It's '65. Lyndon "Little Betty" B. Johnson has put you (yes, you) in charge of the entire American Military Might. How do you "win" Vietnam? How do you "win" Vietnam anyways?
It's '65. Lyndon "Little Betty" B. Johnson has put you (yes, you) in charge of the entire American Military Might...
Cultural Victory
Hold out till the Sino-Soviet split occurs and convince China that they don’t want a Soviet proxy state on their border. Proceed to roll tanks into Hanoi.
>start bombing North Vietnam from day 1
>when the Chinese start shit, nuke their troop formations
>if they continue with said shit pick a Chinese city and nuke it
>keep doing this until they fuck off
Does that include CIA and other assets on American soil? I ask for counter insurgency and jungle expertise from the brits and straya, don't let news teams enter Vietnam unsupervised, don't give a shit about respecting the Laos or Cambodian border, invade north Vietnam, and neuter all fifth columnists back at home. I also put aside great stores of money and patience to rebuild Vietnam and entice foreign investment in the future while sending FBI teams to rid the south of corruption.
Nuke all the important Chinese cities, take over the country and install puppet government
Let the newly westernised chinks get ride of the commies in their backyard
I introduce crack and pornography into north Vietnam
Pretty sure they already had porn, and opium was the drug of choice in that part of the world.
Nuke the bugpeople and completely invade Vietnam, set up an american leader the way we did for Japan, publicly execute the heads of the US Ordnance Department for the lives they would have cost by trying to hamstring the M16. Strongarm the rest of NATO into joining by threatening to pull out of the alliance after nuclear attacks on china when the terror of USSR retaliation would be at an all time high.
Wait 5 years and the USSR will nuke China for you if you let them.
Fuck off and tell the french to go pound sand
If I were in charge of Vietnam, I would have zero objection to collaborating with the soviets, assuming things went the way they did in our timeline. As long as the communism shit goes the way of the dodo, then it would be terrific to synergize together Eiffel towering China and pooling resources for air and space projects. Medicine too. There are a lot of happy things that could come out of an east and western "Nuke the bugs from orbit" pact.
You can't "win" Vietnam with conventional weapons. They tried everything in real life; dropped more munitions than in all of ww2, constant bombing, napalming, chemical agents, murdering millions of civilians and insurgents. they tried all that and it didn't work. And no you can't use nukes cause the soviets are backing the Vietnamese and a nuclear war is not a good option. The best winning move is to tell the French to fuck off out of foreign countries where they don't belong. Then slowly create economic ties and watch them prosper as they become capitalist and free of their own will. Trying to force that onto a people in their own land has the opposite effect.
Leave. France had basically left NATO by that point because they were mad we hadn't helped them back in the '50s. Vietnam was meant to be their big comeback after the disgrace they faced during WW2 but that failed so they got mad and had their literal SS members cut peoples heads off in Algeria for no fucking reason. Fuck them.
Pull out all troops and double cross the Soviet Union by invading Cuba. The reds can play their fuck fuck games in Vietnam but you come in my backyard and i'm opening up a can of whoop ass.
never knew that. looked it up and that's horrific but important shit to know. thanks for the unpleasant truth bomb, user
Yup. Fuck the french. Little faggots did jack shit to help during ww2. Then decided to be salty cunts and fucking with foreign countries in wars they clearly couldn't win. And to make things worse they drag the US into a huge war that ends up as a massive embarrassment and they essentially are useless the whole time. Just a bunch of whining söyboy frogs who always drag other people into their affairs. Not to mention France smells like shit and is beyond overpriced and their guns are ass. Lowkey fuck France
>Build a time machine
>travel back to 1946
>say "fuck the french"
>support Vietnam independence movement, preventing them from allying with the commies
This is retarded
Ban all journalists from Vietnam.
Then France is no longer a western ally, good job you lost Europe so you could gain a po dunk east Asian shithole.
France matters a lot less than you seem to think.
Bomb north Vietnamese targets because the Soviets won't do shit and keep journalists out of Vietnam. The bombing alone will fuck up the war in our favor.
Who gives a shit about France
>hasnt looked at a map of Western Europe
It's not about France, it is about the ripple effect it would have. France being behind the iron curtain would also hurt our European response capabilities
Flat out tell russia and China that our nuke birds are pack and our missiles are fueled. Any involvement in vietnam will be seen as an act of war and result in WW3.
Then carpet and tactical bomb the north for a solid month.
Then launch a joint Invasion from the south and eastern coast. Use the arvn primarily in the south.
Run sweeps for communists for several months after conquering the north.
Hand country over to south vietmanese.
