I am being forced to move to a city for a job. I have access to a wide variety of firearms and can;t decide what would be best. Considering a pump because I don't want to over penetrate but also considering AR pistol build with frangible ammo. Any ideas?
Apartment Defense
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Shotgun will be fine. You're not going to be shooting multiple fine americans at the same time. Just out of curiosity, what city? I guess it matters a lot based on the city you mention.
An AR15 is the best urban fighting rifle. 77 grain OTM doesn't overpenetrate. That's a dead meme. The answer...again, is an AR15.
Just get a Glock, you hipster.
I’d opt for an AR if you have the funds. Shotguns are for birds and doors.
lel spotted the noguns who watches too many tacticool YouTube channels
PSA exists. There's literally no excuse to be a gun owner without an AR anymore.
These guys have it right. An AR is a vastly better choice, especially an AR pistol.
pic unrelated from a really cool /out/ thread a while back
10/10 drop a few grand on a gucci .300 BLK suppressed pistol build so you can store dead intruders in a freezer without waking up your neighbors
These. Weapons that are good for offense are indecently often good for defense.
Choose what the pros use.
Imagine spending that much money on setting up a nice AR and still using a shitwave brace
There are better brave options now is all
It does look nice though
Oh, yes you're right.
Fucc no baby, I wouldn't ever go into a condemned mine. Here in AZ we have abandoned mines that look like they could collapse any minute. Not only that but I'd be too scared to venture in those because AZ has some prime SW territory that's just frightening
What better options? I currently have a SBA3, but am open to suggestions.
Excuse my ignorance please, but wouldn't the EEEEEEEEEEEE be horrible indoors?
Also screw registering a piece of metal
>wouldn't the EEEEEEEEEEEE be horrible indoors
Yes, absolutely. The solution is either a suppressor or electronic earpro. All guns will fuck your hearing indoors though.
Imagine spending all this money to shoot a thug in your hallway.
Just get a basic bitch AR so you don’t have to worry about it sitting in an evidence locker indefinitely.
Nothing wrong with tricked out premium AR’s, just i’d rather save them for the happening than home defense.
The thread was fucking insane. It didn't get enough attention. The guy was from a family of miners and had a lot of experience entering abandoned mines, he posted tons of pics of one he recently explored. Some of the things he described that could be found in mines sound like the most lethal shit imaginable.
>wouldn't the EEEEEEEEEEEE be horrible indoors
It's better than being dead. Any gun will tickle your tinnitus.
Would you rather be deaf or dead.
Lmao bring lots of guns
Don't listen to this braindead retard.
Op here. I have several ARs. Just worried about over pen. But I guess my chances of a stray pellet are higher with shotgun
It's an apartment. Anything you own that will penetrate enough to put a man down will be enough to make a mockery of the shit we make apartments out of. Don't miss.
You’re correct.
In an apartment i’d say you’re better off with .308 than a shotgun. 9 projectiles vs. 1
#4 buck is your best bet for manstopping if you're worried about the neighbors.
>someones breaking in! quick pass me a gun
>which one?
depending on how big your apartment is you might as well use birdshot
birdshot within five yards will put anyone down without much overpenetration
>not going to be shooting multiple
9mm is stopped by brick walls but it'll zip through drywall even if you buy safety slugs
>Imagine spending all this money to shoot a thug in your hallway
>Imagine spending a lot of money on a firearm for X purpose
Yeah...this is the weapons interest board on Jow Forums. What did you think people would spend a lot of money on?
That guy was involved in drugs or something
Go be poor somewhere else plebeian.
Pistol calibers at least wouldn't rupture your eardrums like a SBR .556 would, and are perfectly acceptable outside of the home for defense.
The decreased recoil would improve shot placement.
People don't get suddenly stronger inside your house, do they?
>Pistol calibers at least wouldn't rupture your eardrums like a SBR .556 would
True. I really want to get a 9MM eventually and wouldn't mind using it for HD with underwood XDs.
Don’t don’t get an SBR. Ive forgot my earpro many times doing live fire drills indoors in the military. Eardrums aren’t ruptured. That said. EEEEEEEEE
Buy a 9mm AR pistol, then. Now's the time.
I've been eying the NFA C-9 for quite awhile. Probably should have just bought that over the Aero AR I just bought. Oh well.
