Another great US fighter that gets shit on and lied about
F-16 love thread
Inb4 pajeets lie about shooting one down
No one takes them seriously. Not even vatniks and chinks believe pajeet lies. They just repeat them to get a rise out of us.
I'm still mad the F-16XL never saw service
Flying. Brick.
I love those conform fuel packs. It's like the F-16 got sick of being compared to it's cooler bigger brother the F-15 and went to the gym to get swole.
this is my favorite fighter
versatile and pretty.
The old ones (Block 15-3x) are beautiful. Everything else after that? They'
What's the difference?
t. Can't tell the difference
It's definitely beefier.
Still no video evidence of Pakistans F-16 all in one room at the same time
>Literally confirmed by external agencies
Is F-16 viper good? my country will sign around 32-48 of it to replace hawk squadrons this year as well as upgrading current f-16 fleet
The US has F-16s with CFTs? I never knew that.
She was too good for this world.
>Take a lightweight interceptor and multi-role plane
>Beef it up, and throw two crewmen in it
Sometimes, I really appreciate the Israeli commitment to just doing things however the hell they want.
>Literally not confirmed by external agencies
The F-16 was unwanted by the USAF because it was too inexpensive. Generals in procurement act like women apparently. "Those shoes must be horrible they only cost $69, I much prefer those $1200 ones."
>yfw I'm looking at some F-16s right now
Its one of the best 4th gens around.
You could pack a bouquet of flowers in that cockpit