Bring in Pepsi, Nike, McDonald to rehabilitate the north.
Then get the fuck out.
>hasn't read a 20th century history book
Walk in the room
>Immediately join forces with the NVA and other NV elements against the puppet govt'
>Crush South Vietnam using VC and NVA to take all the bullets instead of ARVN
>Bomb Laos for sentimental reasons
>dig so many tunnels under saigon it collapses
>now king of Vietnam
>France joins the Warsaw pact and NATO collapses
Great idea
Why was the US able to fight Korea to a draw (with a Western-backed South Korea and a communist North Korea), but fail Vietnam? Wouldn't it have at least been possible to maintain the status quo and hold the communists back at the border in Vietnam?
Throw a coup de tat in Washington DC, deporting the Israelis, demanding that the Israelis turn over all nuclear materials, and allow American forces to perform the first national prostate exam all the way up to the teeth.
Also, I approach the North Vietnamese with a bribe to come to me, get free gibs, in exchange for recognizing their pre-eminence over all of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
I then turn the spigot on after Ho Chi Minh renounces Communism in favor of "Dicatatorial Socialism" with a promise of "Democracy" at some point in the future.
Then, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese die in a COIN campaign in trying to control and dominate Indochina, while I have my CIA ensure the warmongerers and imperialists of the Vietnamese attain and retain power, so that they fight these wars forever until either they win, providing me with a 3rd faithful and strong ally in the region, locking China completely out of the South China Sea, or until they are totally discredited and Indochina walks away from Communism completely
I focus on destroying the Communists already in the country, waging a minor civil war as every college and media outlet of every kind is purged like a motherfucker, then I gather support to repudiate all the nigger civil rights shit, introducing an Amendment to deprive niggers of citizenship and re-affirm whiteness as a requirement, and ban Hispanics from claiming whiteness. Deport the blacks to Liberia, provide Liberia with aid. Economic and military aid as they conquer their neighbhors and ethnically cleanse the local niggy noggers
If Mexico gets uppity, take northern Mexico and Baja California in a policing action
>peoples heads off in Algeria for no fucking reason
They did because they were Muslim, good enough reason.
>Then France is no longer a western ally
They wre only able to reconsitute their military because we gave them free shit. Take away that free shit and abolish the French military
>France being behind the iron curtain
Again lol
We couldnt cut off troop movement and supplies, and the population barely supported us. And the government was fighting to a lose, to continue the idea of white, western armies losing wars and perpetuate the narrative of decolonialization
What is it with the group of edgy teens here suggesting nuking every time
Regardless of how likely it was in reality, there were serious concerns at the time that France would go full on communist. Unlike the other NATO powers, they had politically active socialist movements that enjoyed some degree of popular support.
Probably would have been better for France, the Communist got a few things right, one of them was keeping white countries white.
Still, doesn't change the stupidity of building up France back to being an independent power.
Ethnic bioweapons.
Given France’s lack of any semblance of stable, long-term governance, it wouldn’t be communist for long. It’d probably just lead to a 6th republic well before the implosion of the USSR. Plus, France has generally been more pro-multiculturalism relative to its peers, mostly due to its close colonial ties in North Africa.
>Linebacker III
>Linebacker IV
>Linebacker V
>Linebacker VI
>Linebacker VII
and so on
does anything good come out of france? no wonder the brits hated those faggots so much for so long
>does anything good come out of france?
33rd charlemagne division
Historically, they’ve been the main land power in Europe, and the prosperity that provided allowed their culture to flourish more so than their neighbors. At the same time, France since 1870 has consistently performed poorly militarily, and they don’t tend to play well with others.
Because it's probably the only way to win an actual military victory against North Vietnam. The little fuckers took more munitions than the US dumped during the entirety of WW2 and kept going. Vietnam was the US coming into the disaster of a situation left by the frogs and doing exactly the same thing (albeit on a larger scale), and surprise, surprise, it didn't work. The only other solutions I can come up with besides going full Oppenheimer is going full war crimes by releasing a biological weapons to target their staple crops (rice) and famine them out, dumping chemical weapons along 17th parallel to make moving troops/material much more difficult/suicidal, or just saying fuck it and dropping something terrible to straight up kill everyone in the North. It's not edgy, it's an honest assessment of what it would take to make the North actually capitulate, they laughed off something like 1.2 million dead in a county with a populations of 24 million in 1975 just from fighting alone. Simply put, it wasn't possible to beat them with half measures.
The Normans were French.
>The little fuckers took more munitions than the US dumped during the entirety of WW2 and kept going.
They really like full frontal nudity on TV. Some good things come from France.