I would say try to get an optic and flashlight on that AR for HD. You should be able to get rails segments for any of the MLOK plastic furniture or even basic bitch A2 handguards. If you're going full poorfag you can get a $50 TRS-25 too
Boomer detected. Have you taken your meds this morning, grandpa?
You can never have too many. If you're planning on having kids you should be stockpiling rifles and ammo to hand down to them. Laws are unlikely to get better.
Also, the only C-9 I know is this one, hell yeah brother
Rig the building with c4.
Birdshot won't spread much at that distance, it has enough power to penetrate 5 inches.
if they want to kill you that bad, they'll just blow up the passenger jet you're using
>Shoot upcoming nuclear scientist just on his way to get his life together at church through your bedroom holding your xboner, a knife, and his own boner
>Shithead DA presses charges for murder
>10k-100k bail or jail until trial (you will lose your house and job)
>Legal fees now instantly in six figures and may actually reach 7
>But at least you saved a few hundred bucks on your rifle.
Worrying about all the wrong shit, Jesus.
Tombstone has a mine open for touristy shit now. It is very structurally sound, but the problem with exploring abandoned silver mines is they would just fill up the tapped out portions as they went rather than move the broken rock a foot farther than they had to.
They're only acceptable outside the home because you cant conceal a rifle.
I have SBA3 as well, as far as I know its the best
A lot better than a shotgun would be.
holy fuck just bring them all
Is it really that bad?
Id be near Ghent.
Newport News and Norfolk is a cesspool of humanity.
I know there are bad areas but there are some white areas for sure. Fort Monroe was nice and Ghent doesnt seem too bad to me desu. Thinking about living in Ghent.
What areas would you suggest if I had to work in Norfolk.
Also OP here. Considering a Sub-2000 or Keltec PCC for now.
Unfortunately I don’t have any good advise for you. I was stationed at Ft Eustis in ‘05
MK18 Mod 0
Don’t listen to any of these doofbags. A 9mm handgun is the best defensive tool for apartment dwellers. Just buy a Glock 19 and be done with it.
OP, I live in Norfolk. Don't listen to these idiots, Ghent is probably the nicest part of Norfolk. It's where all the gays in the area live so it's not bad at all.
As for your defense weapon, you'd be fine with either. If you're a noguns I would recommend a 9mm pistol, or a shotgun.
>should I get a shotgun or a 'salt rifle?
Best of both worlds OP. Get a Saiga 12ga.
birdshot will not necessarily put an attacker down, it wont even stop a teenage girl.
What about turkey loads? I keep 1 7/8 Oz 3" magnum #4 shot turkey loads in my shotgun for home defense. Farthest shot I'd realistically take in my house would be maybe 25 feet.
I also keep the extra full extended choke in it for HD
Bad Company 2, is that you?
BB shot is the minimum for defensive purposes.
Well damn. It'll have to do for now until I load up some buckshot I guess. I have 100 3" magnum high brass hulls, 100 wads, plenty of powder, and a few pounds of #4 buck and 00 buck sitting in ziplock bags that I cast a couple of years back but never got around to loading up. I need to buy more #8 shot and load up some more skeet / dove loads as well.
Because I'm sure as hell not paying for expensive buckshot at the store when I can just make my own for less than the cost of buying cheap birdshot.
10/22 with binary trigger and 50rd drum
If you can live in Chesapeake or VB instead of Norfolk, you'll be better off from the start. But the correct answer to your question is an AR.
Better eeeeed then enriched
>get free lead
>melt down in lead pot
>cast my own buckshot
>put cast buckshot into shotshell along with wadding, powder, and primer
>now have lots of 3" magnum shells loaded up with buckshot for less money spent than what an equivalent amount of the cheapest birdshot shells cost at a store
Most of the buckshot I see at the stores around here is sold in little boxes of only 5-10 shells at a time and are expensive as hell.
Get an 8-10 round mag, because the 12's look gay as fuck. Load with high brass #4 buck, and sleep well. I would recommend buying some federal bulk walmart to break it in and have some fun. Mine required about 300 rounds to be reliable.
Get the ruger AR556 pistol. It 700 bucks right now. Slap in a supressor or a blast diverter and you got yourself the perfect home defense gun.