one hand, we aren't that neurologically different. On the other, ancient people grew up far closer to things like animal slaughter and public execution - so they might be more hardened to it. And concussions, which correlate with PTSD, which I imagine were less common without explosives everywhere
would you be brave enough to volunteer for the front rank bros?
There are stories of knights that would become anxious and flinch at the sound of clashing steal outside of combat. While PTSD was obviously poorly understood at the time, they did know that traumatic experiences could affect people after the fact.
I just want to stab some niggas
Part of the reason that knights got so religious was to deal with the trauma of combat.
scenes like this are hilarious esp in older films. The scale makes it look like a brutal clusterfuck but just follow one person, doesnt matter which one literally any of them, and follow them thru the scene and youll notice how ridiculous the acting and play fighting is
>smokeless was a mistake