The French military doesn't matter as much as adding to the Soviet operational abilities.
Ah yes bombing the same bridges inn north Vietnam really meant that they could take a beating.
Well duh, it obviously didn't work. We also were constantly pounding the 17th parallel and the ho chi minh trail, the problem is they basically had almost no infrastructure worth bombing. Still waiting on your great idea to win the war without resorting to nukes, war crimes, or starting WW3 champ.
Yup. Unless we somehow made most of the South Vietnamese actually prefer their government to the commies, it was inevitably going to end one way.
You can bomb it, you can strafe it, you can cover it with poison, you can turn it into glass.
But you don't own it unless your infantry's on it and the other guy's isn't.
ho chi minh btfo'ing american'ts to this day
You talk as if France isn't socialist now
>"You registered in May of this year (1975), identifying yourself as a former officer of the previous government's armed forces (ARVN). For this you are to report to the site at Bac Lieu and bring enough provisions last ten days beginning from the day of arrival"
>Actually stay for ten years.
It still has a capitalist market economy and is led by someone who exemplifies modern neoliberalism, so it’s pretty clearly not any kind of Marxist state. Full-on, kill the rich socialism has always enjoyed much more popular support in France than most NATO countries, though.
We do not talk about Lam Son 719.
>[Laughs in SOG]
We also do not talk about the Vietnamese Rangers, their helmets are a sight to behold.
>Israelis hand over nuclear materials
I think you might be confused about who built our bomb user.
Israel didn’t need us to build one, we needed a bunch of jews to help build ours.
Pull out and claim victory anyway
Just like how it happened
And don't forget to forget about ARVN.
France pays lip service to capitalism for the most part, they have heavy taxation and and welfare services, tenants of socialism. Most of their rich have already left for Belgium
Sure, but it’s closer to Scandinavian-style social democracy (which implies a capitalist market economy) than Marxist socialism. Not to say there hasn’t been a lot of support for that kind of thing there.
>It's '65. Lyndon "Little Betty" B. Johnson has put you (yes, you) in charge of the entire American Military Might. How do you "win" Vietnam? How do you "win" Vietnam anyways?
>How do you "win" Vietnam anyways?
Ban war reporters. Confiscate all cameras. Push recruitment over the draft and only deploy draftees when absolutely needed. If possible keep them at the rear.
Culture anthropology says that this is the best response.
Propaganda destroyed us harder than anything else
>The Normans were French.
they were technically french speaking vikings
>Norse man
>>dig so many tunnels under saigon it collapses
Kek'd and checked.
based and ricepilled
Reinforce the border, literally take control of South Vietnam, and give the people what they want short of communism. That or tell LBJ to fuck off and cut our losses. Or kill him, and free the blacks from democrat control.
>French 4th Republic collapses
>permanently lose their empire
>soldiers get fucked over like US ones did in Vietnam
Yep totally worth it since they got to kill some muslims.
Side with Vietnam against France in the first place before Communism has a chance to take root. Repel the French and then maintain small bases in the country. Only ever send volunteers of good moral character to those bases, quietly avoid certain demographics to prevent something like the Okinawan rape situation that the US military has going on now. Americanize the country.
>all of this bullshit just to get Vietnam as an ally when Ho wanted US support in the first place
You're a fucking retard my guy, never mind your masturbatory Jow Forums faggotry afterwards.
because the south korean government wasn't a complete and total gongshow? south koreans were actually fighting for something
arvn was fighting for the nebulous concept of "well, gee, my government is completely worthless at everything, but at least it isn't communism"
Since it's already '65 and I'm stuck in a cursed timeline where I can't btfo France with based Vietnamese nationalists I guess step 1 would be to invade Laos and Cambodia.
Here it is, striking legitimate targets in north Vietnam, invading north Vietnam or staying in south Vietnam like we did with Korea
Step 2:
>let pic related go to town on college campuses
This is the real key to victory.
Start by enforcing the laws against companies funding or providing aid to the enemy (Russia) so they in turn can't continue funding the cong.
Then triple the troop strength or unleash the nukes.
>Chinese start shit
Only historically ignorant retards think this would ever happen. Viets hate Chinese, hated them before George Washington, before Clovis united the Franks even. They would absolutely cut a deal with the south before allowing large numbers of Chinese troops on US soil.
That doesn't even cover the use of chemical weapons as defoliants, that lasted fro decades after the fact
Ok. Unless the Soviets institute serious economic management reform and stop being a caricature, it won't matter
All they had to do was leave Indochina and focus on Algiers
Too little too late
Yeah, but by the 1960s, that ship had done sailed, itd take a lot of bribery to get them back
Hey everybody, look at this retard
Look at him
He thinks massive industrial equipment and infrastructure just poofs into existence out of nothing
Yeah but the OP has us starting under the motherfucker that had JFK assassinated in cooperation with the Israelis.
