This was released by ISIS showing a photo of the terrorists taken beforehand.
This is a partial translation of their claim released alongwith the photos:
This was released by ISIS showing a photo of the terrorists taken beforehand.
This is a partial translation of their claim released alongwith the photos:
I don't care about ISIS or Sri Lanka
I thought trump defeated isis?
>trump defeated Israel
>Sri Lankan Minister of Defence claims attacks were in retaliation for Christchurch mosque attacks
Just some larpers that claim responsibility everytime someone dies or stubs their toe.
That's stupid. The guy who did that would probably think it's hilarious that a bunch of Sri Lankan's died.
The Reason they targeted those Churches were because Sri-Lanka has less security
I don't see how that would change anything, they still aren't white.
to them the attack was religious then racial
they took it as a attack on Islam
They are stupid.
If you understood his motive you'd realize these attacks are within his goals he set for the mosque shooting
Imagine my shock.™
The attackers actually targeted a number of higher class hotels and businesses. A number of white people were killed including a British family and a Danish billionaire's children. Most of the deaths were Sri Lankan, but a disproportionate amount were foreigners.
Oh that's really fucked up then, I didn't hear the numbers broken down by native/foreign. I mean it's still fucked up that it happened at all but I thought it was different.
Is it weird I felt no sympathy for all those that died at Christchurch but I feel really bad for all the Sri Lankans that died
>Abu hazma
Like the one in Syria?
So, similar to the Mumbai Hotel Attacks?
Exactly. His whole point for the killing was to escalate the violence and force people to pick sides.
Why is that?
daily reminder to report off-topic threads
Fuck off liberal faggot
I remember the MSM screeching at India for claiming it was Muslims. Who could have guessed the exploders of peice were at it again?
Reminder to kill yourself, transbodybag
>more mosque attacks when?
Please let there be some more fuel for the fire, I'd love to see a full on Crusades 2.0
Also I fucking Love ISIS. Smart enough to build combat drones, but so fucking stupid their retaliation to a large mosque being hit in a relevant country is to hit little churches in an irrelevant one!
Hope he's right. Looking forward to open season on Islamists.
They targeted and killed a number of westerners as well.
I mean the Buddhists are doing this already in Myanmar and Sri Lanka is a mainly Buddhist country
Islam is perfectly designed for a war of attrition , high birthrate for replacement, polygamy creates spare males and a desire to conquer, legalised extortion and pillage,
First were the fucking Tamil LTTE
Now fucking ISIS
Wonder who is behind this
Discord tranny
Oh my the whole handful of them! What a blow to wester society!
The hope is they succeed in pushing us over in time to still be able to just wipe them off the face of the earth. For the time being we can still manufacture bombs and bullets much faster than they can reproduce. Thankfully Allah also works in our favor by instilling that it's okay to stand in the open blindly hip firing; because, Allah will guide your bullets and decide if you live or die.
Nigger can't even build a fucking fence
Our greatest advantage is their love for their cousins.
>a decentralized terrorist insurgency
Have I got news for you
Don't worry bruh
We Pakistan helped you in dealing with LTTE
Now we help you in dealing with Islamic extremists
Israel funds Isis. Trump loves Israel
You be the judge