Does anyone have experience with the Ruger no 1 or Thompson single shots?

Does anyone have experience with the Ruger no 1 or Thompson single shots?

I’m considering a 45-70 and the Ruger looks like a cool richfag gun but the Thompson seems well made too

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I've owned Ruger #1's and the Thompson Encore. they are both very well well made. For a rifle I'd prefer the #1. The Contender/Encore shines more as a handgun than a rifle IMO.

>The encore shines more as a handgun

What makes you say that (besides the less than stellar accuracy at range with the .308/30-06 models)? Have you seen the katahdin?

I have a #1 in 416 ruger. It's a beast and bomb proof. I love it but rarely shoot it.

What would you like to know user?

I guess the appeal, accuracy, fit/finish, etc

I’m also looking at a 30-30 one maybe as a hunting rifle, but it’s up in the air between that and a 336

>What makes you say that
It's just personal preference with respect to how the action works, and I feel I get a better, more consistent hold and cheek weld with the #1's stock than I do with the Encore rifle stock.

No, I have not seen the katahdin until you mentioned it. I just looked it up. Ugly AF in my opinion, but looks very practical. It's a nice size and I like the sights too.

Have you tried the pistol in .44 magnum? I’ve also considered one of those for hunting

I wouldn't bother with .45-70. That's a gun that will be taken on a few trips then you'll just put away. A 12ga slug gun is superior in every way these days. I DO suggest .44mag though. It will be appreciated and get used a lot more.

>Have you tried the pistol in .44 magnum?
No, but I have in many other calibers, including .450 Nitro Express. They are highly accurate.

>I wouldn't bother with .45-70. That's a gun that will be taken on a few trips then you'll just put away
I'm curious why you would say that. 45-70 is available in everything from weak cowboy action loads through crazy hot modern stuff. OP can shoot the weaker stuff when he's not going after a world-record grizzly.

I’ve also considered the Thompson in 12g

He has a point when it comes to ammo prices