Obviously, the best solution is to never arm the Free French, and never rearm the regular French. Force France to give up everything that isn't its Metropolitan zone. And do the same with the rest of the colonial powers, anything not in the same hemisphere of the homeland is given up and let go immediately
>quietly avoid certain demographics
Won't work unless you gank Truman and everyone around him that support desegregating the armed forces, and then introduce a consitutional amendment to deprive black of civil rights
Shooting the students is pointless when the communist friendly teachers are allowed to live
Napalm fucking everything. Don't stop. Don't waste money on troops, just send every bird in the fleet and give the gooks the gas treatment
DESU this would be ideal, I'd rather work with Russians than bug people
Ho chi minh. Shoot a load on your chin
I've studied this conflict a lot, and thought about this question a lot. Here's my best guess.
>before doing anything else, make it absolutely clear to the South Vietnamese general staff that the US is willing to leave them to the wolves if they keep fucking around, if they keep focusing on coups and embezzlement instead of the overall war effort, we absolutely will allow South Vietnam to collapse
>bring in a shitload of Marines, don't let Big Army take over the operation, let Krulak be overall commander, ask for as many Australians and Kiwis as possible because they actually understand counterinsurgency
>tear up the 1962 Geneva Accords, citing repeated North Vietnamese violations, convince the Laotian government that they're better off with US protection than without (if necessary "convince" may mean "military coup")
>deploy Marines/Ozzies to perform a Combined Action Program* in the area circled on the map.
>have Army Corps of Engineers construct a version of the Morice Line (imagine an electric fence that, when you cut the wire, electronic sensors tell you exactly where the wire was cut and you can just shell that location without even needing to see it) along that area
>now that South Vietnam is effectively isolated from North Vietnam, initiate the Land to the Tiller program but like six years early (basically, the US buys land from rich landowners in South Vietnam, and gives it to peasants)
If all goes well, South Vietnam should gradually calm down, while North Vietnam can't send anybody south to go fuck with them.
It would mean partitioning Laos, but that's somebody else's problem.
Invade the north. Prepare for Chinese counter attack.
>thanks to Vietnam America becomes something that breaks America ideal
Atomic weapons on the North.
Call China and the USSR's bluff.
Have every fucknig B52 and sub I can on station.
Absolutely destroy North Vietnam. Slaughter China if I have to. Dare the USSR to do something.
South Vietnamese military gets fucked over by everyone. Even themselves.
The USSR would let you burn and sodomize the Chinese with an entrenching tool, they hated each other.
i kill lbj
Step 1: Immediately call a press conference for a strategy to "solve the North Vietnam Situation"
Step 2: Wait for as many news stations to have me on air as possible.
Step 3: Immediate blab out that LBJ had Kennedy murdered, and order every single MP to arrest him and the Cabinet.
Step 4: Keep executing everyone down the line of continuation as a "conspirator," until I find a person who can be a good little figurehead for me.
Step 5: Annex South Vietnam as a US territory, sic every 3-letter agency to audit on the (former) South Vietnamese government, with shoot-to-kill orders on whoever they find guilty.
Step 6: Once all former regime folk have been terminated, offer South Vietnam to Ho Chi Minh, with the conditions that he reject Communism, expel all Russians and Chinese, save for embassy diplomats, and demand that he join SEATO.
Step 7: If he agrees, war is over, problem finished. If he doesn't agree, NV is now attacking legitimate US territory, and thus by international law circa 1965, I am well within my rights to nuke them, using nukes with as little radiation as possible, to keep the chinks from reeee-ing
Have everyone read The Ugly American again and again until they get it
But realistically, get rid of the South Vietnamese government
We absolutely ban press from going anywhere South East Asia, since day one of the war we bomb the shit out of both civilian infrastructure and military infrastructure on the North.
>Then France is no longer a western ally
France was never a western ally. There was a point when France flirted so hard with leftist ideals that CIA actually planned a coup in France to bring them back into NATO.
I don't know, they fought exceedingly well in 1914-1916, and were still pulling punches in 1918. That said by 1918 the Brits had found a way to make everyone their bitch, just look at how much they absolutely obliterated the Germans in the Hundred Days Offensive.
go talk to Ho Chi Minh and cut a deal. He gets Vietnam and stays out of the Cold War entirely. Best to let them and China fuck around with each other.
Summer has came early