Opinion on HEMA?

Opinion on HEMA?

Attached: 19055147_475788256091994_5054900722423178733_o.jpg (2048x1362, 199K)

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Why should I care what others so with their time and money?



t. foil

Its OK. Some groups are better than others.

I don't know what this is. Explain why I'm angry about it.

If it makes you happy, do it.
You'll get a lot better exercise doing HEMA than shooting too.

More like HOMO

Useless larp unless you're in a literally nogunz country and have to go medieval on niggers

Either patrician levels of cool or absolutely gay as fuck depending on the club/group.

It's guys reading old 1300-1900 duelling manuals and trying to revive the old fencing schools.

Attached: 17.webm (1920x1080, 906K)